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Mayoral sign off 'go f*ck yourself'
Which sounds terrible until you find out that the original email came from someone from the 'sovereign citizens' group..

"Some believe they are bound by statutes only if they consent to them. They engage in obfuscatory tactics in court, making bizarre arguments based on what could only be described as pseudo law
Sociologist Paul Spoonley tells us that some of the messages coming through at the Parliament occupation reflected a growth of extremism that has been developing for some years (The Conversation republished in LawNews 11 March 2022).

One of the subsets of right-wing extremism that Spoonley describes is that of the ‘sovereign citizen’ – a phenomenon not unknown to those of us who have worked in the courts.
Sovereign citizens’ have been appearing before the courts and advancing their ‘interesting’ arguments for the past 15 or so years. Spoonley suggests the sovereign citizen phenomenon has been influenced by American politics but once again he is vague as to how.

Sovereign citizens – or, as they are referred to in the UK and Canada, freemen-of-the-land or FOTL – share common attitudes to established law. Some believe they are bound by statutes only if they consent to them.

They engage in obfuscatory tactics in court, making bizarre arguments based on what could only be described as pseudo law. Most sovereign citizens are not violent but may be verbally aggressive and many will use pseudo-legal tactics merely as attempts to ignore certain rules, to get out of debt or to avoid such things as paying licence fees and traffic tickets."

"Salt said he believed the email, sent on July 10, 2023, came from a person associated with Sovereign Citizens, a growing group across Aotearoa that sociologist Paul Spoonley said posed a threat in its right wing extreme views that elected governments do not have legitimate authority.
Stuff reported in 2023 that all councils had been experiencing an increase in aggressive behaviour from the group.

Actions taken by the group last year included death threats, anonymous letters, refusing to pay rates or fines, or claiming land ownership under “allodial title”.
We have had to call police on a number of occasions. We’ve had to beef up security and there’s an ongoing review of that. Two elected members now have panic alarms they carry with them at all times. I was shocked to see even places like the local DOC office having bullet-proof glass inserted,” said Salt,

The email that prompted Salt’s F-bomb response was signed Anthony-John and accused council of being a “fictious [sic] entity but all liable to prosecution in actions of bad faith, on the grounds of not following due process of law done with intent to coerce to deceive, to enslave myself and others”.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Perhaps we should start supporting those who have the courage to respond in kind to the abuse others think it okay to toss their way.

It would be more honest than this culture of tolerance.
(17-01-2024, 08:36 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Perhaps we should start supporting those who have the courage to respond in kind to the abuse others think it okay to toss their way.

It would be more honest than this culture of tolerance.

Perhaps all councils & others who are cosntantly targeted by this lot need a standard reply - nothing too offensive, just a simple 'Oh do pith orff!' should suffice... Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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