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Jobseekers with disabilities, health conditions will be targeted
And there we go; their true Tory bastard colours showing loud & clear. Miserable sods, the lot of them.

"The Government unveiled its public service targets on Monday. We've already seen the health ones, but it's added targets across the rest of Government.
And that includes targeting those on the health or disability jobseekers benefit.
Along with a focus on law and order and education, the Government is honing in on welfare. It wants to slash benefit numbers by 50,000.
In December 2023 there were about 190,000 people on the Jobseeker Benefit. But just over 80,000 of those were receiving it because they have a health condition or disability - what used to be known as the sickness benefit. That leaves nearly 110,000 who are deemed 'work ready'.
The 50,000 reduction won't just apply to the work-ready though. It'll target those on the health or disability jobseekers benefit.
"They may want to do part-time work. They may want to get work-ready. They might want to do more programmes in preparation for work," Luxon said."

Or, they may be unable to work, too ill to work.

I wonder which it is - are our Govt too stupidly ignorant to comprehend that some people are genuinely unable to work, or do they understand all too well, & just do not care? Dodgy
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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