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You can never have enough...
They are soo cool Roma. Well done. You will have one Very Happy little Grand daughter.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(07-09-2024, 06:09 PM)Roma Wrote: The finished jacket with "pictures" as requested by the 5yo GD. Very much a beginner effort but fun to embroider.

The jacket look great you will have a very happy grandee. Lovely embroidery
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another gorgeous day on it's way.

Roma, the jacket is gorgeous! I love the unicorn on the back. It's a jacket worthy of a princess and your granddaughter will love it. They are fun to do, aren't they Smile

I see we have won our first gold at the Paralympics Big Grin Well done, Anna Grimaldi Smile You're a star.

No plans for the day, I think we'll just enjoy the sunshine.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

A nice sunny start to the day. 

Thanks for the comments.  Embroidery is a fun hobby and a chance to try something new using the thread I've accumulated having done various cross stitch projects. It would be good to have a go at more filling and shading such as you do KM.

That would have been a surprise seeing the firemen at your door OHH. I had read of the kitchen fire and loss of life in the Herald earlier.  Sometimes I wonder, when hearing yet another lot of sirens in the wee, small hours ....

Will take today as it comes with no plan in place. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all 
Sunny day not a cloud to be seen

No plans for today have woken up to sniffly nose Sad

Got jean jacket pattern traced off need  some tweaks  then I am just going to cut it out  and go from there to sort out fitting issues for the next rendition  got the time and the fabric.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

The sun is out here. Was a not too cold night last night, which was nice.

I have a couple of kitchen jobs this morning and perhaps Ill get the back lawn done later when it dries a little. I need to try and sharpen the blade again. I cant get it off which is annoying but I did manage to sharpen it a little last time.

But if I dont feel like doing it. I wont.. Its Sunday and I fancy doing diamond painting too lol.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
That stitching is lovely Roma, anc it is great to show her how she can have fun with what she wears. And we can too, lol. I am deliberately choosing to wear things that amuse me rather than clothes that I 'should' wear, age appropriate, subdued colours etc - the ones that contribute to our invisibility. And everytime the brights go out I get people talking to me which is such fun and boosts my confidence. So we really are what we wear, for a few hours anyway! And I choose fun...

On a more sombre note, yesterday I had more door knocks and spoke with a couple of neighbours seriously discombobulated by the fire and the death. These events ripple out in a small community, and that's not even taking the first responders, the staff, and the others down the line who have to deal with the aftermath. This man has left such a mess behind him, such big costs, and all so unnecessary, if he had just had a working smoke alarm. I cannot help feeling very cross about the whole business, and that feeling is not helped by my dislike of the man himself and the way he used our welfare system. I will have to give myself a stern talking to...
I wondered if he had a smoke alarm, OHH, as surely you all would have heard it.  Ours is piercing and nothing can sleep through it.  I can imagine how upsetting it will be for you all, especially those living closer to him.  And what a horrible way to die.

Roma, it's long and short stitch and often called 'thread painting'.  I use one strand of thread to build the colours and textures.  It takes time and patience but worth the effort.  Sometimes I'll put my needle down and see a teeny tiny bit, check the time and two hours have gone by lol.

I finished the small garden I started the other day.  Dug out the clematis to weed it properly as grass was growing through the center of it.  Now it's soaking in a bucket of water and worm wee to recover a bit from my rough handling.  A piece with roots broke off and that has been potted up for my sister-in-law who has commented for years how she 'must get one'.  I'll replant it later today or tomorrow morning.  It's a great clematis as it's compact and doesn't spread everywhere.  The white clematis I planted last spring has new growth on it, can't wait for it to cover the old gate we have in the garden.  I've been wanting a clematis there for years.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Sad re the circumstances of the fire. But surely the company that owns and manages the place were responsible for putting the smoke alarms in. My property managers have mine checked at least twice a year.

And its perfectly fine that we dont "like" everyone we meet. So we dont have to feel guilty about not liking them. There was a couple of guys at the rest home I couldn't stand.. one with the Nickname Sargent Major of Nothing. To listen to him you were lead to believe he Won the war for us. He and MrP clashed big time.

And the recent removal of Monty pleased me No end. He thought he was gods gift to women, got them hooked then treated them like trash. And he used to wander around and ogle and try to get close to all the women. I dont and wont miss him. He was an utter creep.

Im being sooo dammed lazy, but enjoying it too lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Ahhh smoke alarms are in every unit, but some idiot people remove the batteries... He was one of those paranoid South Africans who believed he was being watched. Never opened windows, never opened blinds or curtains, only opened the door when he had to and then was intensely suspicious and refused entry except under duress. Except to the team of three guys who went in and cleaned his unit weekly, and the courier delivering the meat parcel also delivered weekly - not a big vegie eater, so I'm guessing it was a steak that caused the fire. See? Red meat is bad for you, lol.

But imagine dying and not being much missed. That is a sad thing.

I will be glad when the whole thing fades into the past, but first we have to get through the fuss, and then the reconstruction. Strangers, mess, noise, portaloos... my favourite things!
A shame he won't be much missed. But on the other hand, eventually you'll all get a new neighbour, who may be far nicer.

Madama Le Cat has taken a - well, not entirely sure whether its a like or a dislike - to a little china Hello Kitty which eldest grandson brought back from Japan for me & which sits on the desk by my computer. Every now & then she saunters past across the desk & gives it a swipe - gently so far but I suspect that it may be testing...
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Didn't do any diamond panting... but that's ok.

Went and cleaned my filthy mower. And it was horrible. Sharpened the blade so its all ready to go again.. need to take my socket set down next time, cant get the bolt for the blade undone with a crescent so a socket might work better.

I like taking something stupidly filthy and make it clean again..

Our New World has just started having boxes for Drink bottle lids, milk bottles etc. One for Plastic and one for Metal. I knew I was saving them for a reason. They will be recycled. So two full ice cream containers were carefully poured through the slots.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I just watched Finding Neverland. I had gone off Johnny Depp, but he made me cry in this one. I am a sook for good sad movies. I need a country cottage just like that one - next life maybe...
morning ladies Smile Fingers crossed for a fine day, MrK wants to go for a scoot.

I'm not a Johnny Depp fan either so rarely watch his movies.

No more Olympics, I'm going to miss watching it. Thoroughly enjoyed both, probably the Paralympics more.

Today I have to replant the clematis and put the last of the pots of spring bulbs back into the garden. It hasn't taken long to get the garden 'done' for spring this year. Weeding over winter certainly paid off.

The outline of the dragon started to fade on the wash away, so I spent some considerable time tacking it to the jacket and rinsed the wash away off. I know now not to use that particular pen! The heat from the sun dissolved the ink, blimmen frixion pens lol.

Washing machine is calling, better move and start the day.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Grey here.

I too have enjoyed Both lots of games. Equally for me. I stayed up late last night and saw some of the weightlifting.. My God they are strong.

Off to see my ladies today. Colleen is going to the super clinic to hear about how they will take the cancer off the top of her head. And to hear if it is that, that is messing with her body. She has curvature of the spine but totally lost the use of her legs now and she keeps dropping things too.

And hopefully Mum is on her way back. Haven't heard anything over the weekend so Im thinking she is improving, Dianne would have contacted me if not.

If it stays fine Ill get some of the back done when I get home. But I do find sitting for 4-5 hours causes pain, so Ill see how I go.

I want to get the lawns done and then attack the blArdy Yukkas near the front footpath. Ill saw them off and throw them in the back. There's room in there. Hate the dam things. Who ever imported them into the country needs shooting lol.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all 
Overcast windy not cold

KM how annoying that your lines disappeared. I use Clover wash away pens, marking quilts had disasters  with other so called wash away pens, clover comes blue and white an different tip widths. Easy to remove with spritz of water  I have experimented with Crayola washable felt tips most of the colours washed away except the fluro.  They need a wash in washing machine to remove

DGD1 and her mum visited yesterday afternoon she had bought her togs to swim in Nana's  big pool lol Grandad went with them while I did a bit of sewing jacket so far so good.

My thumb a bit sore from knitti g so I plan on crocheting a cot blanket from my 4ply scraps and stash  of course I don't have the right sized hook so will drive across town to get one. SL don't have the one I want. Any excuse to go to local quilt shop Big Grin

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

Sunny and very warm already.
Back from school ... always an enjoyable walk on a sunny day. 

Nothing planned ... will stretch until tomorrow for groceries. I need to think of another project but will hunt out some left over wool and knit up some baby beanies to keep my hands occupied in the evening, lol.

Enjoyed the Paralympics ... so inspiring to see others overcome their challenges through sport.

Better get moving.  Enjoy the day all.
Mica, a friend of mine was given a really teeny crochet hook and is working on granny squares using embroidery thread. I cannot wait to see these - she said she needs better reading glasses if she's going to make many of them, so they must be really tiny...
And the investigation of the fire has begun. Fire officer interviewed and took notes, then someone senior from Haumaru repeated that exercise, and no doubt the police will join the queue. Interestingly, the smoke alarm is fully functional when they tested it, but they accept the fact it did not sound at the time - probably because it was placed on the wall, not the ceiling, and in the little hall, not the main space. And that was where the body was found, so they think he was trying to get out but smoke inhalation or a medical event stopped him. And the fire self exhausted having used all the available oxygen, partially because all doors and windows were closed and heavily curtained, so the space was air tight. That wouldn't have helped him in getting out, no oxygen and the brain is starved, thinking becomes impossible.

I am learning a lot from this event,, not the least about the way these events are examined after the fact. These people sure earn their keep. And not all their questions have answers, yet.

We have also been assured that a blessing is being organised to clear the flat of any lingering bad vibes. That is important to me and some of my neighbours. We will feel more setttled when that has been done.
A Rahui followed by a Karakia perhaps.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche

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