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US election fraud
Seems there is much more coming out in the weeks following the election.
One day, they might come up with evidence of widespread fraud, but I wouldn't hold your breath.

Fairly telling how much Trump has cut himself from public view in the past few weeks - alongside the team's almost blanket refusal to take any questions from reporters at press conference aside from the "journalists" at OANN or Newsmax.

Meanwhile, the US's Covid numbers keep getting higher...
Will know whats up sooner rather than later, all I know is I was watching the election and saw how votes jumped while they had stopped counting for the night in some of those states.
Im giving them the benefit of the doubt they have evidence to prove their claims, but looks like its going to have to go to the supreme court.
What I laugh about is we heard for 4 years in the media how russia had hacked the last election, but when the tables turn, the media claim its BS when allegations are made on the other side.
If the votes were coming in well after the counties had stopped counting then that would be a problem - an easily identifiable problem. It's been three weeks now. Weird how not one Republican observer has said anything... In many cases, it seemed to be up to the counties on whether they kept counting, which led to some confusion from parts of the media. For instance, with one of the counties I was watching, CNN said they'd gone home for the night. Minutes later, a local reporter tweeted that no, they hadn't - and took a photo of everyone milling about doing their counting thing. They were there for a few more hours.

Neither party is that dumb, that they think they could sneak in hundreds of thousands of votes during the night without anyone noticing. If you're going to do the massive fraud thing, then you'd do it piecemeal - a few thousand here, a few thousand there, or you use those really dodgy looking electronic voting machines that some African nations like to use. Throwing Occam's razor at the numbers, the late night Biden bumps are almost certainly coming from large urban areas (more votes to count - so working late at night) and postal votes (some states couldn't start counting until close-off). It's not going to be big dumb fraud.

Don't forget that even if a few Democrats thought the Ruskies had hacked the last election ("influenced" might be closer to the truth), Clinton actually conceded that night! Puts the orange man to shame.
It ain't over till the orange man sings.
Look at this, 2 years ago, symantec hacked a voting machine.
I dont know if its a dominion machine or not lol
Just because one can, doesn't mean one did Wink
(30-11-2020, 01:33 PM)thephoenix Wrote: Just because one can, doesn't mean one did Wink
I dont even think they need hacking, it seems the machines can let an admin "change" votes to fix "mistakes" lol
Look at this CNN story about 3 years ago, they seem to have forgotten!

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