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brain dead morons
protesting outside primary schools.
are they doing it at primary schools because thats the only demographic that wont kick the shit out of them, and still might be gullible enough to buy their line of horseshit?
why would they pick this as a battleground? just what kind of imbecilic antisocial tosspot thinking leads to this?
i just cant fathom it. how much of an ignorant arsehole one has to be to make this seem like a good idea.?
.....[Deleted: Unacceptable content.].....
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
Ohh mate that’s a bit harsh.
We know the cops are all busy issuing speeding tickets!
well when did the laws change?
its ok to camp on a roundabout in wellington if there are enough of you?
you are allowed to turn your engine off and leave your car in the middle of the street?
the rest of us get tickets for that.
its ok now to intimidate and verbally abuse restaurant staff???
its ok now to shout and heckle children on their way to school?
what world have i woken up in?

why are there more press than police?
did anyone see a cop during that footage?
why is it now ok to seal off a downtown, stop traffic, block streets and scream insults at the pedestrians and shoppers?
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
I think the problem is being left to fester for a bit, so that when it's dealt with few will complain. Let the idiots make themselves thoroughly unpopular.
I do have other cameras!
I think that's right. There's not much point in the police wasting their limited resources on a scattergun approach in which many cases would be borderline between parking offence and public nuisance. Better to let it fester for a few days so that the die hard offenders are all that is left.

It does make it hard on the local workers but I don't see an alternative. And the local shops are better to shut so that they don't get invaded by infected morons.
Sounds like the situation is hotting up down in Welly:
I love a good argy bargy!
trevor mallard? oh boy, scary.

im confused by the flags.
is trump coming?
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
so more businesses shut down by these skid marks. gastropub over the road, staff being called nazis, being filmed, abuse.
how is this down to them.
why are these people so thick and keen to show it?

theyve come from all over.
theyre going to bring omicron back under their rocks and speed up the process.
do they know we hate them.?
do they know we laugh at them behind their gullible scaredy cat backs?
must be awesome to be so stupid not to comprehend the most basic signals.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
What's needed now is some of that very heavy rain other parts of the country has been getting, that might dampen their enthusiasm.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Had a bit of a laugh at some of these deadbeats posting comments calling on Christopher Luxon to “end the mandates”.
Clearly they have no understanding of how government works.
One dingbat even said, “we will vote you out Luxon”!
Ha ha ha, wonder how they are going to do that?
Some of it is so brainless stupid that it makes you wonder if these people ever got much an education.
many of our villages will find themselves sans idiot for a few days.

looks like this

" a group of men attempted to break through the police line, and anger erupted among protesters who called for executions of government and media."
i could have sworn it was a crime to threaten death in this country?
and right in front of the police, who are holding hands.
its a good time to be a law breaking arsehole when the laws are only being selectively enforced by a cowered cuckold police force.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
Tow their cars to clear the streets, get the water cannons out to clear all the tents and the stupid drop kick pricks who put them up, but oh wait, that wouldn't be kind would it? For fucks sake cops do something so they cant get away with what they are doing. Angry
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
(09-02-2022, 02:10 PM)ObeWan Wrote: Had a bit of a laugh at some of these deadbeats posting comments calling on Christopher Luxon to “end the mandates”.
Clearly they have no understanding of how government works.
One dingbat even said, “we will vote you out Luxon”!
Ha ha ha, wonder how they are going to do that?
Some of it is so brainless stupid that it makes you wonder if these people ever got much an education.
They're really not doing themselves any favours when some of their numbers are so clearly  thick as a brick.  Rolleyes
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Your doing a disservice to bricks by saying that
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
(09-02-2022, 03:56 PM)Oldfellah Wrote: Your doing a disservice to bricks by saying that
That's very true - bricks are extremely useful, as I had good cause to know directly after the quakes when I used a few to build a makeshift fireplace. Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Without being there it's hard to know, but I don't understand why the illegally parked vehicles can't at least be ticketed. Surely that wouldn't cause a terrible escalation, because the owners are presumably still wandering vacantly around Parliament grounds. And then towing could start.
I think I heard earlier in the news that some cars have been towed away, not sure as I only heard part of it.

They've made their dubious point & should now have the sense to pack up & bugger off home.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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