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You can never have enough...
I flew in an old Focke Wulf in my mad days. The takeoff was mad because the seats made you look at the sky, not the runway. It was fun though...
morning ladies Smile Batten down the hatches, the day is going to be rough with this rain! Mica, I hope you weren't affected by the rain yesterday.

Grocery shopping today and I'll need to buy a small piece of fabric for backing the jacket. Funny how there is never the 'right' thing when you need it in spite of my hoarding. I still have the ear to do, had to fiddle around with the bit under the ear first.

The hand physiotherapist was very good. It would seem the problem is MrK's neck, not his hand. He has exercises to do and a brace to wear at night. And he has a new walking stick, the one he bought was too low. His new one sounds like yours popeye, with the four feet at the bottom. It's much more stable and he stands a lot better. I suggested we joosh it up but fat chance on that lol. My offer was declined, I suspect he was worried what I might do with it Tongue

After shopping, I'll sort through my purples, blues, greens, and maybe some reds for the dragon. Choosing the colours is one of my favourite parts of embroidery.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning.

A grey sky,  with occasional glimpses of the sun ... the rain is imminent!

Interesting the way our bodies work when it comes to pain.  I have referred pain in an arm which stems from the shoulder! Good to have the physio sort out Mr K's hand with exercises to follow. 

That must have been a flying experience to never forget OHH! 

Today will be a chance to carry on with some embroidery ... I also have a book to finish so I can replenish my supply.

Stay warm and dry all.
Morning all 
Still wet heavy rain overnight we all ok here apart from very soggy lawn and k9s that don't like getting their feet wet

Ended up revisiting shirt pattern that I made years ago it needed some alterations in bust area its cut out and darts sewn will continue with it today.
Need to go out later to get cat and dog food and collect our co-op veges

Another indoors day

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Wet here and Madam wasn't the least interested in getting up.

Kiwimade you could always got to an oppy for the fabric you need. Ours often has fabric, but you might find an article of clothing that will do the trick too.

Need to sort the recycles out. Then I think Ill paint. Hope to get this picture done and dusted by the end of the weekend. If it had been fine it wouldn't have been touched today, Id be outside lol.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Rain forecast all day here, so have just hung out the washing.
In the sun.

Did the dreaded grocery shopping earlier, luckily the sun came out just before I was heading out so ditched the rain jacket.

Somewhere, I have lots of those tiny gift bags, the thin fabric sort & decided one might do with rosemary,cloves, thyme in to put among woollens to ward off moths. But naturally now that I need them they're nowhere to be found, & I suspect that I may have put them away somewhere carefully...bugger!
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
The Focke flight was fascinating because we flew low up the Waikato from Taumarunui to Auckland, low enough to see the rainbows on the water, which was an education in how we pollute our waterways. The memory has never left me and probably started me on the road to being a staunch enviromentalist. It was a lesson in other ways too, one of them being how stressful it is to be held up from getting to work on time. Somewhat embarrassing if you happen to be one of the keyholders at a city bank responsible for opening the safe in the morning.

Boy, I got a telling off over that, lol.
(27-08-2024, 11:55 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: The Focke flight was fascinating because we flew low up the Waikato from Taumarunui to Auckland, low enough to see the rainbows on the water, which was an education in how we pollute our waterways. The memory has never left me and probably started me on the road to being a staunch enviromentalist. It was a lesson in other ways too, one of them being how stressful it is to be held up from getting to work on time. Somewhat embarrassing if you happen to be one of the keyholders at a city bank responsible for opening the safe in the morning.

Boy, I got a telling off over that, lol.

I bet they briefly thought you'd absconded with the contents of the safe... Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Oh no, that was long after we did that plotting exercise! I rose in the ranks after that, probably because when we did that the schemers included my manager at the time and a senior fraud squad cop. We had it all worked out, but none of us had enough criminal genes! Great fun devising the ways and means though...
Which one was it Oh_hunnihunni? A 190? Did it have German AirForce symbols on it?
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
I think it was the 190, certainly pretty small. I can't remember any markings, just being told by the enthusiastic pilot what it was and what to look out for, ie. Other planes, lol. There was another one I flew in too, which had wired wings. That had even more of a tilt on it when on the ground. It was a fascinating weekend, under canvas, barbecued venison, gorgeous young men. The weather though turned on us making the Sunday return impossible, hence flying back at dawn on the Monday morning. And those planes are not fast, lol...

It was one of those adventures that at the time was a bit risky, but all these years later, I am so glad I did it. Memorable in all kinds of ways!
morning ladies Smile Fingers crossed there is no rain while we cut out the cherry tree.

What awesome memories, OHH Smile People today would be videoing it Tongue

I found some fabric with doggy paw prints on it for lining the jacket. There is still the ear to stitch and that will give me time to wash and dry the fabric first. And I bought some Wash Away from Spotlight to try. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Our friend will be here shortly to cut out the cherry, trim the bux hedge and give the cabbage tree a haircut. Then if the weather is fine(ish) I can water blast in front of the hedge before putting everything back.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Overcast ... a few showers so far and more to come. 

More change for your garden KM, certainly an evolving one! I'm happy with mine after a good tidy up and the petunias and lobelia in the barrels will be flowering in no time (the daffs amongst them flowering) ... always a good time going into Spring for looking fresh and at its best.

A day home today plus a GS's School production to attend this afternoon. Will go to the Library tomorrow,  can't have no books on hand! Might find time for another embroidery session.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone.

Fine here soo far.

I sat and finished my paint by numbers yesterday.. Today Ill bring my easel home, from the home so I can start my diamond painting. I took it into the home for Dianne T to use for her Big painting. She loves it. But Ill borrow it back between painting day so I can do my diamond painting, until I can get another.

What a small world we live in. Last night I thought Id get hold of one of my ladies Daughters who I know from visiting the home. I had a photo taken with her Mum on Monday as I've lost her body weight. But forgot to ask if I could put it on my fb page. Turns out I know a relation of hers, same surname lol. The Daughters first name is Caron, so I figured there wouldn't be too many in our area. If she hasn't replied Ill ask Colleen today anyway.

Don't forget photos of the trimming Kiwimade lol.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all 
Rain overnight now some blue sky and the sun is trying hard to peek out from clouds. Washing out since more rain and  wind  predicted for next few days.

Made some progress with shirt it fits need to shorten sleeves and  get some buttons so that I can do buttonholes .

Knit night last night it was so nice to get out of the house have suggested to DH we go out this morning after he gets back from walking the k9s

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
The beast has that puzzling set of symptoms back again, seems concentrated on the right hind quarter, so we are off this morning to the vet again. Fingers crossed that drizzling rain just stays away, it is miserable scooting when it's wet. For driver and annoyed feline passenger! Damned nuisance seeing I have a bundle of reserved library books waiting for me...
I am still at the beach - Mother Nature painted a perfect picture for me to wake up to this morning
Oh Jan, that is something special to wake too! just gorgeous Heart

The cherry tree has gone Big Grin Big Grin and looking at the branches, it was dying so a good call to have it taken out. Dying of old age in a garden is a good way to go! Our neighbour will take the big bits for her fire and MrK will take a bit for his woodworking. The bux hedge has had a haircut and I'm about a third of the way through waterblasting the concrete. It was a mad dash to get the waterblaster away and washing in before it bucketed down with rain. There is something very satisfying seeing the concrete and garden pots come up nice and clean. Much safer for us both too to get rid of the moss, stones and dirt. Hopefully this will be the end of the major tree cutting for a while. It was long overdue. The previous owner loved planting trees very close together forgetting that everything grows like crazy in the Waikato. Now that the tree grindings from the fallen tree have started to rot down, I can safely plant the yellow magnolia. The grindings were setting like chipboard!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I have a diagnosis on the Tattycat's strange behaviour. She may have nerve damage in that leg, or foot which means she has lost the reflex that lets her use the foot when moving - we noticed her toe curling under her foot when she was sitting which gave the vet the clue. We are hoping it is just a bruised nerve which will heal, and not something more difficult. Cat nurofen prescribed - liquid thank goodness - and we wait and see for ten days...

So we might be getting somewhere, which is good.
Jan natures work of art Big Grin

Good to have the tree gone KM. 

OHH easier to deal when you have an explanation for felines symptoms hope that rest and antiflams restore her.

We received bad news about good mate today we sort of suspected it was not going to be good when he had liver biopsy last week he back hospital palliative  care why is it the good get the horrible stuff Huh

We have had nice morning out and about picked up couple merino tops  on special so stick away for next year and replacement for couple of very old  tops that have seen better days. Couldn't have bought fabric to make them cheaper
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin

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