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You can never have enough...
(24-08-2024, 04:12 PM)Venetian1 Wrote: Jan
Not all state servants have options when they lose their jobs. I have nieces and their partners working in Wellington and their jobs are continually under threat. All are very well qualified and have held responsible positions for many years and  they are most certainly not alone in this situation. For every job advertised there are a lot of applicants.
Then there are the so called “back-room” workers who have lost their jobs and unable to find another as many such as receptionists, secretarial support etc etc are not being replaced in any government department and the private sector can’t absorb them all.
Then there is the flow on effect to other businesses, properties, transport etc etc when people are not working they can’t afford many things which we have taken for granted.

It’s becoming a really sad situation for so many people in many occupations around the country that there is no certainty of having a job from day to day.

Yes, its very difficult for many just now. I have a friend whose position was 'disestablished' a week before Xmas.  Luckily for her she was able to find another position relatively quickly once a friend of hers heard she was looking.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
All those nurses at the job fair on the news tonight... We need those nurses, but Oz can afford them.
morning ladies Smile  More fog...

We saw those nurses on the news as well, OHH.  So sad they feel they have to leave NZ to get ahead.  And yep, the Ozzies will take as many as they can.  My sister-in-law is a retired nurse, and she told us the other day the Ozzies love the way our nurses use their initiative and work.  Son said the same thing in his job, his employer would rather employ kiwi and Brits. 

Yesterday the Furry One had the biggest seizure he's had in a very long time, even frothing at the mouth.  He slept with his head on my legs for hours afterwards which is typical of epilepsy.  It's exhausting afterwards.  Our after hours vet is in Tauranga as our vet (and others in town) no longer does after hours work.  He was fine after a good three hour sleep and quite perky after eating his dinner.  If he has more seizures like this in spite of his meds, MrK and I will have to have a serious discussion. The epilepsy is always in the background (even after upping his med dosage) as he is always twitching in his sleep.   It's awful watching the confusion on his face as his body goes nuts.  All we can do is stay calm and let him know we are there.

While he was sleeping on my legs, I took the time to work on our granddaughter's jacket in between patting and reassuring him.  The embroidery should be finished over the next day or so Big Grin  I'll start looking in my stash for some fabric to line the inside today.  I will admit to being happy to see it done and dusted.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

It's a cool morning but lovely sunshine. 

Your poor boy KM ... and you ... not a nice experience at all. I witnessed a girl have a seizure when I was a child ... it was traumatising at the time and something I've never forgotten. We've seen the vet situation is dior as well. 

Busy yesterday as we were out for half the day ... today is looking more like a "get outside and get things done" day. The lawn has definitely liked the rain.  At the moment the TV is on with Americas Cup racing (not my choice)! 

I've not done any handcraft the last few days ... a book that needed finishing took precedence.

My sister and DIL are both nursing tutors ... what a waste losing them to better paid positions overseas - who can blame them.  This country will be sunk when the economy does pick up and there's no one left to employ.  Son has applied for redundancy ... the teams are despondent and dispirited with no real direction (and probably interest) any more.

Better get the first load of washing out. 

Enjoy the day all.
We had an old Staffie cross who had been a great pig hunting dog for all of his long life. He came home to us when his owner decided he was no longer up to the job and was going to shoot him. He was a honey of a dog, the sweetest love, and he was with our lot for a year then I let him become the house dog for those last few months. He too developed epilepsy and so we had the local vet come up and give him the mercy gift. It was a much better end than a bullet in the bush I think but probably just as quick. He had earned the kindness.

Epilepsy is no fun, my Mum developed it in her early fiftes. She said the aftermaths were worse than the migraines she'd had since a child - probably related, though the neurologist could find no physical cause. The technology in the seventies wasn't as sophisticated as it is now. Interesting though that as she went through the TIAs and progressed into the big strokes the seizures stopped, so they must have destroyed the part of her brain initiating the storms. One drug fewer to take every morning. Boy she was on a handful of those for years, I am very pleased to just have my two! Things were very different back then...
Morning everyone

We started with Fog but the sun is through now.

Its a hard time for you Kiwimade. I knew a lady who had a Doberman with Epilepsy. He was a beautiful dog. They decided to set him free in the end , when the drugs weren't helping. Always remember its the Last best thing you will do for him. He will tell you when he has had enough too.

I think I nodded off before 9pm last night. And Im having a slow day. Ill load the dishwasher and put some rice on. Oh and a load of washing.

But Ill paint. I want to get the painting finished before I start diamond painting again.

We had a lovely visit. Just long enough for me cos I was getting tired. I see good changes in my friend. But She will always be lazy lol

My lawn needs doing but its too wet. Need a couple of fine days and to fit in with my schedule . But it will get done.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I'm waiting for the battery for the hand saw to recharge, boy it has worked hard this morning. I've been cutting some older tree branches for our neighbour's fire. She's a single mum and hasn't the tools to do the cutting. And I've moved all the pots, chairs, table and BBQ away from the hedge ready for cutting on Wednesday. The weather is meant to turn to custard and I want to be organised for our friend. Claude Monet has been moved into a big pot as he will be in the way (again, poor thing lol) when the rest of the cherry tree comes down. There's not much left of this rose thanks to being trashed when the tree fell down. But those three perfect roses it gave us last season in spite of everything has earned it some respite.

The Furry One seems ok today. We made the decision when he first started his seizures, we would try the medication and follow our vet's advice. Seven years later he's still here Smile We kinda knew something was off with him as he wouldn't leave us alone, a sure sign he was going to seize. We are so lucky he hangs out with us when not well Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
That's hard KM; but in the end we all have to do what we see as the best we can for our furry family, & if he's doing OK then that's all to the good.

Did a tiny bit of digging & weeding yesterday & want to do more today so I can get compost dug in a bit later ready for planting runner beans. Ageing can be frustrating - I'd hoped to get quite a bit more done but keep forgetting I'm not 25 any more dammit.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Some of the unearthed old broad bean seeds have sprouted. Now I have to find a bit pot for them.

Don't know whether I am happy or not about that. I am feeling so lazy here with my very good latest John Sandford novel...
(24-08-2024, 04:12 PM)Venetian1 Wrote: Jan
Not all state servants have options when they lose their jobs. I have nieces and their partners working in Wellington and their jobs are continually under threat. All are very well qualified and have held responsible positions for many years and  they are most certainly not alone in this situation. For every job advertised there are a lot of applicants.
Then there are the so called “back-room” workers who have lost their jobs and unable to find another as many such as receptionists, secretarial support etc etc are not being replaced in any government department and the private sector can’t absorb them all.
Then there is the flow on effect to other businesses, properties, transport etc etc when people are not working they can’t afford many things which we have taken for granted.

It’s becoming a really sad situation for so many people in many occupations around the country that there is no certainty of having a job from day to day.
A state servant in a city sure has far more options than a family in Ohakune who are out of work simply because their mill have had their emergency power source disestablished .When Robies bakery goes down in the early hours of the morning because he can’t switch to his emergency gas - the prison ,schools,rest homes,the medical centre ,cafes and restaurants,ships leaving port plus the supermarket are left without their requirements - is this really good governance - should we not be using the resources we have .You know how huge PanPac is and the amount of revenue and jobs they generate throughout the entire district - you will also know they have been shut down for 14 months because of Gabrielle - 
My sons mill is in CHB the entire village relies on the mill operating - you surely don’t equate their chances of feeding their families with the opportunities a state servant has in Wellington -they can pivot is many different directions- yes they may have to come out of their comfort zone working in the private sector is very different from being a state servant .We can’t afford to lose manufacturing jobs when we have the resources to save them - the stupidity of taking the wood we grow overseas by a diesel guzzling ship and manufacturing it using dirty coal in China then bringing it back on another diesel guzzling ship as manufactured paper bags to replace plastic bags while we have our own natural resources is plain stupidity - at what cost all our manufacturing jobs and all the ancillary jobs .The country should be rioting
And if the big power companies had invested in infrastructure over the years in preparation for dry years - instead of taking huge profits for their shareholders, including successive governments of all stripes, we might still be self sufficient in power. If our population hadn't expanded so fast and so much, if we hadn't all taken up technology that relies on power, and demanded the same from our councils, and schools, and institutions. And suppliers.

We are all living beyond our means, but suggest we might downsize, or limit consumption, or live smaller - and all hell breaks loose. Suggest climate change means we need to act now, and take radical action - and more hell breaks loose. And the politicians know it. That's their jobs at risk, their comfy lifestyles, their status and power.

We are spoilt, and we refuse to acknowledge it. And the end result of that refusal is seriously bad news. Not just for belt tightening or any other limitation on our lives - but it puts our grandchildren's lives at serious risk.

That is the real price.
(25-08-2024, 02:40 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: And if the big power companies had invested in infrastructure over the years in preparation for dry years - instead of taking huge profits for their shareholders, including successive governments of all stripes, we might still be self sufficient in power. If our population hadn't expanded so fast and so much, if we hadn't all taken up technology that relies on power, and demanded the same from our councils, and schools, and institutions. And suppliers.

We are all living beyond our means, but suggest we might downsize, or limit consumption, or live smaller - and all hell breaks loose. Suggest climate change means we need to act now, and take radical action - and more hell breaks loose. And the politicians know it. That's their jobs at risk, their comfy lifestyles, their status and power.

We are spoilt, and we refuse to acknowledge it. And the end result of that refusal is seriously bad news. Not just for belt tightening or any other limitation on our lives - but it puts our grandchildren's lives at serious risk.

That is the real price.

I think that what it comes back to yet again is successive govts  being either unwilling to or incapable of, taking a much longer term view.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(25-08-2024, 03:26 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(25-08-2024, 02:40 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: And if the big power companies had invested in infrastructure over the years in preparation for dry years - instead of taking huge profits for their shareholders, including successive governments of all stripes, we might still be self sufficient in power. If our population hadn't expanded so fast and so much, if we hadn't all taken up technology that relies on power, and demanded the same from our councils, and schools, and institutions. And suppliers.

We are all living beyond our means, but suggest we might downsize, or limit consumption, or live smaller - and all hell breaks loose. Suggest climate change means we need to act now, and take radical action - and more hell breaks loose. And the politicians know it. That's their jobs at risk, their comfy lifestyles, their status and power.

We are spoilt, and we refuse to acknowledge it. And the end result of that refusal is seriously bad news. Not just for belt tightening or any other limitation on our lives - but it puts our grandchildren's lives at serious risk.

That is the real price.

I think that what it comes back to yet again is successive govts  being either unwilling to or incapable of, taking a much longer term view.
Was just reading it’s 50 years since Norman Kirk died - we probably all agree he was the last PM we have had that ran the country on good old common sense .Ideology should never override common sense and while we all want to protect our grandchildren todays kids living in Ohakune also need to be protected,We are not protecting our grandchildren increasing the pollution in China or burning dirty coal in Huntly - that’s not common sense when we could be using our own resources- if we could survive not using them and not increasing pollution in China that’s common sense
There will always be reasonable excuses for us not taking radical action. It is the most awful dilemma, but, unless we do take that action we are simply passing the burden on to the future. On to other people. And for me that is inexcusable.

As for our own resources, I am all for that. So long as those resources do not include fossil fuels. Ours, or other nations, the result is the same. The cost is the same. Except we won't be paying it.
(25-08-2024, 05:01 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: There will always be reasonable excuses for us not taking radical action. It is the most awful dilemma, but,  unless we do take that action we are simply passing the burden on to the future. On to other people. And for me that is inexcusable.

As for our own resources, I am all for that. So long as those resources do not include fossil fuels. Ours, or other nations, the result is the same. The cost is the same. Except we won't be paying it.
Make no mistake. We'll all be paying for it if climate change isn't brought under control.

morning ladies Smile The sun's out! Finally lol

harm_less, I think we are already paying for climate changes Sad

MrK sees the hand physiotherapist today. Fingers crossed she/he can help. Pun intended Tongue He's managing the walking stick but did say it feels odd and 'old' to be using it but that it is helping.

The jacket is almost done Big Grin And in spite of it being asymmetrical, it's not looking too bad if I do say so myself. I have an ear to do and some back stitching before I hand sew a backing on. And I was right lol, a purple dragon with blue please nana, from our grandson. Can't wait to start that, it's been yonks since I have stitched purple. And the picture I've found has lots of detail.

Time to get cracking and start the day.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
You might have to joosh up that walking stick km, to make it less old personish. Mine has glorious birds all over it, bright coloured little things, and it certainly helps cast off that old crip feeling!

Can't wait to see the finished jacket. Might spur me on to call some of mine 'done'. I have trouble reaching that point, on anything!
Morning everyone

Light mist but it has gone already.

I've been using a walking stick for years. Mine is a pretty blue with Ladybug's all over it. But during the worst of my knee prior and since the surgery I've been suing MrP's one with the four feet on the bottom. Much more stable. Wouldn't be without it.

Off to see the ladies today and I decided last night Ill take my loaf of Just out of the cooker bread with me. Some marge and vegemite. I dont have a lot of jam. They will enjoy it. I haven't told them tho. Just incase it turned out a flop lol.

I got heaps of painting done yesterday. I dont really care for the picture, but I decided Ill finish it, A cos it was given to me and B to finish it before I start diamond painting again.

I put my diamond painting picture under some weights to press it flat. And last night I put the diamonds into the storage containers ready to start. Im a bit Anal about having things sorted when it comes to the painting. I cant work out of the bags they come in. I like easy access and I can open the containers with my left hand.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all 
Heavy rain flooding locally so an at home day

Everyone sounds occupied with their crafting.

My top toille turned out OK and the fit is good  just need to raise the armhole so can use some good fabric for the real version. The toille is wearable but I am not fond on the fabric one of my sewing buddies might like it if not I will put it in op box.

DGD1 3rd birthday party yesterday mermaid themed lots kids and parents spent a bit of time passing food. Popped in to see sewing buddy/ neighbour at our old house. She has been quilting a quilt for her  grandson who turns 20 this year.

Have been to gym DH watching golf so after I hoon around with the vacuum will pop into sewing cave and toille another new pattern.
K9s snug up in their dog beds not a hint they want a walk sensible beasties.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning.

Sunshine and very warm already. Hard to believe we are heading for rain!

Have done the school run and groceries after ... haven't decided on today's happenings but probably should get outside while it's still nice.

DH was given his old man's walking sticks recently ... they definitely have the 'old person' vibe and I see that they are at the back of the cupboard, lol ... he would rather limp! Coloured/decorated definitely sound better.

We went to the local Air Museum yesterday to have a look at a Fibre and Craft exhibition .... clever people around. I particularly liked the felted items including a landscape (with sheep of course). Decided after to tick off the bucket list, a look at the old aircraft museum ... luckily DH happened to have a free ticket that was close to expiring so only me to pay.  Those old aircraft sure were bone shakers and scary to think of ever flying in one! As for the ejector seats ..........   Undecided

I agree climate change is very much a thing ... I try to do my bit with compost bins, worm farm and recycling amongst other conscious decision making.

No crafting done over the weekend maybe if/when it rains.

Enjoy the day all.

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