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You can never have enough...
A good hemp oil perhaps with some braised hemp hearts in attendance crank up the taste buds pretty well. I'm sure my OH will be along soon to make better cooking suggestions before too long. She's good like that Big Grin
I know it's hard to beat asparagus with butter, but it's also pretty good grilled and dressed with Greek olive oil and lemon juice.  When the season gets properly underway I also incorporate it into various salads, particularly with feta and toasted nuts or pumpkin seeds.  It's my favourite veg.
Also great to enjoy nibbling on the odd spear or two raw fresh from the garden, especially the purple variety we have that is extra sweet. The days or week old ones from the retailers just doesn't compare to ones still wet from the last rain.
morning ladies Smile What an awesome sunrise we had this morning.

Your (and MrK's) asparagus is safe from me, I don't like it. Strawberries at Pak 'n Save were also $7 and didn't look very ripe.

Today we have to buy a little bit of timber to repair the outdoor table and to build a base in a temporary garden for the spuds. Once MrK has built the garden base, I can get in behind the garage and cut back three pongas that have appeared and use the leaf litter on the bottom. Hopefully there will be some horse poo left by the local stables to go on top of that and then compost. I can then give the back of the garage a good water blast to let more light in and tidy up around the water tank. I'm also on the hunt for more concrete reinforcing wire, MrK says there is more there somewhere. Carrot and stick kinda stuff lol. It's something we were going to do last summer but cleaning up after the tree falling over was enough mess to deal with.

First things first, I need to give the legs of the outdoor table a good scrub. I water blasted them as best I could the other day but now the table is apart, it will be easier with a scrubbing brush. I love the cast iron legs, they are easy to clean.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all 
Fine but torrential downpour  in the wee hours

Looking forward  to a feed of asparagus  we butter people

No sewing yesterday as out and about most of the day and night.

Taking poorly k9 back to vet shortly for fast blood sample. I requested extra test to eliminate  other complicating factors.
So both k9s no breakfast this morning they so good no harassing us 

DH off to tend to DD garden and groom their dog so the day is MINE Big Grin
Hope to finish jacket and repair some merino garments I picked up while packing yesterday. They body suits and have hole around the snaps so will cut bottom off and make them I to tops.

Got to sort out something for dinner too.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Lovely and fine here.

Many years ago we were going passed a fruit and vege shop which had a sign outside. It said, in two rows, Aspa and Ragus.. I said to mum What the heck is Aspa Ragus. she laughed of course.. It just looked terrible and misleading lol. So its been called that ever since. I wont be buying it now of course. MrP's Mum loved it too.

Had a productive day yesterday. I did the back lawn, amazing how much a sharper blade makes a huge difference.. Then I diamond painted for a few hours. Didn't have to cook tea as Id cooked extra the day before. Then I knitted another Santa and Snowman. Not putting them together yet. Ill get all the pieces done first.. 5 piece's per toy.

Off to see my ladies today and its Painting today. Mum always looks forward to today. Although tired on Monday she did look well.

I have one annoyance.. and Im hoping to deal with it on the weekend.. need to dust / clean the skirting boards.. They are horrible.. And they annoy me seeing them that way.. Think I might wrap a cloth around a pole or maybe a walking stick so I dont have to bend too much. Im sure Ill find something to suite in the garage.

Have a fba day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Beautiful day ... a bit of wind over night plus a few showers. A check before on my tomatoes showed them still upright and growing ... I'd only just taken off their covers yesterday which I add with all plants newly put into place.

I remember my dad used to have an asparagus bed ... an intriguing vege as it emerges from the ground. He was the only one allowed to harvest them! 

I wonder how the Trump/Harris debate will go  Cool  No doubt there will be plenty of critique afterwards! Hard to tell who will become President with the polls neck and neck.

DH home today ... may try out a Cafe further down the line.  Always up for recommendations  ... told of 2 yesterday  Smile

Better get the washing on the line. 

Enjoy the day all.
(11-09-2024, 08:27 AM)popeye333 Wrote: Morning everyone

Lovely and fine here.

Many years ago we were going passed a fruit and vege shop which had a sign outside. It said, in two rows, Aspa and Ragus.. I said to mum What the heck is Aspa Ragus. she laughed of course.. It just looked terrible and misleading lol. So its been called that ever since. I wont be buying it now of course. MrP's Mum loved it too.

Had a productive day yesterday. I did the back lawn, amazing how much a sharper blade makes a huge difference.. Then I diamond painted for a few hours. Didn't have to cook tea as Id cooked extra the day before. Then I knitted another Santa and Snowman. Not putting them together yet. Ill get all the pieces done first.. 5 piece's per toy.

Off to see my ladies today and its Painting today. Mum always looks forward to today. Although tired on Monday she did look well.

I have one annoyance..  and Im hoping to deal with it on the weekend.. need to dust / clean the skirting boards.. They are horrible.. And they annoy me seeing them that way.. Think I might wrap a cloth around a pole or maybe a walking stick so I dont have to bend too much. Im sure Ill find something to suite in the garage.

Have a fba day everyone

A Tuffy cleaning wipe works for that wraparound trick. I use it to clean ceilings...
Phew, what a debate! Gooooo Kamala Big Grin Big Grin She's an awesome debater, on track with her topic, has data to back up her answers.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Came home halfway through, I will rerun the whole thing. The man is mad...

The world should be allowed to vote in this election, after all, the results affect us all.
Thanks Hunni, I have extra paper towels at the mo so I will use them.

Missed the debate as I just got home, but have read a few comments online already.

I love a good debate.. Like people to stick to the topics.. Would have been interesting to see trump. I bet his mouth was going even tho his mike was turned off.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(11-09-2024, 02:30 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Came home halfway through, I will rerun the whole thing. The man is mad...

The world should be allowed to vote in this election, after all, the results affect us all.

Agreed, but only countries which have NOT recently invaded & made war on, other countries...
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Well, I guess that leaves Antarctica and Bhutan...
(11-09-2024, 04:21 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Well, I guess that leaves Antarctica and Bhutan...

Should be a very interesting result... Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile It is freezing this morning! Just a reminder from winter there is still a sting in it's tail.

I see Trump is saying the debate was rigged and he was stopped too many times by the moderators. Well, perhaps if you didn't lie and could actually answer the question you might not be interrupted. We watched the debate with our mouths open lol. Weren't surprised at what he said or didn't say though but can't believe that people actually go to his rallies to listen to his dribble. Can't wait to read his niece's new book Big Grin I've read her first one and couldn't put it down until I had finished it.

It's back in behind the garage for me again today. There is soooo much stuff there lol. I haven't come across the concrete reinforcing wire yet.

The dragon is coming along nicely, I'm especially pleased with his eye. I'll take some pics and post later on.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Yes it is cold this morning ... sun is out though!

I didn't watch the debate ... I was at the hairdresser.  This morning read the pundits thought Kamala the winner and Trump thinks there's no need for another, he's so good  Confused Yes, I'd like to read the niece's books as well. Melania also has a book about to come out. 

School run today ... no other plan and no handcraft on the go yet. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Sure is chilly, I got the summer dressing gown out yesterday, need my winter one back lol. Madam thought it was cold too.

Off course he doesn't want another debate. Cos he knows he lost lol..

Was talking to rest home Dianne yesterday they are coming up with ides for Christmas crafts. They were trying to sort out a star of some kind. She made one with the petal pattern from the Daffodils, it was ok but not really right. So I had a tutu last night. While not 100% happy with it I think it will work. And its just like the corner knitted dishcloths. Ill take a photo later too.

I enjoyed painting yesterday. Twinked out the numbers on 3 pictures for them. Means they can photo copy them and the water colour paints dont cover the numbers that well.

There's a gentleman in the home now, that I knew from taking MrP and my mother to Senior Citz years ago. Mr. Bernard Batty, I say his surname without the T's lol.. he's from Cheshire in England. Sadly he is getting dementia tho. but he does remember me/us. He loves singing, but is loud lol.. We reintroduced him to Mum Irene who used to run senior citz with her hubby.. he instantly started singing Goodnight Irene... I sang along lol.. Anyway we invited him to paint, it totally calmed him down and he enjoyed it. He asked me if he could have the picture I was finishing, A Butterfly.. I said he could. Im not into butterflies so he was Happy. So we will encourage him to paint every week. It gives the others a break from his loudness lol he's just a young 93 lol.

Bloods and shopping for me today. Then Ill diamond paint and knit later.

Madam has just made herself comfortable again, so she is cold lol.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all 
Overcast cold will need to rug up when I go to warehouse shortly.

Not a lot of critical thinkers in Trump camp

Spent most of my sewing time yesterday frog stitching (rip it ripit) the sleeves not  right  too big so need to rectify and tweak  the armhole. There are other minor fit things but will sort those in the next rendition 

Loot still not refunded fron City Council so another trip there today and need to do supermarket runvall the fun stuff Rolleyes

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
You really have to be concerned at what's happening in America, especially in light lunacy of the idea that the last election was 'stolen'.

Managed to get a little bit done outside; a bit of weeding & started a comfrey fertilliser for when the tomatoes go in & the runner beans decide to come up.

They're predicting snow for down south, hope it doesn't come here.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile A cold start to the day again, it was cold all day yesterday.

MrK has another blood test to do this morning, new drugs are making his INR wonky so a few more blood tests are needed to keep things in check.

Yesterday we loaded the boot of the car with scrap metal (and MrK thinks I have a stash of stuff lol) which we'll take to the scrap metal dealer today. I found the concrete reinforcing wire but need something long to reach it. I'm thinking the heavy garden rake should do the trick.

I think it's a shame the media are concentrating on Trump's 'answers' at the debate instead of telling what Harris' plans are. I was chatting to my friend in the States who said the Vice President debate will be a good one. Looking forward to that.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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