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You can never have enough...
(05-09-2024, 03:43 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I have changed the sheets. Well, got the sods off and through the laundry. The other bit is waiting on another burst of energy. Out of the twelve of us in this village I think there's only three left who do their own. The rest have care givers.

But - more interesting, or maybe scary, rumours are rampant that the government has stopped funding the subsidy to social housing ppp's like the Selwyn/Auckland Council one that runs ours. We are told CEOs are gathering in Wellington to challenge the decision.

Interesting times.

Seems the rumour is based on the fact funding was established by the last government but only guaranteed till the middle of next year, and the Nats haven't yet announced funding beyond then. Won't stop the worry warts though.

Mind you pointing out we could all be dead'n gone by then might not be very diplomatic, lol!  Big Grin
(05-09-2024, 06:42 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(05-09-2024, 03:43 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I have changed the sheets. Well, got the sods off and through the laundry. The other bit is waiting on another burst of energy. Out of the twelve of us in this village I think there's only three left who do their own. The rest have care givers.

But - more interesting, or maybe scary, rumours are rampant that the government has stopped funding the subsidy to social housing ppp's like the Selwyn/Auckland Council one that runs ours. We are told CEOs are gathering in Wellington to challenge the decision.

Interesting times.

Seems the rumour is based on the fact funding was established by the last government but only guaranteed till the middle of next year, and the Nats haven't yet announced funding beyond then. Won't stop the worry warts though.

Mind you pointing out we could all be dead'n gone by then might not be very diplomatic, lol!  Big Grin

I hope the swines don't muck things up; if it starts to look as if they might then it might (dire though the very thought might be) be worth contacting Winston, since he seems quite keen on standing up for older people like us, presumably beleieving that we'll vote for him...
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile The sun is out again, at least for the morning.

Some people are just born worriers, I think. Mind you, with this government, the most vulnerable financially and health wise can hardly be blamed for that.

Housework this morning and then we'll take the scoot out for its first 'public' appearance. We'll start with a nice easy scoot on one of the walkways through town. It's more a confidence booster and to see how far the battery will last.

Later I'll sew the little table mat I've embroidered over the last couple of evenings. I want something I can use on the coffee table for my scissors and other sharp tools. And then I can start the dragon.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I have two batteries in my bigger baby, and they do around 45 k's new, and currently, are about halfway through their lives, so 20 to 30 probably. Their 'health' depends on maintenance and past charging habits, so a trial run is a good idea. Or get a mechanic to test them to be really safe. When my last lot started to die it was very unsettling, and boy the difference between using those and the new ones was a revelation.

I am having a quiet day today, lots of sitting around reading interspersed with occasional bursts of effort. The Tat and I had one of those nights and need a bit of a catch up, though I do have three scores in the wardrobe collection that need big bits of shortening and rehemming, so I might start those, especially if the sun comes out again. I see there was a hint we might hit the twenties next week weatherwise, that would be a very welcome opportunity to shed a layer or two! I think I am over winter...
Morning everyone

Grey here.

Never thought I would ever say this, but I too am over winter. 20 is enough for me tho. I dont like it any hotter.. I have dresses I want to wear before they are too big. I was surprised yesterday when I converted Kilos to pounds, its 57 kilos = 125 pounds, which is 8.9 stone.

Must upload a photo taken with one of my other Mums in the home. I've lost her weight now. lol.

Off to see them all today. Hopefully Mum Irene will be feeling better today.

Now I must do a quick search... Third world Annoyance. Eskimo Lollie's have been changed to being Explorers. Its been a little while.. But I commented I wonder if they have changed the name of Eskimo Pies, tooo.. they have, I noticed it last week but have forgotten what they changed it too. So I shall look so I can report back to my lot who are already finding it totally stupid to change names Just to be PC

Have a fab day all

Edit to add.. its Polar Pie..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all 
Fine day its so nice to see the sun.

Enjoy your  scoot KD 

I am a  it like a mum whose  baby slept through the poorly k9 has slept  to 6.50 two days in a row sure beats 5.30 am.

Having people in for dinner tonight bolar roast with mashed potatoes.  Not sure what veges yet. Followed by apple shortcake 

Might potter in sewing cave still festering about jean jacket but not a denim one 

Enjoy you day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
the scooter came with two batteries but because they hadn't been charged for over three years, one battery has died, dead as a dodo. The other, now fully charged, will be charged once a month regardless of usage as per the lovely lady's instructions at Travelscoot. To replace the dead battery, we need $1200 (I know!) as it is made specifically for this brand of scooter and there are no substitutes. To be fair, the scooter cost us nothing as it's the 'family' scooter and will be given to the next person after MrK falls off his perch. It is so easy to pick up, fold down and fits in the boot of the car and ideal for MrK's needs. It can even be taken overseas (I wish lol).
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
The trick will be the way the live one holds its charge - best of luck. And bear in mind WINZ will do an interest free repayable loan for new batteries. It comes under their Medical Supplies category. Mine were just over $900, and the scoot itself was $1880, paid for by a couple of friends and I am nearly finished paying them back having paid for the batteries now, that will be a special pleasure. I am now mulling the thought of updating, so have a dedicated savings account going, just in case I find the perfect machine. Latest models are pricey, but they have better suspension, which will be important as the bones continue to do their thing.

Pity about your scoots battery specification, sounds like the supplier wanted to clip the ticket into the future. A good technician might be able to get round that and save you a few dollars. The service guy at Independent Living made changes to the wiring on my scoot to overcome a design flaw that caused it to cut out with ongoing vibration, which has been a godsend. And, if you are only using the machine lightly you could get away with lower powered batteries, I was surprised by the range available when I had to replace mine. And the price differences, lol!

We live and learn!
We sure do live and learn! MrK had the same thought as you, OHH, buy a generic battery and have the plug converted. Scooting was a success, MrK had a smile a mile wide and the Furry One wasn't bothered by it at all. And we had one chap stop and ask us about the scooter as he thought it would be perfect for him. It was a stop/start walk of course as the Furry One has to sniff and check the 'p-mails' along the way and walking is as much for him as for us. It really brasses me off to see people dragging their dogs away from the sniffing. It's so good to be able to do these things together again.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Yup, I reckon I should get a commission on sales, lol, from the folk who talk to me about mine, then bump into me later showing off their new (and way more up todate) scoot babies!

They are certainly becoinge more common around these streets. Mind you, having a whacking great Ryman village here is contributing to that, and we are a retirement community in many ways...
morning ladies Smile  It's a grey start to the morning so far. 

I'm not sure what we are doing today, but there is a small garden to weed if we aren't out and about and it's not raining.  And the lawn needs mowing again, everything grows quickly in the Waikato.

I have the dragon traced onto the wash away and it's pinned to the jacket ready for stitching but have had to rethink some of the purples as this jacket is quite dark.  Yesterday I finished the little table mat thingy to put my tools on, it didn't take long to do in the afternoon.

We were watching the Paralympics powerlifting yesterday on TVNZ+, the winner lifted 181kg.  That's a huge weight to lift from your chest lying down.

Might just sneak out and weed that garden, I know it's  early but who cares Tongue

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

It's cloudy but not meant to rain ... I hope not, two loads of washing to go out on the line!

Those paralympians are amazing athletes despite their limitations ... huge commitment and ability that is admirable.

No plan for the day ... hopefully will be nice enough to get outside. 

Enjoy the day all.
Special people to inspire us. But 181 kg? Makes me feel teeny, lol, and I am not!

I finished a 'can't put it down' novel last night, and got a surprise at the end. Not because it was brilliant, but because I turned the page and the story ran out without one. I found myself in total disbelief that the author had let us readers down so badly, she didn't finish the tale, she just stopped writing!

I have honestly never come across that before, and I have read a lot of books. Very strange...

I hope the next one is better.
Morning everyone

Grey here too.

I have read a few without a proper ending Hunni. And they do leave you shocked, disappointed and not understanding.

The oddest I have read tho was a series about multiple generations set in Chesapeake way America. It was 5-7 books, cant remember. But I inadvertently read it backwards. It still made total sense and I enjoyed it.

My all time Favourite books tho are by Author Evan Green the first is Adams Empire the second is Kalinda. If I remember correctly Adams empire was 1232 pages, or 1322 , Kalinda wasn't quite as large. But I still remember the first few pages of Adams Empire. Kalinda went out of print, in English and was very hard to find. But to my total Joy I was at the school gala across the road from our house and found a copy there.

I dont usually re-read a book but It would be a series I could read again. They are put away "Safe" somewhere lol.

Housework for me today. Been a bit slack lately. Once I kick Madam off my knee.. lol

Mum isn't well, she was in bed yesterday, but she is bringing up the phlegm, so the antibiotics are kicking in. She has fluid in her lungs. And two doors down Eva isn't well either. Mum ate well which is good. Just time, Dianne said she's not going to push any more.. 98 is an awesome age to get to but Mum doesn't need to struggle now. But if she goes I hope its not on the 13th, Dianne has far too many bad things happening on the 13th.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all 
Overcast and windy another indoors day.

Had good night with friends they didn't seem to want to go home.

Going to download jean jacket pattern today and start the fitting process. Will take it to sewing group in couple weeks for other eyes to check fit out. I need a few alterations, high round back sway back and full bust adjustment then there is the size grading small shoulders and bigger bottom - bit of inverted  ?️ 
Will listen to audio book while in xewing cave 

enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Lying here this morning, book in hand, tea at the ready when there comes a banging on the door. So, up I get and answer the summons to be faced with the blurry view of half a dozen firemen and one of our Haumaru staffers who ask if I knew there had been a fire and a fatality in the village last night...

Funny thing, I had heard something but being blind as a bat without contacts could see nothing to worry about when I looked out so went back to bed. Even stranger, I had smelt wood smoke much earlier but no smoke alarms, and nothing I could see burning in here or nearby, so had put it down to someone starting a fireplace up.

So, one of our weirder neighbours, a very anti social, extremely right wing South African with some very unusual ways has left the village in a rather dramatic way. No doubt gossip will give me the details at some stage, meanwhile, I am rather glad I live at the opposite end from him. Sadly, I doubt he will be much missed.
omg OHH, firefighters! Tongue I hope you invited them in for a cuppa Tongue Very sad though that he won't be missed. And very fortunate for you he wasn't living so close.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
KM, without my contacts I am legally blind. Even firemen must be 'assessed for fitness' before I stash them in my wardrobe...

And the media are quick off the mark, they know more than we do!

The finished jacket with "pictures" as requested by the 5yo GD. Very much a beginner effort but fun to embroider.
(07-09-2024, 06:09 PM)Roma Wrote: The finished jacket with "pictures" as requested by the 5yo GD. Very much a beginner effort but fun to embroider.

They're gorgeous  Roma, well done. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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