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I think the greens are going to be disappointed...
When they learn that Labour is going to govern alone without them in any coalition like they are so used to when working with them.
The way the greens were talking last night, it was like they were assuming this would naturally be the case.
Labour dont want any difficulty working with other parties, and now that they dont need to, I dont see why they even need to work with the greens at all.
Still see Labour using the Greens for support and offloading some of the ministerial work. Labour have got a lot of newbies coming in (some of whom will be useless, as per usual) and they won't want to lump anything onto them. Plus they can't keep throwing everything at Hipkins. Added bonus - they can hand off anything problematic to the Greens and it becomes their fault if it turns to custard.

National in a bit of a mess. Collins says she isn't going anywhere and it's hard to see who can replace her at the moment. Surely it's too early for Luxon. Weird seeing places like Rangitata go red, but the Nats will probably win them all back in three years.

As yours truely predicted, the Maori Party got their seat. The specials might narrow the margin a little, but they should hang on.

Weird how unimportant some of the media beatups in the run towards the election proved to be. James Shaw's green school was going to to be the end of him and the Greens and yet they've ended up with more MPs.

Funny old election.
The poor old 'Crusher" has become the "Crushee" . . .
and Labour would be daft not to extend the hand of friendship to the Green Meanies . . .
and even to the one Maori seat . . . IF the majority of the specials don't give the seat to Tamati.

It just means Queen Jac does not have to pander to the Greens to ANY degree... (ie rich tax, which Jacinda disagrees with.)

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