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World losing patience with Anti/Unvaxxed morons
All over the world countries are starting to legislate against the disease ridden losers that are the anti/unvaxxed cult.
Good, not a minute too soon.
In Greece failure to vaccinate will result in a $160 fine, per month. This money is given to health services to offset the burden these assholes place on them.
Germany and Israel are about to make it compulsory to be vaccinated.
The Finns wont allow non compliant bars and restaurants to be open after 5pm.
The Spanish will turn you away without a vaccine passport.
Singapore hospitals will no longer accept unvaxxed patients, they will have to pay the cost of treatment themselves.

All excellent ideas, and thats just a shortlist.
Good on them, especially those that are making their idiot unvaxxed pay for treatment, and contribute to the treatment of those they infect.

I dislike this demographic for the way they have gone about their business. I am going to put the verbal boot into the selfish antisocial wankers whenever and as often as I can.
I will vote for the parties that crack down on them. I will only support businesses that refuse them entry.
Im looking forward to having them kept away from the intelligent folk so we can go about our business while they stare at the walls. 
It has to be the only upside to Covid there is so far.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
Oh magoo, you keep on making me smile!

And I have another upside to covid. It made me clean out my shoe collection. I am down to a dozen pairs. I feel so released from the burden of excessive footwear.

And I am double vaxxed.
only a matter of time before it happens here...

so if they are all leaving their jobs in droves, maybe we will see a mass exodus of antivaxxers from the country when mandated vaccinations are imposed... I'm sure that will be a real test of their convictions...
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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I am all for making it as uncomfortable as possible and placing as many restrictions as possible on voluntary vaccinated, but to be honest, making it mandatory to be vaccinated is probably a step to far. I am all for government regulation, but we don't want to become authoritarian.
(02-12-2021, 11:48 AM)TygerTung Wrote: I am all for making it as uncomfortable as possible and placing as many restrictions as possible on voluntary vaccinated, but to be honest, making it mandatory to be vaccinated is probably a step to far. I am all for government regulation, but we don't want to become authoritarian.

It will be an interesting discussion to take place -  I'm not sure I would consider some of those listed countries as authoritarian either, yet they seem comfortable with the decision
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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We are already authoritarian. Drivers licenses. Bike helmets. Public lewdness. Offensive language. Taxation. Road signage. Use by dates. I'm sure you can think of heaps more...
Who wants anything to be mandatory? I dont.
I just dont want to cohabitate with the voluntary carriers of disease and antimaskers.
Making them have the jab means we will have to hang out with these losers again, and we just got rid of them.

I think they should be rounded up gathered and made to live in concentration camps monitored facilities.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(02-12-2021, 11:48 AM)TygerTung Wrote: I am all for making it as uncomfortable as possible and placing as many restrictions as possible on voluntary vaccinated, but to be honest, making it mandatory to be vaccinated is probably a step to far. I am all for government regulation, but we don't want to become authoritarian.
"voluntary vaccinated" ?    Do you mean "voluntary unvaccinated" ?
(02-12-2021, 12:11 PM)Olive Wrote:
(02-12-2021, 11:48 AM)TygerTung Wrote: I am all for making it as uncomfortable as possible and placing as many restrictions as possible on voluntary vaccinated, but to be honest, making it mandatory to be vaccinated is probably a step to far. I am all for government regulation, but we don't want to become authoritarian.
"voluntary vaccinated" ?    Do you mean "voluntary unvaccinated" ?
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(02-12-2021, 12:11 PM)Olive Wrote:
(02-12-2021, 11:48 AM)TygerTung Wrote: I am all for making it as uncomfortable as possible and placing as many restrictions as possible on voluntary vaccinated, but to be honest, making it mandatory to be vaccinated is probably a step to far. I am all for government regulation, but we don't want to become authoritarian.
"voluntary vaccinated" ?    Do you mean "voluntary unvaccinated" ?

Yeah that's what I mean sorry. But if life becomes a lot less fun for unvaccinated, it might encourage for them to become vaccinated.
There is the point that the unvaccinated provide a pool in which the virus can mutate. That, on top of the cost they present to the health system and thence the community, when they get ill makes them a threat to those who are vaccinated, and those who cannot be. If we could just separate out the unvaccinated by choice, from those who genuinely cannot be vaccinated I would be a lot happier.

I might even support mandating vaccines for those people. After all, choices come with consequences, consequences those who have no choice are already dealing with.
I have a good friend who isn't vaccinated. She won't, "until I get well again".

The thing is, is that there is a few of us friends who get together once in a while, for lunch out, and a good natter, etc etc. We've not been able to do it for a while, because of the lockdowns, but now that we can, we can't meet up at a cafe/restaurant, which is what we do, because of my friends 'not vaccinated' status. At least, we would have to ring and check first, which I suppose is ok, but it takes away the randomness of when we get, we would have to plan it. I don't like planning things. That's just me. Part of my anxiety issues.

Anyways, she has now said, that me and the other girls can get together without her, and I don't want to do that. That's not right. She is a part of the group.

This isn't a moan. It's just a reality of the divisions that being, or not being, vaccinated, is causing. I hate that.
(02-12-2021, 11:48 AM)TygerTung Wrote: I am all for making it as uncomfortable as possible and placing as many restrictions as possible on voluntary vaccinated, but to be honest, making it mandatory to be vaccinated is probably a step to far. I am all for government regulation, but we don't want to become authoritarian.
That worries me too; I don't want to see these idiots made into a scapegoat group regardless of how daft their ideas are.

I think we have to try to find some way of getting them to understand that their views are in some instances, likely to place the people they love in danger of getting covid.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
They know that. But still they think they are right.
(02-12-2021, 02:53 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: They know that. But still they think they are right.
 I'm not sure they do fully realise the possible consequences - they may not be able to visit a family member in hospital for an operation or something, for example.
Quite a bit of it seems not to go much beyond the idea that they're not going to have the vaccination because it might do (insert CT here) to them; I'm not sure that all of them have thought about it  in the long term really.
Its a damned shame that there's so much misinformation around & that so many seem to have latched onto it so readily.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(02-12-2021, 04:04 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(02-12-2021, 02:53 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: They know that. But still they think they are right.
 I'm not sure they do fully realise the possible consequences - they may not be able to visit a family member in hospital for an operation or something, for example.
Quite a bit of it seems not to go much beyond the idea that they're not going to have the vaccination because it might do (insert CT here) to them; I'm not sure that all of them have thought about it  in the long term really.
Its a damned shame that there's so much misinformation around & that so many seem to have latched onto it so readily.
I think this is what the traffic light system is intended to address though, it creates a government mandated system of consequences for not being vaccinated.  Give it a few days/weeks for it to kick in and watch the majority of them slowly come around...

it will be a stages of grief kind of process for them - currently flip flopping between 1 and 2
denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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Well until they wake up and get vaccinated Im happy to treat them like second class citizens.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
Kubler Ross was very fashionable a while back, but even she might baulk at coming to terms with consequences for poor choices being seen as grief.

Bruised ego more like. Self centred people hate being proved wrong. Especially when everyone has been telling them that for months...

(02-12-2021, 04:41 PM)Magoo Wrote: Well until they wake up and get vaccinated Im happy to treat them like second class citizens.
I'm happy not to treat them at all.
The ones who have lost their jobs by not being vaccinated are true munters, but they dont care if others lose theirs
My nephew was to be married at some flash outfit in Lower Hutt early next year.
The Bride to be's parents are backwards assed mouth breathers. The venue has cancelled their reservation because they require vaccine passports for all guests and these antisocial pricks wrecked it for the couple.
There are people losing out on wages, florists, servers, caterers and the band all to be cancelled.
Personally I would have not invited the arrogant uneducated skid marks but thats just me.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
Ironic when you think it was a wedding that generated our first casualties and lockdowns...

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