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Your car is worse than your toilet!
What are people doing in their cars?
My saucy scooter isn't. It gets a regular wipe down with the disinfectant spray, because I love it. It is my freedom.
oh dear
better stop driving commando
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
I do things in my car that I dont do in my toilet.
I do things in my toilet that I dont do in my car.
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
Ah yes the old biff it over your shoulder ,then forget it ,
,,,,Burger wrappers,used condoms, Te-tu ice block sticks and wrappers,1/2 packets of ,yuck that's,awful (ex Servo station lukewarm coffee ) a failed WOF sheet ,several half filled in polytech applications ,
....  3 book series in a binder plastic wrapped unopened (on how to succeed at life .assorted tools, battery jump cables ,six Cornie 19 used masks ,a small crow bar, two Mr Stanley box cutters,what looked like a home made Bong pipe and the tin foil remains of some dopy resin..
,,,,,,and the piece- de-resistance,,,a report from his probation officer outlining why he should, with some counseling ,mentoring ,and help form his family(sighting cultural issues) avoid prison due to his age and early admission of charges ..etc ectetc ....
....I bought the ute from the POLICE unclaimed auction for the tow and storage fees . took me two weeks, to get rid of the crap ....the fart cannon tail pipe,and the spark plug screwed into the exhaust pipe ? why ?... had to jack the ute up to reset the front suspension and , oh! , the wheel alignment was way out,(one wheel pointing to the left the other strangely was okay...
....every tire was a different sort ,(make model size) . the mags on one side were different to the ones opposite ,,AH!  thats problem multi drilled slotted stud )pattern (un known)hone made  wheel spacers ..) ..
,,,the ute above I tidied up washed it  hell what a difference !! put it out on the road for sale ,,,yeah we can still do that here , SOLD for $2100 was asking $2500 but thems the broken bikkies ,..glad to see the back of it ,,,neighbors ..getting a bit shitty ...with all the old bombs !
In my opinion the plates are yours.
You have reregistered the car so there is no longer a registration connection to the personalised plates with that vehicle.
In my view you would be perfectly entitled to sell them and as the vehicle came from a Police auction you would assume they have been checked as not been stolen.
In the unlikely event they proved to be illegal it would surely come back on the person putting them up for auction.
As I say, only my opinion but if it were me I would sell them.
me too. sell them
just asking here can be considered due diligence
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
We can refuse to work on filthy vehicles, but a card seldom used. I remember back in the '70's, working under the dash of an HQ Holden, I heard some rustling be my ear...turned to look - cockroaches ! I was outa there !

A few years ago I did a WoF on a car, it really stunk, failed was rear seatbelts. So we had a gopher in the back, getting the rear seat out and getting some gunk off the belts so they could work. There was some guy found dead in the back seat of a car in Hamilton...he'd been there a couple of weeks. His Whanau wanted to keep his was special y'know....
Well to make a short story longer, the original Owner of the ute sold the vehicle with the plates on it . I bought the ute off a guy who purchased it from her.. he re registered the vehicle with ordinary plates.. then i bought it.... personal Plates UP YOUR she had had a axe to grind with ACC and wanted to "get back at them".
... ,Apparently she had been,fiighting ACC for a result, for over 30 years
,,I could not convince her to sign over the plates /go half s in the $$,or even sell I them, and just cover my costs ,,nah she wasn't having a Barr of it ,just wanted the plates put back in her letter box...
....She mentioned religion/ ACC/ not wanting to double dip on the sale of the vehicle ,rambling ,I realized i was talking to someone under a lot of stress ,and emotional considerations,,how ever she paid $1000 ,,one thousand dollars for those plates .and is is no state to do any thing with them ,i think if i understood her she was going to put one of them on her trailer ! I offered to help her out ,sell the plates for her ,but to no avail , ....So i drove back up to her flat and put the plates in her letter box ,as she requested.,what a waste ...

... THE RED ONE IM FINALLY PROUD TO OWN and its real tidy ,amazing for me.
... as usually i hide my vehicle around the back at work ,and then deny deny the question ..."who owns that shitty ute stuffed around the back ?".not me not mine ! "thought i saw you driving it? "nay mate your dreaming ,,wasn't me "Well get rid of it ,,this isn't a car wreck yard" ..rude, ! i will find out where the new boss lives and park it there !
.... Ha ..Now lets see the white diesel one ,,ahh yes bought it to get the mags off it .. The rusty blue one bought that for a slab and a car trolley jack (wondered where that jack went).. can't remember why i bought that one ,,ahhh ,the trusty folded in half scribbled in note book ,,apparently the dude pulled up and ...said hohhhhy want this truck to add to your collection ? i must of said yes ,,cos there it sits.absolutely no bits on it i need /want ..bugger.
....The missus said now you have Red /White/blue/ utes are you happy ? happy! i need a beer and some inspiration ,also some more utes !

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