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You can never have enough...
roma, I would love to see your design and what colours you chose. A picture sounds perfect Smile

I'm taking an early tea break from weeding and digging. My back is telling me it's been working this week. Only a corner to do and then there are lots of weeds to pick up and bin.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Looking forward to seeing the embroidery projects on their completion.

Shelving assembled and we are still married no cross words so all good.

Relaxing with biscuit and cup of tea. The waste cardboard is piled in front of my fabric boxes so can't get to my fabric. Guess I will ha e to knit
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile It's a rough day out there this morning.

lol mica. Your comment about still being married reminded me of MrK teaching me to back a trailer... now that came pretty close to divorce lol.

Housework for me today and if the weather clears, I'll start picking up the piles of weeds to be binned.

The shower is leaking and this time we need the plumber (again). We suspect it is all to do with the higher water pressure we have now. Am just about ready to throw my hands in the air and give up. No, not throw my hands in the air, I feel like having a full blown tanty. Am over all these repairs/replacements we have had over the last 18 months.

I'm working my way back up the right hand side of the wolf, I estimate a week to ten days and it will be finished.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Its wild and wooly here too.

Lol Mica and Kiwimade, flat packing should be left to women.. And My stepfather started to teach me how to back a trailer, usually when we were dropping grass at the transfer station. But sadly he died before I finished learning.. and there was no way in h*ll I was getting MrP to finish teaching me .. There would have been fists before the divorce. his not mine. I've driven the car with one on, but not backed one really lol.

It was nice painting yesterday.. its not a picture I would have chosen, but as it was gifted to me I feel I have to do it. Didn't help that Madam wanted to snuggle in one arm at the same time.

No plans for today, but Im sure Ill find something to do. I have a movie I want to see. its oldish lol. War Horse. Have had it for ages, still wrapped. so Ill watch that later.

Have a fab day
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning everyone

Still really windy but not so wet this morning.

Had a very lazy day yesterday, didn't do much at all.

Off to do my bloods and see the ladies today. Dressing will be an issue lol. Cos they keep the home very warm. So strippable layers are needed lol.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile That was one wild night with all the wind and rain with a bit more to come by the looks of it.

Not a lot planned for the day, hopefully the plumber can come out and fix the shower. There is still room in the wheelie bin for more weeds and the Furry One needs more medication. And I'll make a chicken pie out of the leftover roast chook for dinner tonight. More of a 'pottering about' day than anything.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning.

Back from school/ kindy run.  Whoa, it's wild out there! Mix of wind/rain/sun!

Busy weekend ... they fly by so fast. Good to get a big house tidy done as well ... dust appears quickly where we now live. 

Groceries soon and looking like an inside day. 

Stay warm and dry all.
morning all
wild night here too but all calm overcast  now cold only 7 degrees currently.

DGD2 birthday party yesterday morning and then we baby sat DGD1 later in the afternoon so her parents could go out for movie and dinner. It was DSIL birthday.

Today supposedly prepping for a meeting tonight but cant access the papers so thats on hold.

taking the cardboard to the recycle then on to Bunnings to get outdoor broom and small ironing board.

DD has requested an apron for DGD1 so will need to sort the fabric out for that this afternoon

Hope that your shower leak is fixed today KM water can do so much damage

enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning all 
Going to be fine but very cool day

Made reversible  apron  for  DGD1 it turned out well will add to her  birthday  gifts. Have ordered some clothes for her dolls. They on track to arrive at end  of the week 

Quilt guild day meeting up the coast today taking the cot quilt to hand stitch the binding.

DH like the new broom we  got yesterday as it swept the leaves of our wee patch of lawn he sprayed the moss yesterday so he prepping to get a better looking lawn

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile The sun is finally out but it is still chilly.

The plumber never arrived yesterday; fingers crossed for today. We have towels where the water is dripping so it would be good if he could fix it today.

Once the bin man has been I'll refill the bins with the weeds and garden rubbish we can't compost. And it looks like we are back to weekly lawn mowing. MrK wants a good catcher load of clippings in 'bin #2 please'.

I made a comment under AMI's FB post about the loss adjuster we had for our claim and couldn't believe it when a woman from AMI replied and said they would investigate her behaviour. I wanted to make a complaint at the time, but MrK felt we had enough on our plates with him going into hospital on top of everything else. We both just wanted it over and done with. It will be interesting to see if anything comes of it.

Later this afternoon I'll do more on the jacket. Am almost halfway up the right hand side now.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Cool start but it's nice and sunny. 

Fingers crossed for the plumber KM. Someone you don't want on hold!

Home day today,  out this evening for a GS music recital. Should be able to get outside later ... nearly done the garden weed round, with a small shrub to plant and I see there is another big one needed where a Lancewood has mysteriously died.  Sometimes I wonder what (if any) spray has been used on the other side of a neighbouring fence Undecided

Well underway with the embroidery ... at last on a roll.

Better keep on the move.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone.

Clear here but chilly.

House smells good tho. I got the ingredients ready to ut bread on, and since I was awake at 4-15am, on it went. So its cooling now. A nice size loaf too.

I have ladies coming for picks up today. So home day.

It hit the fan at the home yesterday. Annie who while I love her dry wit, has run out of smokes so super sensitive and stressed. she wiped her no on a paper serviette and then put it on the lunch table. Colleen ripped into her. Including telling her to go have a shower, frig knows how long its bean but her hair is disgusting and she smells. So Annie left without her lunch, she did come back and get it without saying a word.

Then we were sitting talking and the alarms went. The doors all slammed shut to each wing. It was training for the staff, but thankfully it was just us and one other lady. So while we were concerned, Dianne and I could have got the three residents out if need be. None can walk. They should have let us know tho. Cos they can all read the alarm board and it came up as smoke. But we kept them calm.

I've decided to de-bone the lamb leg. So its defrosting in the sink. Ill thaw it today, and get creative tomorrow. And then Ill be cooking it in the crockpot. Possibly in two cooks. My Sister friend from Taranaki is coming up on Thursday which is also her birthday. So we will enjoy it. Ill cook waffles for desert. She loves cheesecake but that's not in my budget, Beit making or just buying one.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Oh boy! I have finally made it as an influencer on Instagram. This morning I got a request from Elon Musk to follow me on Twatter, no sorry that new Hex thing. I am so impressed with myself, I instantly blocked his ai arse, of course, lol...
(20-08-2024, 09:17 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Oh boy! I have finally made it as an influencer on Instagram. This morning I got a request from Elon Musk to follow me on Twatter, no sorry that new Hex thing. I am so impressed with myself, I instantly blocked his ai arse, of course, lol...

Oh my - should we be envious...? Nah, can't be arsed. Rolleyes Big Grin

Both Madame Le cat & Madame Le Dog were in disgrace yesterday; her furriness was perched on the fence snarling & growling at something on the other side, so managed to just reach up & grab her & shut her inside for ten minutes.
Obviously far too soon since within approximately 20 seconds there was the sound of a cat fight. Raced out to grab her & caught a glimpse of the dreaded interloper who's also a tabby but with white feet & bib. 
Shut her inside again.

Which is where Madame le Dog enters the picture... she caught sight of the hated invader walking past & jumped up to express her strong disapproval & damn near took the windpw out!

Its very quiet out there today; long may it remain so. Rolleyes
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
An influencer... wow... lol. I'd have blocked Musk's ar*e as well although it was probably someone he pays to manage his account.

It would seem the two Madams have joined together, Lilith Tongue I would be worried Tongue

It would seem the plumber is waiting for parts so it's towels to mop up the water.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I dunno you guys. It almost seems you doubt my superior skills as a wannabe influencer...
(20-08-2024, 02:10 PM)kiwimade64 Wrote: An influencer... wow... lol.  I'd have blocked Musk's ar*e as well although it was probably someone he pays to manage his account.

It would seem the two Madams have joined together, Lilith Tongue  I would be worried Tongue

It would seem the plumber is waiting for parts so it's towels to mop up the water.

It won't last - which is what I keep telling myself, with fingers crossed. Rolleyes Big Grin

(20-08-2024, 02:49 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I dunno you guys. It almost seems you doubt my superior skills as a wannabe influencer...

Oh, as if we would... Rolleyes Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Id be interested in knowing what you are Influencing people about Hunni lol

Scary sign having the two madams becoming a single unit..

Well I feel like I've had a productive day so far.

The Bread is yummy. The creamed rice is cooked and..

It took me 30 minutes to unwrap, debone, tie up and pop one piece in the crockpot , the other which wasn't quite defrosted is in the fridge for Thursday.

I love busy times in the kitchen, and totally enjoyed being there.

I now know the anatomy of a Lamb leg lol. I've done pork before, generally just shoulder roasts tho. I managed to get it boned out without any waste other than a piece of Fat I intentionally cut off. All in one piece. Needed a knife that could have been sharper. But its done now. I should have stopped and sharpened it, but Ill do that before I use it again. Was MRP's filleting knife.

Soo Ill be up late while the meat cooks in the crockpot.

Yesterday I had 3 cans of Pepsi and had jumping legs last night. So 2 is my max. now. Im not really missing it so much today either so Thats a Bonus
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We have fog this morning.

lol OHH, would we ever doubt you? Tongue

Nice work, popeye Smile Always good to have some knife skills in the kitchen.

Fingers crossed again for the plumber, the leak is becoming worse.

By the sound of it, our grandson would like a dragon on the back of his jacket. I'll need to find a second hand jacket in his size first. Colours to be advised lol but I suspect purple will be in there somewhere. My kind of kid Heart

The lawn needs mowing again, it doesn't matter there is fog, I can still get out there and mow. I tend to work better in the mornings.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Clear as a bell here..

Love kids who like their own stuff regardless of what others think Kiwimade.

I totally enjoyed doing the meat. And I will say its yummy lol.. Ill make a sandwich to take with me today.

Off to see the girls, its painting day. Thankfully I wont see Annie. Shes the one that for some reason has become dirty. I do wonder if I should give her some shower gel and shampoo, it could help. But whether she would take it with the love that its given with. Or be offended, I dont know. Might talk to Dianne and see what she thinks.

Have a fab day all.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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