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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile Another beautiful start to the day so far Smile

Not much planned for the day, we do have to go into town for a bit later. Other than that, it will be a cruisey day.

The jacket didn't arrive, I think it may be a call to Aramex this morning before we go into town. Pi**es me off when they deliver to their agent, and I've paid for rural delivery. And yes, I know we are going into town anyway but that's not the point.

It feels a bit weird not having any stitching on the go. I might do something small, I need a mat of some sort to protect the coffee table from my scissors and other tools so might sew one. It can be folded up when not in use and tucked into my basket.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Sunny here at the mo. meant to rain tho apparently..

So long as I can go out and remain dry Ill be happy.

Painting day, starting to be like Mum (Irene) I look forward to it. There are rumbles coming from Resident Dianne about Colleen, and vise versa so I hope they can play nice. Colleen will be the one to make it public first tho. Dianne will grumble when Colleen has left... Id have hated to see Colleen when she was a teenager lol...

Im starting to get a bit peeved about the woman who brought lots of wool. Has made payment, hasn't been to pick it up. But thanks me for my patience.

HAve a fa day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all 
Raining and cold 

KM I hear you recdelayed delivery better at new address  but in past had parcels in the van for couple days always delivered promptly when I phoned to complain

Finished the dress its fine will probably not tackle it in the good fabric as it was many pieces so my brain needs a rest from jigsaw  gymnastics.

Cleaned all the filters in the vacuum yesterday on reading the manual discovered that it should be done once a month so now in the schedule along with the washing machine  filters.

Indoors day not sure what I will get up to this morning  have appointments and errands this afternoon 

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I think the drivers hold off on single deliveries hoping for more than one, but it is annoying. One parcel I sent took ten days! Queried it at the eighth day and bingo...

Scooting today, trying to decide on spring wardrobe or the possibility of over heating, lol. But I do love these inbetween seasons, despite the conundrums. Just so long, as popeye says, we stay dry!
I saw the most beautiful Rainbow this morning.. I managed to stay dry.

Sadly Annie got wet when up the rod but her hair turned into a full head of Curls. but she doesn't like them.

Had nice time painting. Mum wasn't well so went to bed early. Colleen and Dianne were civil, but Dianne is a little snappy.

The lady has Finally paid for the wool. And maybe will pick up today.. I needed the money, that was the bigger worry. been jumping it around. So I can relax a little.

The sun is out and its nice to have doors and windows open again.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
A friend is a regular browser at the Takapuna Market, and she came across a scarf, red with black skulls printed on it, which she knew another vaguely Goth friend of ours would love. So she handed over a couple of dollars and passed it on to our friend who loved it and wore it for a couple of months. Then, one day she noticed it was branded. Alexander McQueen, and she found it online...

Around $400...

Don't you just love second hand treasures!
(04-09-2024, 03:45 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: A friend is a regular browser at the Takapuna Market, and she came across a scarf, red with black skulls printed on it, which she knew another vaguely Goth friend of ours would love. So she handed over a couple of dollars and passed it on to our friend who loved it and wore it for a couple of months. Then, one day she noticed it was branded. Alexander McQueen, and she found it online...

Around $400...

Don't you just love second hand treasures!
Wow an awesome purchase Hunni.    Love it when you get a nice surprise like that. 

For those who new of GrandmaSue from the TM MB  she passed away today.. She had been in a rest home for a while.  I cant be sad for her. She will be with her Beloved Barry once again..( Hubby)..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Spring has definitely sprung! What a great start to the day.

Oh wow, OHH, lucky, lucky woman! The best op shop find I had was around 50 skeins of DMC embroidery floss and I paid $5 for the lot. I think our op shop ladies are pretty savvy when it comes to labelled and designer clothing. And there are those that buy them and then on sell. My sister-in-law donated a lot of her gorgeous clothes to a woman's charity that sets women up for job interviews and work. They help women who haven't been in the workplace for a while and don't have the corporate wardrobe suitable. Was trying to think of the name, Dress for Success.

The recycling needs to be done today along with a couple of other smallish things.

The doctor has put a referral through to the OT for a walker and to come and assess our bathroom for MrK. And she's also referring him to the spine clinic. I think a walker will help as there is a seat he can sit on when he needs to.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Lovely blue sky and sunshine. Great for the Kindy run. 

I've just seen on TV we are expecting a warmer than average Spring over the next 3 months. Those tomatoes will be producing in no time!

It sounds as if your doctor is onto it KM, regarding Mr K and his mobility . 6 months today since Mr R's surgery and he is a different person albeit left with a limp as a result of a weakened leg.

Groceries and library afterwards ... 2 books I had only a few chapters in. Some books just aren't going to work!

Embroidery nearly done. Have enjoyed the experience ... practice definitely helps the end result!

Had better move. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all 
Fine day

I have donated a bit to Dress for Success over the years I was working.

Sounds ds like MrK getting getting the equipment he needs KM

I spent a bit of time at local Council office -still haven't received a refund that should have taken 10 working days  wenare at 28. I have been in twice. The 2 women at the counter remembered  dealing with it so seems financial bods in their office don't answer their phones I said I can wait until someone answers lol. My payment was located but they needed proof the account number I had given them was really me argh... same as the account it came out of buddy so trip to bank to get proof as I couldn't get a screen shot off my banking app. The ladies thanked me for being so understanding I my usual reply is I stress  over what I have control off and I had no control of their processes.  No loot in my account yet.

Friend called in for catch up yesterday afternoon they ended up staying for dinner .

DH and I watched a Zoom presentation got to love zoom means that access for all over NZ and presenter only has to do it once.

My morning at warehouse then  food hunt

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Its a beautiful day here so far..

I still use my walker, which I started using as my knee got worse. I still use it these days especially if I have to carry a lot of things. I find I use it more near the end of the day..

Shopping today, but Ill wait to see who will be the next Māori King or Queen then duck down.. I did price comparison's last night and its not worth paying for gas to save just a couple of dollars. The shocking thing was that Oil is actually cheaper at NW over PnS.. And both have their Pantene half price.

I should probably attack the back lawn today but generally I dont after I've walked the supermarkets.

Must put an order in at the Chemist warehouse. Their Magnesium that I use is super cheap at the mo, even with delivery its way cheaper than our local chemist.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I too am watching for the successor to be named. An old friend of my husband was part of the process last time and this one made me think of him, he was such a good friend and a lovely man. One of those noble souls we come across every now and then. Cancer got him too, along with quite a few of our friends from those years.

Thinking of bathrooms though, and limited mobility, I think it was the grab handles and the shower chair that I was most grateful for. The grab handles especially. Just knowing they are there is confidence boosting. So much so that I found a large handle and put it on the frame by the front door which has a little step up, I find I reach for it even now, just to steady myself on some days when I'm a little more wobbly than usual. It helps cancel the fear of falling, like having a guard rail on a sloping surface...

It is all about making life easier, these little things.
So we have a new Maori Queen... How lovely that she is so young.
We have a new Maori queen & if her photo is anything to go by, she's very beautiful & only 27.

A friend is having to use one of those walker thingys & finds it quite helpful.

Did a tiny bit of digging & weeding after latest blood test which was a fasting one - not my favourite, was starving by the time I git home. I'm hoping to get out later & go in search of another Spanakopita. Found one in New World (Pam's brand) a while back & really like it so will try for another & freeze it - made in Greece so should be reasonably authentic.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Ohhh a new Queen, how awesome is that! And so young. Exactly what is needed, more young blood Big Grin

The jacket arrived and talk about a disappointment. Holes around the pockets, so worn along the front edging. Nothing like in the photos. And, this made us laugh, it arrived wrapped in gladwrap! On a positive note, I took some clothes into the op shop and there, front and center, was a brand new denim jacket begging to be taken home for $9. When I paid, the woman said she had only just put it out and it had never been worn. I've washed it just in case the dye ran, and it is on the washing line flapping in the breeze. It's a size bigger than needed but that's OK, by the time he puts a sweatshirt or whatever on, it will still fit.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Oversized is totally okay with denim. Even the big baggy jeans are back on the kids fashion instagram I follow. I say kids, but I mean anyone under 50, lol. Todays edition is praising the inclusion of older models on the worlds top couture look books. I am all in favour of that!
What a grand occasion the tangihanga is!   And the introduction of Kuini Ngawai Hono I Te Po was wonderful - I became rather tear-stained.
I too am pleased we have such a young beautiful Queen. I dont envy her job. But I am sure she will follow in her fathers and grandmothers footsteps.

Such a hard day for it all to happen.. but Thank Goodness its fine.. The Queens funeral was a totally absolute messy day. I was worried they would be slipping their way up that Mighty Hill.

They're not too far away by the looks of it. Billy T James and Prince Tui Teka are there too..
Thats a b*gger re the jacket Kiwimade, but maybe it was meant to be. Now you have a new one.. Your grandboy is a string bean, but Im sure he will grow into the new jacket.

Whizzed through my shopping, had a couple of changes but managed to only spend an extra 86 cents lol.. But I forgot to get a banana for tomorrow. Thankfully my shampoo is on special, Pantene the big bottle down from $20-20 to $9-99.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
There was some idiot on FB claiming that she's wasn't their queen' because they're in the SI. I did nanage not to swear when I replied but it was close..

I'm sure there are some people who go about looking for something - anything - whiuch they can object & complain about.

Found the Spanikopita, (luckily it was on special at $9) the shop assistents were very interested as they'd not seen it before. That will be dinner tonight & the rest in the freezer.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I have changed the sheets. Well, got the sods off and through the laundry. The other bit is waiting on another burst of energy. Out of the twelve of us in this village I think there's only three left who do their own. The rest have care givers.

But - more interesting, or maybe scary, rumours are rampant that the government has stopped funding the subsidy to social housing ppp's like the Selwyn/Auckland Council one that runs ours. We are told CEOs are gathering in Wellington to challenge the decision.

Interesting times.

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