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Political bent
Was thinking about my political leaning last night, and would say "anti-National" would be the best descriptor. I've dallied with all the other main parties at some point (except the nutty ones), but never the Nats.

As a youngster, I don't recall politics being discussed in the house. There were just two colours - red and blue. To me, neither of the colours had any connotations associated to them. People might as well have been voting on their favourite hue, and I'm sure some still do.

As a uni student, I was generally apathetic to the whole thing. "He's got a silly name, I'll vote for him." Still didn't have a clue who Mum or Dad voted for, nor did I care.

But then I woke up a little. It quickly became apparent that all politicians have an ulterior motive, but that National's spineless turdingtons were the worst of all. Politics would start to enter discussion around the dining table, and it turned out Mum & Dad were lefties after all. Lefty farmers. Who would have thunk it?

What of you others? Did you grow up in a staunchly one-true-colour household, or was it a bit more organic?

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