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You can never have enough...
My peach is in full colour, very pretty, and its offspring is also flowering well this year, next door. I sprayed mine but left the young one, I want yo see just how much of a difference the winter copper does. And yes, I did wonder about repotting the crowns and might just do that, even if I do it into pots with their bottoms removed and slightly heeled into some waste ground in one of the 'community' gardens not allocated to any tenant. That way they can get a decent root run and I can superfeed them when I do my other pots. Plenty of big pots around here I can 'renovate' to half bury without too much effort. I think long lived producers like rhubarb do better if they can get their toes into the ground. The other plant I have is in among my salvias at the front door and it has hearted up beautifully, I noticed the other day it is putting on a spring growth burst despite a good layer of composting plane tree leaves.

And my beautiful old ginkgo bonsai is showing green, waking up from its winter sleep for another year of life. Every year I wonder if my neglect and ignorance has killed it, but not this year it seems. And every year I think I should rehome it to someone who knows what they are doing...
The deep red rhubarb seems sweeter than the older varieties and yesss, it has a gorgeous red colour.

The day is clearing up so sheets on the line. MrK pointed out I can't do anymore around the water tank until the bins have been emptied.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Had good rain later in the afternoon yesterday.. Grey at the mo.

Had a relaxing day doing my Diamond painting. I hope to get it finished today, or perhaps tomorrow.

Ive decided not to go to the home tomorrow. I dont want to be the meat in the sandwich between Colleen and Annie , without back up lol. Irene ( Mum) is off to the hospital for her cancers on her face, so Daughter Dianne will be with her.

So I will see how I get on. I could use the time to set up the next picture. I have a choice between a Christmas gnome one, some Blue Californian Poppies I think they look like or a vase of pretty Pansies.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Evening all

Lovely day in capital but overcast up the line in PN

Sewing group up the line today  my turn to drivevthe 4 of us jaws exercised while we travelled lol

DH spent the day at DD sorting out DD garden.

Got to prep for a meeting tomorrow after dinner tonight not sure thats good after a glass of wine

Sounds like your gardens are prepping for next season lots of blossom and new leave buds here.
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile It's pretty grey out there with lots of high cloud. Fingers crossed it stays this way.

There are a few things to still do outside before it rains. Some of the stuff I have pulled out from behind/around the water tank need to find homes and I'll move the leftover bricks for my sister-in-law to an easier spot to get to. There are only a few left so it won't take long to do. Then the 'new' spot can set up for the recycling bins. I need MrK's help with one small area around the tank to take down the little bit of fencing but that will have to wait until the bins have been emptied. I didn't realise just how much stuff had been 'stored' there.

I just saw shots had been fired 'within the vicinity' of Trump... probably having his rally near a gun range Tongue

Ironing to do today as well, just a bit, but it makes it easier to put linen away in the cupboards. Space is at a premium here. And hopefully I can work on the jacket again today. Little bits add up over time.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Grey sky with rain forecast.  I hope it stays away until after school  Undecided

Groceries later this morning and will replenish the library books while out.

Amazing how "stuff" stored away over the years accumulates! When we came to town there was still a 'treasure trove' behind our garage (2 sides worth). I guess the previous owners thought we might "appreciate" it ..... not!

With rain on the horizon I need to find a project ... though there is still more prep before the Welly family come to stay for a long weekend.

Time to get moving. 

Enjoy the day.
I'm off to drop fertilisers around the acid lovers today, so the rain can wash it in and save me running round with the hose. I have contractors today sorting wiring and paint touch ups so the place got a good going over yesterday, I can play in the garden guilt free and let the inside remain mess free till this afternoon!

Not surprised about the gunshot reports. I thought after the debate the man needed another good near miss to recoup some media mentions...
Morning everyone

Grey here.

They have the Person who did the shots.. Apparently, Probably Just an stung cos he's behind in the polls and cant come up with a better idea since the last time worked.

The Hoiho is our Bird of the year again. I think most people love Penguins.

Geeze that Education minister gave Daniel the run on Breakfast this morning. I would have liked Anna Burns Francis doing that interview. She would have over spoken her.

I finished my picture last night and have kitted up the next. its not gnomes as I thought. its snowmen. Its still the one I wanted tho. God knows how Gnomes got in my head lol..

but I need to do some housework this morning. Since I didn't do any on the weekend.

Apparently there was some tension at the home on the weekend so I've bowed out. Wont go there without my backup sister lol.. She said she doesn't blame me for not going.. She will text me for a chat if it gets boring at the hospital waiting for Mum lol.

I just remembered some other small containers I can put my unused diamonds in, so I will change that over later. It will make the job wayyy easier if your not avoiding other diamonds.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all 

Been to gym, vacuumed and lamb shanks in slow cooker. Will empty out sewing stuff that I took yesterday then finish off the top stitching  on jacket which got the tick from my sewing buddies.

Meeting this  afternoon  and will run some errands  while I am out.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
We had shanks the other night for dinner, mica.  Sooo yummy and they were huge.

The recycling area is now sorted, I have a pile of rubbish to be binned after they have been emptied tomorrow and MrK has a pile to sort through.

I hate it when previous owners leave their 'treasures' for new owners.  Sort your stuff!  It's kinda in the back of my mind there is a lot of MrK's stuff around the property and it will be left to me to sort when he falls off his perch.  This way, he can enjoy the money the scrap metal brings, and he can decide what to keep, and what is rubbish.  Only 45 bricks to go to my sister-in-law lol, that's around two car boot loads.  Will be pleased to see the back of them.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Yes, it probably shows it should be written into the Sales Agreement .... take ALL possessions, including trash ... definitely not another person's treasure! 

It looks as if Trump was targeted .... maybe he should have thought before stating "I hate Taylor Swift" on his Social page  Cool
oohhhh you don't want to upset the Swifties lol.

Thought you might like to see the dragon Smile  

Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Gorgeous dragon KM,well done you.

Miserable day with drizzle in patches.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Wow  cool dragon thanks for the progress photo.

Just learnt that our friend died this morning very sad to lose  a good friend but I am glad that he is not suffering anymore
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Have been in a dark hole but the supposed assassination attempt deserves comment - wonder who paid for that to happen - the red necks will be impressed -Kamala is doing so well Trump will try anything
My grandson who has been very worried about me sent me this - thought it might appeal on here - gave me a giggle
A couple of years ago a boy turned up at breakfast club just tagged along with the rest of the kids from one of the motels - when asked what his name was he said Cxxt - the other kids said that’s what his father called him - eventually the headmistress caught up with the father and registered him - he actually had a lovely name which he didn’t know - he had no idea when his birthday was - just used to whip his Willy out and pee - absolutely feral - but after he settled down he loved drawing and being read to - he would disappear for days then turn up obviously had a beating - once had a cigarette burn on his forehead - OT worked really hard and found some of his mothers family who were more than willing to take him - the father fought it - anyway he moved away and had been living with his Aunty and cousins - the headmistress checked on him was absolutely thriving .Four weeks ago the father went to court and under the new law Kelvin Davis was so proud of was given custody as the parents have priority as long as he had a fixed abode which was temporary housing in Hamilton - he wasn’t interested in his son just the benefit - this precious 8 year old boy was bludgeoned to death in his bed the first night back with his father - the foster family have lodged a complaint with the police complaints authority with the backing of the local police - but they are only following the law - it’s bad enough children being killed but this is the fourth one since the law change that has been returned to a violent home .I know Jacinda is now living in America but I wonder if she imagined that little boy who no doubt was traumatised ending back with his father -unlike a baby he was old enough to understand what was happening - every MP should be backing the proposed law change - just because a child has your blood doesn’t earn you the right to automatically be the parent - the foster family wished they had given him the money he was going to collect from Winz - shouldn’t be happening .The politics in the US are disturbing but there are many things here that has me shaking my head - Robie is a Māori so his school children get free visits to the GP the solo Mum checkout operator who happens to be a pakeha has to pay $64 for her college student son -thank goodness Reti put a stop to that - that’s not what Kiwis want .There are even people still claiming that school lunches are going to be stopped - the previous govt only funded lunches for one third of the schools - some of the contracts like to the school I am involved with obviously involved backhanders cost $20 a meal - the kids from the nearby EIT are now making the lunches using all the donated food available for $1.50 per meal - the new govt have never proposed cutting free lunches but instead will be feeding all the kids using the Kids Can system - the taxpayers were paying full retail for one third of the kids - can’t understand why anybody wouldn’t support a scheme that will even feed preschoolers - kids should come before political ideology .The proposed dropping of the costs for retired teachers to help out you think would be welcomed but the teachers union would rather kids were sent home - just crazy .There are so many kids turning up at the supermarket looking who can’t read or write - unless the yoghurt has a picture of the fruit on it - they have no idea - going for a walk
The dragon is beautiful Kiwimade. I'm sure your Grandboy will love it.

Its time trump hired someone who can actually shoot Properly... its just gathering sympathy. I dont believe its anyone but his team organizing it.

Did my vacuuming and the skirting boards. Happier now.

And I've started my next picture. Took me a while to get back into working with square diamonds. They are harder to do but make a picture sooo much better.

They took the cancers from Mums face. Under Local and apparently she was so relaxed she went to sleep anyway. Shes back at the home and will have an early night. Dianne is shattered, but she got home to her darling cooking her dinner for her..
Last time MrP did that for me was April 11th 2011. It was sausages and mashed tatties lol. The day mum died lol. Thats why I remember lol.

Better do the rest of my games now.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Well, new wiring in my bathroom, the guys who put the fan in stuffed it up apparently and the sparky thinks that stuff up blew the bulb. All new and working now, both fan and light, even got a new light switch out of it. I just need to find a shade that clips on to the bulb now, I loathe those plastic coolie shades. I have an over developed aesthetic when it comes to lighting, courtesy of my childhood. The sparky was very kind, he put it up, photographed it in situ for the landlord, then took it down for me. I shall stash the nasty thing and find something nicer.

Love the dragon, gorgeous colours. I spent the day getting glue all over my fingers playing with my books and paper circles I punched out to make spinning balls for the Tatty to chase around the floor. They are so light they travel well, but she keeps batting them under the dressers and losing them. So now I have a clutch of new ones drying on the table for her. Spoilt catty.

Just two more summer garments left to shorten now, I am feeling very pure. I bound the raw edge of the chopped off pieces to make scarves to tie up my hair, it'll make a change from the butterfly clips. But the two still to be cut and hemmed won't be quite so easy, one is a jersy fabric maxi dress, and the other a heavy cotton long shirt styled jacket, both will need the machine out to do properly, so I will have to stop being lazy and get it out. It is such a nice machine to use, I am just being lazy postponing the set up and threading up...
morning ladies Smile The sun's out Big Grin

I am sorry to hear about your friend, mica. Boy, that was quick!

Not a lot happening here until the bins have been emptied and we can pull more stuff out from around the water tank.

I bet you feel a lot safer with the new wiring and switch, OHH. I agree about those plastic light shades. They are long gone inside our home. I found some nice ones at Mitre 10 a few years ago for a reasonable price.

Today I have to buy a new pepper mill. Ours died last evening after years of faithful service. And while I'm in town I have to print out some tax forms. The Ministry of Ed. contacted me and said I might be entitled to a back pay as I may have been underpaid when Nova Pay took over the payroll. What a disaster that was at the time. So, we will see what happens, got to be in to win as they say.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all 
Very chilly,

I also  don't like those plastic  light shades  OHH glad that you got the dodgy  wiring fixed
KM a bit of backpack always a bonus Cool

Off up line coast quilting guild I don't have any quilt projects  so taking my crocheting.  I like seeing  show and tell. 
I don't have anything for lunch so think I will pop to cafe and buy something - a bit of a treat

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

It's sunny but cold ... looks even colder down country.

Bonus if you get backpay KM ... I remember when that disaster was happening! Actually, I might even have been in their employ at the time as a TA.

Minding GD this morning for a couple of hours then will decide how to use the rest of the day.  Still to get some baking done.  

Enjoy the day all and stay warm.

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