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Small problem with Google Chat
I have been using Google Chat for some time now and I have found that I can usually compose about 20 lines until I cannot enter any more and so I send that and start the next message. That is usually adequate for what I want to say but just recently it has only been possible to do 3 lines. This problem seems to have started since they introduced their new logo. But it seems to be a problem just with me as messages I receive have many lines, 2 to 3 times as much as I have been used to.
The temporary solution that I have found - about 3 lines - is manageable but not very convenient so I was hoping that someone could advise me how to remedy the problem.
Thank you in anticipation.
Assume your Google chrome is all upto Date ?? Dont use it my self, but have you tried the Google chat App instead ?
Upgrades = Old bugs replaced with new Bugs.

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