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Israel v Palestine
War has broken out.  Serious rocket attacks from both sides...

Our media seems uninterested, but Al Jaz has people on the ground...
From last year: Israel deliberately killed Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Aqla. They have to be brave to be there!
(07-10-2023, 07:08 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: War has broken out.  Serious rocket attacks from both sides...

Our media seems uninterested, but Al Jaz has people on the ground...
Al Jazeera's content is often weighted towards Middle East and North African events. It is based in Qatar so their neighbourhood essentially.

I expect oil prices will ramp up as a result of this instability in that region, and it will be illuminating to see how each of our political parties react to the situation if it escalates.
While its heartening that 'the world' has condemned the attacks, I can't help wondering where exactly ' the world's condemnation' was the last time Israel was busily killing people in Gaza.

We really are idiots - perhaps if we eventually try to be non violent, it may one day work. Or not.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
The world isn't living in Palestine. Lucky them.
I think the best chance for peace there would be for Israel to ditch its far right govt & let the peace groups on both sides try to achieve actual peace.

Hamas says it has enough Israeli prisoners to release all Palestinian prisoners.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I think the first best hope for peace is for the US to shut up and stay out of it.

Then maybe the powers who got together to create this gawdawful mess could come together and sort it out. Be about time.
2000 rockets heading into Israel makes the ukraine situation look tame.
What I don't get is Israel is supposed to have a relatively robust military?
What do they have in the way of air defense to intercept those rockets?
But yes I agree, the US is largely responsible if you look back into history.
Most of the incoming missiles are cancelled out by their defence, but a few will always get through. Palestine has no similar ring of defence. From what is coming out of Israel's leadership, they intend to flatten Gaza.
(08-10-2023, 03:13 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I think the first best hope for peace is for the US to shut up and stay out of it.

Then maybe the powers who got together to create this gawdawful mess could come together and sort it out. Be about time.

That would be rather nice - but America has a habit of meddling in the affairs of other countries. There are several peace groups made up of people from both sides of the conflict; if they'd
 been listened to perhaps this might not be happening.
Poor people, it must be terrifying.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(08-10-2023, 05:08 PM)nzoomed Wrote: 2000 rockets heading into Israel makes the ukraine situation look tame.
What I don't get is Israel is supposed to have a relatively robust military?
What do they have in the way of air defense to intercept those rockets?
But yes I agree, the US is largely responsible if you look back into history.

There are videos of Israel's "Iron Dome" system taking out incoming missiles.
I do have other cameras!
(08-10-2023, 02:12 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: I think the best chance for peace there would be for Israel to ditch its far right govt & let the peace groups on both sides try to achieve actual peace.

Hamas says it has enough Israeli prisoners to release all Palestinian prisoners.

Hamas quite openly are not interested in peace, they explicitly spell that out in their manifesto. Their aim is to eradicate all Jews, not just from Israel but worldwide.  Until Hamas is removed from power in Gaza, there can be no peace and Israel cannot back down.
Their aim is freedom from aggression. Freedom to keep their lands. Freedom to live their lives in safety.

Pretty much the same freedoms we enjoy.
On what do you base that opinion? Because my claim is based on what Hamas themselves have published. Hamas have done nothing to help their own people over the past 15+ years during which they've been in control of Gaza. Their actions show very clearly that they care far more deeply about the destruction of Israel/killing of Jews than they do about the betterment of Palestinians.

I don't know what the answer is, and I don't think that Israel have been blameless however I do know that peace cannot be had there without Hamas being dismantled.

Also, the Israeli army will crush Hamas in this current war because they're better trained and far better equipped. Many many people will sadly die on both sides, but far more Gaza Palestinians will die than Israelis. Gaza infrastructure will also be more severely damaged and generally this will all end far far worse for Gaza than for Israel. And Hamas know that full well, but they don't care, because they'll just be pleased to have killed "evil Jews" and the death and suffering of their own is a price they're very happy to pay.
Hamas do appear to have softened their stance on the anti-semitic views. The anti jewish rhetoric is from the 1988 charter...

This is from 2017

I would like to know what specific events have triggered the latest happenings...
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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(08-10-2023, 05:38 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Most of the incoming missiles are cancelled out by their defence, but a few will always get through. Palestine has no similar ring of defence. From what is coming out of Israel's leadership, they intend to flatten Gaza.

Actually the most effective antimissile systems have an effective shoot down of between 40-60% so more than just a few get get though.
Hamas say they are responding to the Al Asqa Mosque desecration, as a final act in a long line of crimes committed against them.

And, for the record, not all of those crimes are down to Israel. The powers that created Israel cannot wash their hands clean of this awful situation, it is an historic wrong that I doubt can ever be compensated for, sadly.
(08-10-2023, 10:43 PM)king1 Wrote: Hamas do appear to have softened their stance on the anti-semitic views.  The anti jewish rhetoric is from the 1988 charter...

This is from 2017

I would like to know what specific events have triggered the latest happenings...
Maybe follow the money?
  • Who stands to gain from Middle East instability? The oil producers.
  • The US is in the process of brokering a deal with the Saudis which would limit oil prices.
  • Iran is a major oil producer that stands to lose from the above deal.
  • Palestine was under significant embargoes so how and where did they get hold of so much military hardware? Iran?
  • Turkey have now backed the Palestinians so thinks are looking to be escalating.
  • Expect a hike in oil prices.
The US certainly has irons in that fire. A nice new war against a vulnerable 'enemy' to boost their arms industry.
(09-10-2023, 09:54 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: The US certainly has irons in that fire. A nice new war against a vulnerable 'enemy' to boost their arms industry.
This article discusses some interesting aspects, but may be paywalled.

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