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You can never have enough...
Went to empty the washing machine to find water on the floor... turns out the washer with the wee basket thingy on it had failed and water was going everywhere. And I couldn't turn the washing machine tap under the tub off, so the pump was turned off. And it has to be the day after the plumber's visit. A trip to mitre10 and $12 later (bought two, if one goes you know the other isn't far behind), fixed the machine and now have all the cleaning rags and towels used to mop washing. Fingers and everything crossed no leaks or flooding! Am just happy the water didn't reach the vacum cleaner charging!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(23-08-2024, 07:50 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies from a sunny Waikato Smile

lol OHH, you're keen!  This Svedish Death Cleaning is a tad extreme for me.

The plumber has been thank goodness and has fixed the shower, the hose under the laundry tub which by chance started to leak again yesterday morning, and showed me how to take the loo seat off the new loo.  Now we await the bill.

My sister-in-law rocked up for a coffee as she was in Tirau yesterday and took more of the old bricks back home with her. The pile is slowly but surely going down.  She also took some old concrete reinforcing wire to support a rose.  I may regret letting that go when I move Madam Alfred shortly.  She has suggested we use the family scooter MrK's sister bought before she passed away. I suggested it a few days ago and got the no, not yest response.  She suggests it and he says, ok, I'll try it.  I like to think I put the idea there lol.  But who cares really, he needs something.  He has another doctor's appointment and will be asking for the OT to come and see what we need around the house.

Half of the cherry tree has been cut down Big Grin MrK taught me how to cut big branches so they fall slowly and 'supervised' the cutting.  Our friend is coming early next week to do the rest as the remaining branches will fall over the fence and I can't climb the fence to get them.  The grinding will have to wait as his grinder is away at the moment but that will happen.

Housework today, two loads of washing to do and it should dry outside.  We didn't need the heat pump on until late last evening, so the temperatures are climbing slowly.  I have some typing to do for my sister-in-law and will get that done later as well.

Happy crafting Smile

Not so keen KM, rather - driven to it. Living in a tiny space and being a magpie is a recipe for disaster clutter. And then there's the knowledge that all these years of accumulating do have to be sorted either by me, or by some poor soul after I skip the country. Best not to be too selfish about doing a little preparation, that job is no fun for anyone.

And I appreciate the opportunity to cull the flock of dust bunnies, I am not the world's best housekeeper!

As for scooters, you know how I feel about mine. It is my freedom, and my fun. And yes, I understand the reluctance, it was 'needs must' when I first used one in my forties, and I have been on and off them as my legs allowed ever since. These days I appreciate the ability to be independent of everybody and everything, so long as the weather is good! And it is complicated when we have to give up the drivers licence, that particular privilege so quickly becomes part of our self image. It was very hard seeing someone else ride off on my bike, at least the family car will still be in your garage!

I did seriously bless the scoot this past Wednesday. It granted me the chance to see the royal spoonbill family at the duck pond, and to steal a gorgeous spray of pink and white jasmine from a neglected road planting, that is currently scenting my flat. Bit hard to do both hurtling past in the comfort of a steel box!  Big Grin
lol OHH, so true! This little scooter is light enough to pick up and put in the car. And I think it's electric as well. Coming home from Mitre10, he was talking about it Smile That's a good start in my book. And I can still drive Smile , it will make life so much easier when we go places.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I think another advantage to the scoot is I get to talk to some really interesting people. Nice people smile and respond to my 'Morning!' openings, the other kind of people better watch their ankles...

Brrrrm brrrm!
Bit like walking the dog, OHH Tongue Same principle Tongue
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
There's a woman we see occasionally who uses a scooter; Madame Le Dog was quite wary but one day she stopped & talked to her (& me) & gradually calmed her down & Madame Le Dog allowed herself to be patted so now she quite likes it when we see her although still not keen on anyone else using a scooter.
I think it might be the size more than anything.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Yes, some dogs are okay, but others freak out. Slow and steady is the rule.
MrP had a mobility scooter.

But being the petrol head he was he drove too fast and too dangerously. and kept falling off.

So We sold it again.

Id be happy with one tho. And hopefully look forward to having one somewhere down the line.

Had a lovely time at the rest home today. Even got a hug from David. He instigated it. And lots of cuddles from his dog Bella. Shes a snuggle bug Chocolate lab cross.

Apple pie for tea. And we are still full from lunch and tea.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile It's raining today, will be nice to have an 'inside' day.

It's going to be interesting having the scooter with the Furry One. He's not too keen on them either. And OMG have you seen the speed some people go at the malls? We were nearly bowled over not long ago. MrK bought a walking stick yesterday and is finding that has helped enormously with his mobility. I suggested it months ago but may have been too soon in suggesting it. It's an adjustable one and fits comfortably in his hand. Life is changing for us both and we're both having to adapt.

The remainder of the cherry tree is coming down on Wednesday, the grinding will wait until the grinder has been repaired. The cabbage tree will also lose some branches and the bux hedge cut back some more. Slowly, slowly the hedge is being tamed.

I think I'll work a bit more on the jacket today seeing as it's raining. The sides are a tad uneven but I'm not unpicking anymore. Then again, whose face is truly symmetrical.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all 

I think the furry one might enjoy the ride on MrK knee.

Had nice catch up with friends yesterday probably an indoor day here so will get on and toille  one of my top patterns.

Had some brie cheese left over so we had apricot, chicken and brie pizza for t last night very tasty

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning all.

From a wet Auckland.

Not a lot planned today although my friend would like to go to the oppie cos they have a $1 clothing sale.. Very tempting. But we will see. She brought some clothes to be repaired, not telling me and to be honest Im not in the mood to sew. so Ill try and do other things and not have time.

The area where she is sitting is a bombsite , as is her room. But she has always been the same so I dont expect any changes.

Sat there last night sorting through some of her Diamonds she has managed to get 3 greens and a red mixed up. They were close greens too.. How the heck she did that I dont know. But I suggested she get some proper storage containers to use as a working kit.

She goes home this afternoon. So it will be quiet again lol.

A good day for indoor jobs today. Havent used the heater for 3-4 days now.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I had roast lamb and ate far too much of it. So I shall be eating lean today.! That'll learn me... Not.
A thought going round in my head today, is about businesses, and the way the big guys swallow the smaller ones, and just assume they will get their customers. In the process, those customers are often disadvantaged, so it pays to not just go with the flow even if it is easier.

I guess politics is a bit like that too. The promises and the reality often don't match. But with politics we can't go somewhere else, until their term is up.

(23-08-2024, 07:13 PM)popeye333 Wrote: MrP had a mobility scooter.

But being the petrol head he was he drove too fast and too dangerously. and kept falling off.

So We sold it again.

Id be happy with one tho. And hopefully look forward to having one somewhere down the line.

Had a lovely time at the rest home today. Even got a hug from David. He instigated it. And lots of cuddles from his dog Bella. Shes a snuggle bug Chocolate lab cross.

Apple pie for tea. And we are still full from lunch and tea.

I have a cunning plan, should I ever need a mobility scooter. Sweetie darling no.3 is a mechanic  (or something along those lines) so if I ever need a mobility scooter, he'll willingly soup it up for me.

Unless he wants that photo of himself aged about 5 & wearing a friend's daughter's pink tutu all over the net... Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Your post Hunni has a lot of relevance to what is spinning around in my head - politics and their unintended consequences that often go under the radar .The previous govt decided the use of our natural gas had to come to an end so many industries like Pan PAC had to remove their gas lines which they switched to if the electricity supply was compromised - stopping the production of pulp midway through a run is horrendous - so when electricity supply could not be guaranteed the mill has shut down - 1000 manufacturing jobs plus hundreds of connected jobs like drivers because the previous govt took away the alternative .My son has one of the few remaining privately owned sawmills he has had to cut his staff back by one day not because he is worried about profits but because all his waste products go to PanPac - if he doesn’t remove it daily his insurance in invalid plus the council will prosecute him .So the damage to manufacturing jobs is not only those directly employed at PanPac but 280 workers in Ohakune plus 150 employed by my son - workers at the port plus truck drivers - it is rippling out all over Hawke’s Bay .It’s not only the timber industry - Robie had to remove his emergency gas line to his Bakery - so he now faces the risk of the power going off mid bake with no gas connection to fall back on .Labour claimed stopping the use of our own Natural gas is to reduce emissions - so now we have PanPac closed 100% of the log harvest being shipped to China - instead of only 30% - in ships fuelled by fossil fuel - the logs processed to cardboard in China using dirty coal and then the product comes back to NZ on another ship guzzling diesel and this is better than using our own natural gas - costing hundreds of manufacturing jobs - these workers aren’t like state servants with options - these are people desperately needing these manufacturing jobs - where are 280 men in Ohakune going to go as they watch the logs they used to process go to China on a ship polluting the world then workers in China processing the product burning dirty coal then back the ship comes -
Yes we all know that we are running out of time to clean up our planet but politicians have absolutely no regard for the damage they are doing introducing policy that is no more than virtue signalling- in essence Labour do not want kiwi manufacturing to continue if it means we utilise our natural gas supplies but it’s OK to import dirty coal to run Huntly and it’s OK to increase pollution sending our product to China .It’s not about profits it’s about common sense - these manufacturing jobs in the timber industry are the only option for these kiwis - destroying their lives for no gain to the climate is just plain stupidity
One thing is for sure the report that came out recently regarding the Police response during Gabrielle absolutely incensed the people of the Bay as it proved what many thought was true that Hipkins lied repeatedly was bad enough but seeing PanPac not operating - they have been closed 14 months rebuilding after Gabrielle - Labour will certainly struggle to regain their long held parliamentary seat
(24-08-2024, 10:47 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: A thought going round in my head today, is about businesses, and the way the big guys swallow the smaller ones, and just assume they will get their customers. In the process, those customers are often disadvantaged, so it pays to not just go with the flow even if it is easier.

I guess politics is a bit like that too. The promises and the reality often don't match. But with politics we can't go somewhere else, until their term is up.


Lately I've been wondering if we should perhaps have a taking stock of progress by newly elected govts at about the half way mark, done by an extremely independant body of some kind which will spell it out very, very, clearly whether 1) promises have been kept,  2) the consequences of their actions so far & 3) the most likely consequences of present & potential actions.

But its probably too difficult. Plus,that lot in the beehive would fight like hell to prevent it. Dodgy
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Well, I have always had doubts about our opting for democracy. It is such a flawed system.

But the alternatives aren't a lot better.
(24-08-2024, 11:46 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Well, I have always had doubts about our opting for democracy. It is such a flawed system.

But the alternatives aren't a lot better.

And that is the problem. Rolleyes
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Laundry just about done. Pile of old glossy mags unearthed, scanned, ripped into (collage materials!), and into the recycling bin, items stacked on the wardrobe shelf for ' Maybes'and 'Maybe Nots' pulled down and into donate bag...

Gosh I feel so pure.
Not all state servants have options when they lose their jobs. I have nieces and their partners working in Wellington and their jobs are continually under threat. All are very well qualified and have held responsible positions for many years and  they are most certainly not alone in this situation. For every job advertised there are a lot of applicants.
Then there are the so called “back-room” workers who have lost their jobs and unable to find another as many such as receptionists, secretarial support etc etc are not being replaced in any government department and the private sector can’t absorb them all.
Then there is the flow on effect to other businesses, properties, transport etc etc when people are not working they can’t afford many things which we have taken for granted.

It’s becoming a really sad situation for so many people in many occupations around the country that there is no certainty of having a job from day to day.

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