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You can never have enough...
Good morning. 

Overcast this morning ... hopefully the day improves as forecast.

KM there are so many good walking (concrete) trails near the river or Karapiro.

Darned birds ... I don't mind the 2 resident blackbirds on my lawn each day but every now and again they have a good garden scratch! Mulch all over the paths, seedling roots exposed or dug out! I find poking sticks (and whatever else will go into the soil) everywhere helps.

GS will get picked up today ... he's been good to have around. I will do some watering later to ensure we get the rain that is predicted, lol. Might even decide on some handcraft of one sort or another and find time to work on it. 

Cuppa finished. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all 
Another lovely day no clouds to be seen.

Attended friends memorial gathering yesterday afternoon, caught up with some old colleagues and a few of us went out for a meal. Emotional but a good day.

Going to David Williams kid show this afternoon with DGS and his mum I am looking forward  to it.

Been to gym this morning needcto shower and go get some cat food for DS cats so that I can drop it off when I meet them at their house.

Quilting is not perfect but progressing 

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I used to edge my garden beds with bricks and a spade cut drainage ditch, it looked so neat and tidy on those big curves under the trees, until the blackbirds descended to hunt for worms. It was a weekly battle, me with the broom twitching fresh soil back where it should be, and those buggers with their dirt tossing excavations. These days though we are on friendlier terms. I have two, mr and mrs I think, who come when I garden, to watch for the delivery of slugs and snails - this place has a plague of those. The birds come so close, especially mr, bright beady eyes focused on every move my hands make just in case I miss a prize. The Tatty cat sits on the stairs in the sun and just watches them hop to it, I don't think she was ever taught birds are prey. Small felt balls though, she knows what those are. And knows that at 2am they are on the prowl and require rounding up...
I have a long line of bricks along a path which has my blueberries in the garden beside. The birds love that garden until I have the netting up. I've done as you suggest OHH in the past, but in this garden we have an irrigation line near the edge! The bricks keep going wonky .... I'm still waiting for a long (scrap) board from DH'S work!
morning ladies Smile More sunshine!

I no longer have anything lining my garden edges. If you had seen the concrete fill that used to be there you would have seen how dangerous it was with its pointy and jagged edges. I was going to replace it with railway sleepers or the bricks my sister-in-law is taking, but we decided we quite like it without. I dig a wee ditch to keep everything in place and the lawnmower does the edges for me. Occasionally as I weed, I'll take the spade to it and trim them that way. It is much safer for MrK (and me) to walk onto the garden too and there is no fuss in getting the wheelbarrow onto the garden.

This morning I'll mow the lawn, hopefully it won't be such a mission like last week. And maybe a scoot with MrK later on.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all 
Overcast expecting rain later

The feline has adapted very well to daylight  saving  and was very vocal at waking us at 6.30 this morning. 

Had fun time  at David Williams kid show yesterday DGS enjoyed himself 

A quick buzz around with vacuum then have some urgent emails to deal with

Hope to complete quilting and get the binding on quilt today.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Sunny here.. not overly warm tho.. It was nice yesterday.

Have to pop up and get my warfarin. Stupid Dr forgot to put it on my prescription.. Totally out of 1 mg, and breaking a 3 mg down to one is just stupid and fiddly lol.

I packed down the last painting and set up the next, And started it last night. Doing the blue Poppies. There is 26 colours in it, 13 are different blues. Dianne just finished a Truely beautiful one with Autumn Maple leaves and Monarch butterflies.

May get my front lawn done later. Need to get the knee moving again.

I have such good lighting now that I painted very late last night... sleeping is so overrated, and I was wide awake at midnight lol.

Yesterday I earnt a Diamond badge in my card games. Something I've strived to reach for so long.. I was in the top 10 out of half a million people 3 times in September, in saying that I haven't checked yesterdays level yet.. Its my mental kick start to the day. A bit like my grandmother who always did the crossword in the herald before she got out of bed. She trained her delivery person to pass her the paper through the bedroom window lol

Colleen was wrapped with her Cushion yesterday. She used to sew and misses her machines.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Funny you should say that about the feline, mica. The Furry One is on the button time wise with his meal demands too! Breakfast he isn't too fussy when it is served, but by heck, you better be on time with dinner Tongue
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
morning ladies Smile The rain is coming, I had better bin the piles of weeds shortly.

This morning the OT is visiting to offer advice about what tools MrK needs to help him get around safely.

Other than that, we'll wing the day and see what happens. When the weather turns, I might work more on the jacket. The sewing machine could be brought out and backing fabric overlocked as well as some more fabric for my next embroidery. I'm thinking cut work this time but will have to teach myself how to do it first.

Better get moving before the rain hits. Wet soggy weeds make for a very heavy wheelie bin.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

No rain here yet.. if I could book it, could it please happen between 10 am and 3pm lol.. Ill be in the home during those hours lol.

Painting today, and I can stay till it finishes, Yay, cos I dont have to avoid the school traffic. I pass two schools on my journey home, I can go around the block but it doubles the journey.

Got the front done yesterday and then painted for the rest of the day. The TV was sooo Exciting Last night.. NOT that I just put a cd on instead. It was easy to set it up on this tv.

Im taking the Monkey wheat bag I got for Young Peter's Birthday to the home today. Peter of course didn't make it to his birthday. I was going to save it for Campbell's birthday, but that's not until December, and he's going down hill. So I want to take up to him. One thing Im sure he could manage is cuddling the toy. I told David I would, back when Peter died, so I hope he hasn't forgotten or has a hissy.

Have a wonderful day, despite the rain that's coming
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Overcast and we've had a few showers. Nice that it's warm. Hopefully there'll be more rain to water the garden. 

No plan today other than family coming and going.  Yesterday I had a weeding session and I put out slug bait amongst the emerging dahlias. Still waiting for some more (chosen) tubers to arrive as well. The last lot were a random selection.

The donation of the wheat bag toy a nice gesture Popeye. DH often uses one on the foot that has reduced feeling/use.

Had better move and get something done. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all

Been to gym just working up to having a shower. Couple errands this morning, quick teams meeting this afternoon and meeting a fellow volunteer who also lives in the village for cuppa. Celebrating her finishing chemo.

Finished quilting yesterday don't think I mastered to motif but finished is better than perfect. Binding to stitch down now.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
The OT's assistant has been and done all the paperwork for some bits and pieces to make MrK's life easier. She bought the walker out and what a beast that is! But life will be a lot more comfortable now he can walk and sit when out and about. I'm just trying to figure out how the scoot and the walker will fit in the car. It's a bit like back in the day when we needed all the baby stuff, pushchairs and the like. The circle of life Tongue

No rain yet. Boy we need it; the garden is so dry.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I had to get the hose reel organised this week, so much new growth. My hydrangeas are looking superb after the hard cut back I gave them, and the seaweed liquid food is doing them all good. Spring is a magical time...
Have been out hunting & - eventually with help from shop assistant managed to get a Monopoly, CHCH Otautahi Monopoly for eldest great grandson's Xmas. I just could not see the damned thing, somehow veered intp the wrong aisle. Thankfully the new glasses due next week so hopefully will improve things again.

Madame Le Cat has adjusted well to daylight saving but has developed a new skill. She has realised that if she sits down the back under that tree she'd very difficult to spot from the kitchen window, & if she sees the human in the kitchen then that clearly indicates that it must be dinner time. Which means that she stations herself outside the back door, meowing very loudly. According to her,anytime from around 2.30 will do nicely as dinner time...

So I've taken to crouching in the kitchen while trying to do things, in case the resident moggy tyrant spots me...
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Well, I have started a project I have been thinking about for a lot of years. Since I became a grandmother in fact. I wanted to put my life on paper so that those kids I have never met, and might never meet can at least know something about their grandmother. Well, the one here in New Zealand that is. So I bought a typewriter, knowing how tech changes so fast and old discs are hard to read these days, but paper is forever... The typewriter needed a new ribbon, so I did that, and then discovered an issue... So I bought a WORKING typewriter, oh so much better, lol. (Wanna buy a cheap not working machine? Cheap as...) And with the Veep debate as background music I disemboweled a lined journal and started on the first draft. Page six, and so many mistakes. But hey, I have started it...

I may be a while.
Managed to avoid the rain it was only a very light short shower, while we were painting.

A small group for painting today. Dianne had her grand daughter with her. Such a bright and pretty little girl. I thought she had just turned 9 but it was 8. Very well read, and quite artistic too.

They had some unplanned singers so it ended up just us, so we packed up early and visited Colleen who had her wound checked. They are deciding what the next step is with the Cancer.

Must add two of Mums surgery sights are healed so well you wouldn't even know they had been done. The biggest is still covered so far.

Met Mums across the hall neighbour. OH she is lovely.. Sadly she is annoyed with her family for "dumping" her in the home. She was still living on her own doing all her own work, gardens and lawns included.. At the grand old age of 92.. And she had been talking to Colleen. she said there are soo many people in there but very few that are awake enough to talk.
So I invited her to join us in the dining room. She has a cheeky nature, cos I warned her she would be hanging with "trouble".. she said that's her lol.

Her name is Carmel. Apparently she is of Irish decent.. But she was lovely so it will be good for all of us to gather.

Spoke to Bobbie this morning, she was happy. Asking when I would be going up.. We had a terrible connection but it was lovely to hear her voice.

The Homes cook is Hapu. 3 months gone. So the hook is out, cant let her go without a blanket from all of us. She is really good when it comes to our ladies not liking what is planned and she helps treat them.

Kiwimade I have my walker standing in behind the drivers seat, takes a little time to get things adjusted. I have a cover on the seat to prevent it getting wet.. Gladly back to using my stick, but I take the walker just in case.

Hunni I think its a good idea writing of your life. Families are soo far away from each other these days that its a good way for them to learn about you and the family history.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Hmmm, I wonder though just how honest I am prepared to be...
(Yesterday, 03:40 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Well, I have started a project I have been thinking about for a lot of years. Since I became a grandmother in fact. I wanted to put my life on paper so that those kids I have never met, and might never meet can at least know something about their grandmother. Well, the one here in New Zealand that is. So I bought a typewriter, knowing how tech changes so fast and old discs are hard to read these days, but paper is forever... The typewriter needed a new ribbon, so I did that, and then discovered an issue... So I bought a WORKING typewriter, oh so much better, lol. (Wanna buy a cheap not working machine? Cheap as...) And with the Veep debate as background music I disemboweled a lined journal and started on the first draft. Page six, and so many mistakes. But hey, I have started it...

I may be a while.

Oh..snap! I've been doing a sort of journal for a few years, very sporadically but with the years my handwriting has become worse so when covid hit I started doing an occasional covid journal on the computer.

Many years ago, I had the brilliant idea of getting both parents to tape record some stuff about their lives, eldest grandson listened to them both recently & really enjoyed them.
But the downside is that he's decided that I need to do one too & he's put this recording thingy on the cellphone (which I use to tell the time when out) but I really must get to it.

If his reaction to the recordings from his great grandparents is any indication, then your journal will be very well received, hope it goes well. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
The typewriter helps. I can make mistakes and just keep going. It lets me just write without being distracted - the rainy day keeping me in was also a good thing.

I am wary about doing it digitally. All my uni writing is digital, but the stuff that will last is the essays and papers that were printed out or published in hard copy. So that's why I chose the mechanical method. And like you my writing hand is so bad these days. My school teachers would be appalled lol. Cursive it might be but only vaguely...

I will have to think on the honesty thing though.

Maybe if I put an R18 on it, lol.

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