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U S evangelicals drive Republcan support for israel
It really is quite bizarre, some of the things humans can manage to believe. And our newest PM is also apparenty an evangelical.

"Republican support for Israel has been near monolithic since the 7 October attack by Hamas.
Conservatives argue the US is backing a close ally, standing up for the region's only democracy and sending a message that terror against civilians will not be tolerated.
But there's more to it than that.

Evangelical conservatives are a key part of the Republican party's coalition, and these religious voters - and politicians - have a connection to the state of Israel that runs deep.
George Washington University religious scholar Christopher Rollston says: "There's a strong sense within evangelicalism that the Jewish people are God's people.
"And there's a theological assumption that's pretty pervasive within certain segments of evangelicalism that the establishment of the modern state of Israel was the fulfilment of biblical prophecy."

The new Republican Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, has strong evangelical ties.

The Louisiana congressman was one of a handful of politicians who addressed a crowd of 10,000 at a "March for Israel" event in Washington DC on Tuesday.
Quoting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, he called the conflict between Israel and Hamas "a fight between good and evil, between light and darkness, between civilisation and barbarism".
He said demands for an Israeli ceasefire in Gaza were "outrageous".

"There are few issues in Washington that could so easily bring together leaders of both parties in both chambers," Mr Johnson said, "but the survival of the state of Israel unites us together and unites all Americans."
The Democrats are divided, however. While the two congressional leaders, along with President Joe Biden, have been firm in their support for Israel following the attack, a growing number on the left are calling attention to Palestinian civilian casualties and condemning the Israeli military campaign.

John Hagee is a Texas-based Christian minister and president of Christians United for Israel, which boasts 10 million members.
In 2008, he said the Holocaust was part of God's plan to return Jews to Israel. The Republican presidential candidate at the time, John McCain, declined his endorsement in part because of those comments.

For his part, Mr Hagee was effusive in his support for Israel. He told the crowd that a line should be drawn uniting Christians and Jews and that there was no "middle" ground in the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

"We must all stand united with one voice and boldly declare over and over: Israel, you are not alone," he said.
In his deep southern preacher drawl, he placed the fate of Israel squarely in a religious context.
"The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob guarantees Israel's deliverance will come as proclaimed every year during Passover," he said. "Israel is the apple of God's eye. Israel is the shining city on the hill. God says of Israel, Israel is my firstborn son."

For some evangelicals, however, the ties between their religion and the fate of Israel have a darker hue. And it's where Mr Hagee's more controversial views come into play.
In the End Days, a certain strain of Christian theology holds, the Jewish people will either convert to Christianity or perish in flames. It is a key step towards Armageddon that is then followed by 1,000 years of peace, according to this belief.

A Pew Research survey last year found 39% of Americans - including 63% of evangelicals - believe humanity is "living in the end times".
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I find it rather offensive that people willing to sacrifice the populations of the Middle East to fit their definition of End Times dare to call themselves Christians.
Most of the Christians I have met, tend to have a warped view of reality? The genuine Christians are beautiful people! My Mum was one of those. Said she didn't need a big flash church to worship God. He was all around and an open paddock was a closer place to God than any church. On the other hand, her sister, a ministers wife was a narrow minded, mealy mouth bi*ch.

Just my experience over my long number of years.
Corgi Wan Kenobi is watching you!
Mine too Kenj. Genuine people of faith seem to have an inner light all of their own and it doesn't come via some fast talking heavy tithing god botherer. Why those ones end up with so much power is proof positive of Lilith's oft stated opinion that all human beings are weird.
Mike Johnson: ‘Depraved’ America Deserves God’s Wrath
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
(16-11-2023, 08:26 AM)Kenj Wrote: Most of the Christians I have met, tend to have a warped view of reality? The genuine Christians are beautiful people! My Mum was one of those. Said she didn't need a big flash church to worship God. He was all around and an open paddock was a closer place to God than any church. On the other hand, her sister, a ministers wife was a narrow minded, mealy mouth bi*ch.

Just my experience over my long number of years.

Its odd, isn't it, that those who seem to us genuinely spiritual people are more often than not people who don't bother with organised religion, at least in western countries. And who feel some kind of contact with something larger than humans in nature. Smile

(16-11-2023, 09:27 AM)zqwerty Wrote: Mike Johnson: ‘Depraved’ America Deserves God’s Wrath

Interesting - & ever so convenient for them - that Christians (& of course, other Abrahamic religions too) can always find some other group whose fault everything is & who are sure to bring down 'divine retribution' on everyone else including, naturally those upright, virtuous & entirely innocent Christians...

"The segment was filmed Oct. 3, just weeks before Johnson’s unexpected rise to become speaker of the House. Garlow pressed the clean-cut Louisiana congressman to say “more about this ‘time of judgment’ for America.” Johnson replied: “The culture is so dark and depraved that it almost seems irredeemable.” He cited, as supposed evidence, the decline of national church attendance and the rise of LGBTQ youth — the fact, Johnson lamented, that “one-in-four high school students identifies as something other than straight.” 
Discussing the risk of divine retribution, Johnson invoked Sodom, the Old Testament city destroyed by God for its wickedness with a rain of burning sulfur. Johnson is a polished orator, but in a closing prayer with Garlow he grew tearful. Johnson intoned, “We repent for our sins individually and collectively. And we ask that You not give us the judgment that we clearly deserve.”
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(16-11-2023, 08:42 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Mine too Kenj. Genuine people of faith seem to have an inner light all of their own and it doesn't come via some fast talking heavy tithing god botherer. Why those ones end up with so much power is proof positive of Lilith's oft stated opinion that all human beings are weird.

My Nana, Mum's Mum was a very religious god fearing person and spent most of the last 20 active years of her life looking after people from her church that were dying and didn't have care. When she died there was a problem as the church had split the large family down the middle. Some like Mum got away (Literally!) We decided to see Nana off at the Funeral directors chapel and with respect to Nana, asked a minister in her church to do the service. He said "No Way Jose," it has to be in our church or not at all. So he was told to f**k off, really! Had the service done by a minister from another church who made the service about her, and her christian work, not her church.

Some religious outfits are bastards, and that's being polite. Can't mention the name of her church but "Seven wasn't her lucky number" Big Grin
Corgi Wan Kenobi is watching you!
Mike Johnson is a board member of a Christian publishing house that called ‘monkeypox’ a penalty for being gay

The Comfort mentioned here is actually Ray Comfort of Christchurch NZ who I have seen pontificating many times in the Christchurch Square by the Cathedral, he is such a bore.

That's how close this is to us all here in NZ.

So an obnoxious jerk from ChCh is having an influence on a major figure in American politics and through him possibly the rest of the world in the future.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
I remember Ray Comfort from his preaching in the square days too. The story went that he'd done too much of whatever drug one day & freaked out, become paranoid, 'found god' & decided his god wanted him to flush all the drugs belonging to his flat mates down the loo, which he did & which made him extremely unpopular - but no idea if that''s true or not.

And then there was this; the infamous banana argument:

"Comfort offers up the 'ironclad argument' that bananas are proof of God's intelligent design of the natural world because "the banana and the hand are perfectly made, one for the other."

"Behold, the atheists' nightmare!" declares Comfort, before detailing the many user-friendly features of bananas, which include its "non-slip surface," "tab at the top" for easy opening, and convenient shape which is "even curved toward the face to make the whole process so much easier."
In fact, the banana as we know it is the result of careful artificial selection by humans over the course of many years. The wild banana is small, seed-filled, and unpalatable. The banana came about through human manipulation of evolutionary mechanisms.
In response, Comfort said in a video that has now been made private that he "was not aware that the common banana had been so modified through hybridization."
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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