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The saboteur
Rather a bizarre case ; he seems to be as barking mad as his brother. Perhaps he was slightly unstable & the  lockdown caused by covid just pushed him over the edge.

"Graham described his father as a tyrant, who he and his brother lived in fear of upsetting. He also wrote that he believed his upbringing contributed to his brother’s actions in Melbourne.
When he was 19, Graham became a devout Christian, which he later claimed had cured him of schizophrenia. 

A wide-ranging suppression order prevents Stuff from publishing the specifics of his crimes, other than to say it involved a series of attacks on critical public infrastructure in late 2021, which – if successful – could have had grave consequences.
It is unclear if details of the crimes can ever be published. But for the first time, Stuff can chronicle the radicalisation of Graham Philip, and how he became New Zealand’s only saboteur.

In an April video, he claimed that vaccines were “designed by the Satanic cabal to kill off 90% of people in the world”, and feared that his adult children would die once they were vaccinated. In a post on Gab, a social media website, he said the vaccines would “kill billions”.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
It seems to me that fervent Christianity offers a certain vocabulary that lends itself to and encourages conspiracy theory, e.g."Satanic cabal ".
(10-11-2022, 06:51 PM)Olive Wrote: It seems to me that fervent Christianity offers a certain vocabulary that lends itself to and encourages conspiracy theory, e.g."Satanic cabal ".

When the claim is that 'Christianity cured schizophrenia' you really have to wonder about any other claims made by the same person, particularly when they fling the label 'satanic' around liberally. Rolleyes Dodgy
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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