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Where the Unmasked "Exempt" Can be Found: Cities, Suburbs, Towns
Covid would make life very difficult for me, so I wear my masks and observe the social distancing thing. Because my masks are triple lined and they have a filter layer they need the nose cone to make them wearable - those things are a saving grace for those of us who can struggle with short breath. And mine fit because I took the time to make sure they do.

Aside from the mask rebels, there are many many people who simply do not wear masks that fit, or wear them under their chins, or leave noses exposed, or drop them in the street. There are lots of mask crimes out there, not wearing one is outnumbered by the others!
(26-11-2021, 06:10 AM)Magoo Wrote:
(25-11-2021, 06:49 PM)Underwhelmed Wrote: Have you confronted someone? What was the reaction? What's mask wearing like in your area?

I don't know why people won't wear masks. I understand it's become a political thing, but seriously.  We all have to wear clothes although sometimes those clothes are hot and scratchy because the community has decided it's in the community's best interest. We all have to wear seatbelts, even though the things are uncomfortable. We all have to pass a driving test and an eye test every few years - again, in the community's best interest.
king1, i will absolutely approach you if i see you in a place where masks are required by law.
unless you are wheezing and struggling to breath i am not going to be very forgiving im afraid.
if your raspatory system is so compromised i would have thought the last thing you would want is to be around maskless people. you are vulnerable.
covid might be a death sentence for you.
im doing it to protect people like you from those whose indifference, politics or just lack of IQ would see others harmed.
get the shots, wear a mask when im around, you'll be fine.

You can ask to wear a mask. I will show you an exemption. Beyond that, you have no right to harass anyone and quite frankly that kind of belligerence simply highlights your own lack of IQ.   

and justifying your hostile behaviour by saying you're doing this to protect people like me?  give me a break... you're doing so for your own selfish reasons and a lack of empathy for others... 
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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Empathy does work both ways though. And sometimes we just don't invest in worrying about others, no time, too busy, or just too wrapped up in ourselves.

We all do it at times. Part of being human I think.
I am going to close off my participation in this thread with the following.

Regardless of the copious stories, true or otherwise, about antivaxxer's and other non-conformists fraudulently obtaining mask exemptions, there are real people out there with real medical conditions, that prevent them from wearing masks for short or long periods of time. Often these can be psychological with no visible symptoms.

They are not necessarily life threatening conditions but do significantly impact quality of life for that person. It is not the purview of self-appointed mask mandate sheriffs to determine whether an individual can/should wear a mask or not; if the individual carries an exemption card, that decision has already been made by those tasked with making that decision. As with all medical issues, no-one has the right to demand to know their medical history.

Given that we know some are legitimate and some are obtaining them fraudulently, one can only hope that in time the powers that be tighten up this system to make it less prone to fraud.

However, it does not change the fact that those with genuine reasons and mask exemptions should be allowed to go about their life without being harassed by well meaning but misguided and fearful individuals.

Please don't go around picking a fight with vulnerable people who simply can't comply, and are exempt from complying, with mask mandates. They have every right to be out and about as do you, should they feel it is safe for them to do so. If YOU have a problem with an exempt individual not wearing a mask, then it is YOUR problem and YOU have a simple solution available to you. Be a better person and walk away...
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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Well, two metres away anyway. We find that is a perfectly reasonable distance to observe outside for our late afternoon gathering, maskless because a wine glass doesn't fit otherwise.

As for it being our problem, you are right. Covid is our problem, and it is our responsibility to protect ourselves and those around us, as much as we can as individuals. Even with our busy lives.

And for me, to have fun doing it!

do people with mask exemptions also have Covid exemptions?
if you cannot function wearing a mask for a few minutes then have someone else do whatever it is you wanted done.
is your exemption at the expense of death of someone else who breathes the same air If you have Covid and go out there waving your fucken stupid mask exemption is Covid going to not emanate from your breath because of your exemption?
Stay away from mask mandated areas, your fragility is not going to impact anyone else in a negative way.
this is why we have made it law in many places. not to belittle the fragile, not to make the weak feel more vulnerable. its to keep us safe.
get the shots, wear a mask, or stay home, end of.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(26-11-2021, 08:12 AM)king1 Wrote: I am going to close off my participation in this thread with the following.

Regardless of the copious stories, true or otherwise, about antivaxxer's and other non-conformists fraudulently obtaining mask exemptions, there are real people out there with real medical conditions, that prevent them from wearing masks for short or long periods of time.  Often these can be psychological with no visible symptoms. 

They are not necessarily life threatening conditions but do significantly impact quality of life for that person.  It is not the purview of self-appointed mask mandate sheriffs to determine whether an individual can/should wear a mask or not; if the individual carries an exemption card, that decision has already been made by those tasked with making that decision.  As with all medical issues, no-one has the right to demand to know their medical history.

Given that we know some are legitimate and some are obtaining them fraudulently, one can only hope that in time the powers that be tighten up this system to make it less prone to fraud. 

However, it does not change the fact that those with genuine reasons and mask exemptions should be allowed to go about their life without being harassed by well meaning but misguided and fearful individuals.

Please don't go around picking a fight with vulnerable people who simply can't comply, and are exempt from complying, with mask mandates.  They have every right to be out and about as do you, should they feel it is safe for them to do so.  If YOU have a problem with an exempt individual not wearing a mask, then it is YOUR problem and YOU have a simple solution available to you.  Be a better person and walk away...
Heart Well said king1.
I have seen unmasked people in PaknSave, post offices, trains, buses, charity shops, Mitre 10, The Warehouse, McDonald's (walk-in orders, not eat in) and I don't go out much. All looked to be in good health,  aged 20s-50s. (Yes, I know not all disabilities are visible). Quite frankly, I'm sick of it.  It's all very well to say walk away, but turning around to find an unmasked woman standing right next to me at the check out was quite a shock, as was rounding the corner at Mitre 10 to almost bump in to an unmasked man. And why should my aunt have to drive to another town to shop safely?
0.0099% of the population genuinely needing a mask exemption.
one of 20 or so contributing members we have 1 already. this will be reflected out there.
one in twenty will have the exemption for their life threatening respiratory afflictions.
whats the point?
every twentieth person we encounter in a mask mandated situation will be able to breath unrestricted everywhere. while the rest of us suffer in silence under our masks?
why does their health issue allow them to endanger others?
do those afflicted with alcoholism get exemptions from drinking and driving because of their disease?
mask exemption is not covid exemption.
grow up. take one or the team for once, just this once put yourself behind the welfare of others. dont make everything an issue. its tiring.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(26-11-2021, 10:24 AM)Underwhelmed Wrote: I have seen unmasked people in PaknSave, post offices, trains, buses, charity shops, Mitre 10, The Warehouse, McDonald's (walk-in orders, not eat in) and I don't go out much. All looked to be in good health,  aged 20s-50s. (Yes, I know not all disabilities are visible). Quite frankly, I'm sick of it.  It's all very well to say walk away, but turning around to find an unmasked woman standing right next to me at the check out was quite a shock, as was rounding the corner at Mitre 10 to almost bump in to an unmasked man. And why should my aunt have to drive to another town to shop safely?
I think I have only ever seen one person in a place of business, not wearing a mask. I don't get out much though, to be fair.
Come to Levin or Otaki and you will see a lot. Paraparaumu is pretty good but thats where the Mitre 10 and PaknSave incidents took place.
(26-11-2021, 10:52 AM)Underwhelmed Wrote: Come to Levin or Otaki and you will see a lot. Paraparaumu is pretty good but thats where the Mitre 10 and PaknSave incidents took place.
I had a very dear friend who lived in Levin. Owned an apple orchard.

Totally irrelevant to your point though.:-))
Sometimes it is the choice of mask that is the issue for those of us with breath issues. I have discarded a number of mine because they make my short breath even shorter. Finding the nose cone was a gamechanger too. I can now wear a mask for extended periods, even walking from point to point, as I discovered on Wednesday with my outpatient appointment. The rotters moved entranceways and I had more steps than I had counted on, but a wee rest sorted that out. In fact, the bloody legs were more of an issue than my breathing so I was rather chuffed by that...
(26-11-2021, 10:57 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Sometimes it is the choice of mask that is the issue for those of us with breath issues. I have discarded a number of mine because they make my short breath even shorter. Finding the nose cone was a gamechanger too. I can now wear a mask for extended periods, even walking from point to point, as I discovered on Wednesday with my outpatient appointment. The rotters moved entranceways and I had more steps than I had counted on, but a wee rest sorted that out. In fact, the bloody legs were more of an issue than my breathing so I was rather chuffed by that...
mine is itchy, hot. uncomfortable and fogs up my sunnies, i hate it. as soon as im out of mandated areas its off.
somedays my clothing is hot, itchy and uncomfortable, but i dont strip off and walk around areas where it is inappropriate to do so. and doing thats not even a health hazard. but there are laws about it, and to my knowledge no exemptions available.
 wear your clothes, wear your mask, and we'll be all goods
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(26-11-2021, 11:06 AM)Magoo Wrote:
(26-11-2021, 10:57 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Sometimes it is the choice of mask that is the issue for those of us with breath issues. I have discarded a number of mine because they make my short breath even shorter. Finding the nose cone was a gamechanger too. I can now wear a mask for extended periods, even walking from point to point, as I discovered on Wednesday with my outpatient appointment. The rotters moved entranceways and I had more steps than I had counted on, but a wee rest sorted that out. In fact, the bloody legs were more of an issue than my breathing so I was rather chuffed by that...
mine is itchy, hot. uncomfortable and fogs up my sunnies, i hate it. as soon as im out of mandated areas its off.
somedays my clothing is hot, itchy and uncomfortable, but i dont strip off and walk around areas where it is inappropriate to do so. and doing thats not even a health hazard. but there are laws about it, and to my knowledge no exemptions available.
 wear your clothes, wear your mask, and we'll be all goods
It would be a health hazard to my eyes. I could go blind. Cool
wear safety glasses as well.
safety first.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(26-11-2021, 11:10 AM)Magoo Wrote: wear safety glasses as well.
safety first.
I wouldn't need safety glasses. I'd need a sit down, and a glass of something medicinal.
stay away from the 'medicine', it might be a catalyst to something you will regret later.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
Regrets, I've had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do
And saw it through without exemption
I planned each chartered course
Each careful step along the byway
But more, much more than this
I did it my way
Flesh. Mmmmmm, lovely stuff that...

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