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Total Hip Replacements
I thought it would be a Good Idea to start A Thread about Hip  Replacements so people can share Their Experiences & Give Advice on how they go on having Their opperations done & how they recovered afterwards.

(25-02-2020, 10:22 AM)Ferrit47 Wrote: I thought it would be a Good Idea to start A Thread about Hip  Replacements so people can share Their Experiences & Give Advice on how they go on having Their opperations done & how they recovered afterwards.
I had lived with Pain for years which First started after a horse Slipped over & Rolled right over me some years ago. I got Bursitis in it & gave me grief for years.  When I left The farm  i became a delivery person & Street Seller I used to get very sore chins which I brought to my Drs attention  who sent me away to have Xrays done & It showed my hips were slowly wearing out & would eventually need them replaced which was done in April 07 & October 07 . It was The best thing I did too as before having them done I couldnt even walk across the road to The local Dairy. I  was back walking around the block & doing The things I hadnt been able to do for ages. So The Quality of my life improved No End.
Staying in denial about my second one. Till I have to bite the bullet. Too many years on crutches to be eager to go back.
(25-02-2020, 12:02 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Staying in denial about my second one. Till I have to bite the bullet. Too many years on crutches to be eager to go back.

Did you have problems Hunnihunni?  I would be racing in for another hip if I knew it would go as well as the first one, it was a breeze.  Back to 'normal' and cleared to drive at 4 weeks---but my partial knee was a different story.  Hardly needed a painkiller for my hip but had to gobble them down for a few days after my knee.  Animals needed to be fed so they were a necessary evil to get the job done.  Recovery was good though and sure don't regret either operations.
I had No Problems with mine.
I was back driving about 4 or 5 weeks later & was back walking again.
Oh it was fine. Except a couple of weeks afterwards it was recalled. Been in now for fifteen years and no real problems, but it's a worry after all the publicity and suits and stuff. And I do not want plastic, or ceramic, so denial is my only option just now. That, and way too many orthopedic procedures, so I just keep taking the pills, lol. And swearing a lot.
I had mine done 12 years ago & havent had any problems.
I went thru The airport Scanners & for the first time the Metal Detector went off. I had a card from my Surgeon saying I had metal hips & they waved me on thru. That was 12 years later too.
(25-02-2020, 06:22 PM)Ferrit47 Wrote: I had mine done 12 years ago & havent had any problems.
I  went thru The airport Scanners & for the first time the Metal  Detector  went off. I had a card from my Surgeon saying I had metal hips & they waved me on thru. That was 12 years later too.
The cards arnt recognised by boarder control anywhere in the world. Easily replicated etc.  On average 100 flights a year and I set off airport scanners on 99 of them. - all part of the experience.
(25-02-2020, 06:07 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Oh it was fine. Except a couple of weeks afterwards it was recalled. Been in now for fifteen years and no real problems, but it's a worry after all the publicity and suits and stuff. And I do not want plastic, or ceramic, so denial is my only option just now. That, and way too many orthopedic procedures, so I just keep taking the pills, lol. And swearing a lot.

I remember when the 'bad' lot went in and on talkback one night so many people were ringing in who were having problems with their implants I thought about cancelling my operation.  Glad I didn't, a future of painful hobbling and crutches didn't appeal.  The specialist said it was a 'good' one, not the type that had been causing all the recall problems.

(25-02-2020, 08:49 PM)boatiemax Wrote:
(25-02-2020, 06:22 PM)Ferrit47 Wrote: I had mine done 12 years ago & havent had any problems.
I  went thru The airport Scanners & for the first time the Metal  Detector  went off. I had a card from my Surgeon saying I had metal hips & they waved me on thru. That was 12 years later too.
The cards arnt recognised by boarder control anywhere in the world. Easily replicated etc.  On average 100 flights a year and I set off airport scanners on 99 of them. - all part of the experience.

X-ray machines pick them up easily these days and the people doing the detector swipe down know what to look for.
(25-02-2020, 10:30 PM)Kacee Wrote:
(25-02-2020, 06:07 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Oh it was fine. Except a couple of weeks afterwards it was recalled. Been in now for fifteen years and no real problems, but it's a worry after all the publicity and suits and stuff. And I do not want plastic, or ceramic, so denial is my only option just now. That, and way too many orthopedic procedures, so I just keep taking the pills, lol. And swearing a lot.

I remember when the 'bad' lot went in and on talkback one night so many people were ringing in who were having problems with their implants I thought about cancelling my operation.  Glad I didn't, a future of painful hobbling and crutches didn't appeal.  The specialist said it was a 'good' one, not the type that had been causing all the recall problems.

(25-02-2020, 08:49 PM)boatiemax Wrote: The cards arnt recognised by boarder control anywhere in the world. Easily replicated etc.  On average 100 flights a year and I set off airport scanners on 99 of them. - all part of the experience.

X-ray machines pick them up easily these days and the people doing the detector swipe down know what to look for.
Yes  I just told them  that I had Metal Hips & They waved me thru.
Im a newbie just saw this . I was told id need both hips done within 10 years , had assessments in 2013 2017 & jan this year but fobbed off every time as i can still walk but only about 500 M a time . 73 now so chances of getting it done now are slim unless i go private ,last i heard it costs about $25-28 000 for 1 hip
Well, all things considered, my metal on metal implants have done very well and still better than the natural. But that is on the way out, had a call from orthopedics this week, I am back on the list. They'll work with haematology to make sure I get the best possible outcome, so fingers crossed it happens soon. Joe, get your GP to refer you for a possible replacement on the public system. It is such a positive surgery, and now the electives are starting up again, you might be in luck.

I look forward to giving up the painkillers and getting my walking back...
(18-11-2021, 03:51 PM)joe 90 Wrote: Im a newbie    just saw this .  I  was told id need  both hips done    within  10  years  ,  had  assessments in  2013  2017  &    jan this year  but fobbed off every time    as i can still walk      but only  about  500 M  a time  .      73 now so chances of getting it done now  are slim  unless i go private      ,last i heard it costs about  $25-28 000  for  1  hip
That sounds a bit on the high side.   My husband had one hip replaced a few months ago and the total cost, including Southern Cross Hospital charges and the surgeon's follow-up costs, was slightly over $20,000.   It's a lot of money but absolutely worth it for quality of life.  Six weeks after the op he was walking freely, digging the garden;  after two months he was as good as new.
(18-11-2021, 07:01 PM)Olive Wrote:
(18-11-2021, 03:51 PM)joe 90 Wrote: Im a newbie    just saw this .  I  was told id need  both hips done    within  10  years  ,  had  assessments in  2013  2017  &    jan this year  but fobbed off every time    as i can still walk      but only  about  500 M  a time  .      73 now so chances of getting it done now  are slim  unless i go private      ,last i heard it costs about  $25-28 000  for  1  hip
That sounds a bit on the high side.   My husband had one hip replaced a few months ago and the total cost, including Southern Cross Hospital charges and the surgeon's follow-up costs, was slightly over $20,000.   It's a lot of money but absolutely worth it for quality of life.  Six weeks after the op he was walking freely, digging the garden;  after two months he was as good as new.

Mine came in around $20k, much lower than the quote and when I mentioned it to the specialist's PA, whom I had become quite friendly with, she said they always go to the highest level 'just in case something untoward happens and more help is needed' which lessens any arguments over costs I would think.  My spinal block was quoted at $2000 but was $1200, a nice surprise.

(18-11-2021, 03:51 PM)joe 90 Wrote: Im a newbie    just saw this .  I  was told id need  both hips done    within  10  years  ,  had  assessments in  2013  2017  &    jan this year  but fobbed off every time    as i can still walk      but only  about  500 M  a time  .      73 now so chances of getting it done now  are slim  unless i go private      ,last i heard it costs about  $25-28 000  for  1  hip

Depending on what DHB you go under you could be waiting forever or be done quickly as my friend was in ChCh.  She went to her GP because her hip was sore, she wasn't hobbling and never used a walking stick but 4 months later she was given a new hip.  This was 3 or 4 years ago.  She was told they were doing 40 a week to catch up so she was lucky as although it was on the way out she didn't suffer a fraction of what others I know have had to.

When/if you go for an assessment, don't take any painkillers that day until after your appointment and make sure you use crutches or sticks, don't try to be stoic about it.  I feel so sorry you are in such pain, I well remember it and it's cruel keeping people waiting so long for what is a great operation to get your life back and that starts from the minute you come round.  The arthritic pain is gone, such a relief.  If you find a specialist who operates in both systems, private and public, it might pay to see one privately.  I did that for a procedure and had it done less than a week later under the public system.

My other hip is on the way out but I get great relief from Hemp Seed Oil Capsules, I use the GO brand.  When I didn't take them for a few days I sure knew about it and had to use my crutches so back on them I went and a few days later the pain had gone.  They are much cheaper at the Chemist Warehouse or Bargain Chemist if you want to try them but, like anything, what works for one might not for another although others have posted elsewhere they get relief from them as well.
I trialled hemp oil for three months this year, and have been off them now for two, and have noticed no real change in effect, so I will stick with the celebrex. My doctor told me that only about 25% of her patients see any difference using the usual supplements so it might be a genetic predisposition, definitely worth trying these things out though.

One thing is for sure, the warmer weather definitely helps!
Hey Welcome Aboard Everyone.
Nice to see so many Joinning in on here.
I Look forward to seeing you all posting here.
Feel Free to join in & Ask any questions.
Plenty of Room for you all here.
(21-11-2021, 06:40 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I trialled hemp oil for three months this year, and have been off them now for two, and have noticed no real change in effect, so I will stick with the celebrex. My doctor told me that only about 25% of her patients see any difference using the usual supplements so it might be a genetic predisposition, definitely worth trying these things out though.

One thing is for sure, the warmer weather definitely helps!

That's the same for many medications too isn't it Hunni.  When I had my knee replaced I was given Tramadol which had no effect whatsoever yet others have many side effects or can't take it at all.  Makes one friend talk nonsense as if she's high and another threw up the second she swallowed it when she had her knee done.  The Hemp Seed capsules I take also have Magnesium in them so whether that helps I don't know but I won't stop taking them while they keep me pain free or until my hip gets too bad for supplements to work.  

A man I know with a bad hip asked his specialist about the usual ones that people take and was told if they haven't helped after three weeks don't bother wasting money on them.
Thumbs Up 
(18-11-2021, 03:51 PM)joe 90 Wrote: Im a newbie    just saw this .  I  was told id need  both hips done    within  10  years  ,  had  assessments in  2013  2017  &    jan this year  but fobbed off every time    as i can still walk      but only  about  500 M  a time  .      73 now so chances of getting it done now  are slim  unless i go private      ,last i heard it costs about  $25-28 000  for  1  hip
Welcome  Joe 90.
Ask  any questions you want to ask.
??? I'm back.
where you been?
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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(06-03-2022, 09:49 AM)Saki Wrote: ??? I'm back.
Hey Saki  Welcome Back.
Long Time since Ive seen you on our Threads.I miss Everyone from The Odridginal  One.
Not many have folllowed  us here as yet.Hope you are well.
Take Care Saki.   Smile Smile

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