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Cat bite - Advice Please (A bit gross)
My cat bit one of my fingers last weekend when I tried to remove her from a stand-off with my other cat. (She's never bit before).  I went to an urgent clinic on Tuesday after it showed signs of infection (swelling and redness) and was prescribed antibiotics and had a tetanus shot. It's been about 30 hours since the first dose and the finger has swollen further at the site of the bite. I'm assuming it's going to burst at some stage so is it better to go back to the clinic for them to drain the site or let it occur naturally? And how long long does it take the antibiotics to work?
Definitely go back. It is an ACC claim, so costs you nothing, and cat bites can lead to blood poisoning. I have an acquaintance who ended up hospitalised for a week, so take it seriously.

He still has the cat, lol...
That was "Underwhelmed" last post to date. Was the cat bite fatal?
There is an importuning hungry beast at my feet...

So I hope not!
....importuning.... that's a lovely word. Not a wee cowering timorous beastie by the sounds of it?
Corgi Wan Kenobi is watching you!
She is an interesting feline, this one. I can't decide whether she is very zen, or just plain stolid. She just does her thing with very little interaction with people or the environment. Quite pretty, one of those dark calico tabby  cats with huge green gold eyes, and two matching white whiskers that make her look rather cat fishy  but for some reason we just aren't bonding the way I had hoped. More flat mates than beloved  companions, perhaps I am just biased because she isn't a purebred. After years of siamese and burmese I might be just a bit imprinted on those crazy creatures.

Still, she keeps me from talking to myself and needs me as much as I need her so no doubt we'll muddle along, training each other as we go!
Cat... "Sorry, I missed what you said, again. "
Corgi Wan Kenobi is watching you!
Oh yes. I'm lucky if an ear twitches...
(01-05-2023, 03:20 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Oh yes. I'm lucky if an ear twitches...
But can hear the slightest rustle of the cat bikkie bag from 50 paces I'm guessing.
(01-05-2023, 03:41 PM)harm_less Wrote:
(01-05-2023, 03:20 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Oh yes. I'm lucky if an ear twitches...
But can hear the slightest rustle of the cat bikkie bag from 50 paces I'm guessing.

She has rejected dinner. So I have put an extra hoki fillet in the oven to tempt her.

I am so well trained.  Big Grin
I've always had moggys. Most turned up at door, rescued from under a house and such.

They all have their own different personalities. Once one got a bone stuck over her bottom fang, frantic tugging and increasing panic from I assisted and got her fang right through my finger.

It didn't get infected, I did put savlon and a plaster on it straight away though.
And had to resort to partner holding her while I used tweezers to pull the bit of bone up and off.

Yes, she did hunt....

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