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Todd Muller
In the current iteration of so-called "politics", Todd Muller looks a little miscast as a potential PM. Locally, Key and Ardern sold their personality to the voters and it worked. Internationally, Trump and Johnson ran a similar gamut. Bridges could never sell himself without looking like a self-satisfied four year old.

Which brings us to Muller. What's his story? What does he believe in? No one really knows (possibly not even Muller himself). He just comes across as a little, well, blank. An old-fashioned arm-waving empty vessel for the true blue voters to project their views onto. Could he run the country? Sure he could. I mean, he rose to the giddy heights of being the CEO of his Dad's company. That takes skill... and lashings of nepotism.

Muller's supporting bevy of feisty females don't help his cause either. He comes across as a little henpecked - the trophy husband fulfilling the wishes of B1 and B2.

And oooh, opinions and politics. This site is a-changing.
I wish Mr Muller would become more vocal out in the open so we can at least get to know more about the man and what he stands for. Apparently he is visiting the towns around NZ but that's no use for we who can't get to or hear about where he is visiting.
(28-06-2020, 06:07 PM)Kacee Wrote: I wish Mr Muller would become more vocal out in the open so we can at least get to know more about the man and what he stands for.  Apparently he is visiting the towns around NZ but that's no use for we who can't get to or hear about where he is visiting.

He possibly doesn't want to say the "wrong thing" whatever that might be.

He has two options - pick a side and make his feelings known, or do a BoJo and go with both sides and say whatever brainfart comes to mind. Failure to choose one of them just comes across as weak.
(28-06-2020, 05:40 PM)thephoenix Wrote: In the current iteration of so-called "politics", Todd Muller looks a little miscast as a potential PM. Locally, Key and Ardern sold their personality to the voters and it worked. Internationally, Trump and Johnson ran a similar gamut. Bridges could never sell himself without looking like a self-satisfied four year old.

Which brings us to Muller. What's his story? What does he believe in? No one really knows (possibly not even Muller himself). He just comes across as a little, well, blank. An old-fashioned arm-waving empty vessel for the true blue voters to project their views onto. Could he run the country? Sure he could. I mean, he rose to the giddy heights of being the CEO of his Dad's company. That takes skill... and lashings of nepotism.

Muller's supporting bevy of feisty females don't help his cause either. He comes across as a little henpecked - the trophy husband fulfilling the wishes of B1 and B2.

And oooh, opinions and politics. This site is a-changing.

I think he only wanted to get Bridges out and not really in to be a PM, certainly doesn't come across as having the guts to run a country

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