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You can never have enough...
Lady of Shallot hasn't any perfume which suits me fine thanks to hayfever. I'm glad you like 'her', she's one of my favourites. So the choice of the new climbing rose has been narrowed down to Westerland or Blackberry Nip. Quite different but each beautiful in their own right.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(26-11-2022, 02:51 PM)kiwimade64 Wrote: Lady of Shallot hasn't any perfume which suits me fine thanks to hayfever.  I'm glad you like 'her', she's one of my favourites.  So the choice of the new climbing rose has been narrowed down to Westerland or Blackberry Nip.  Quite different but each beautiful in their own right.

Both. Planted close because their colours will sing to each other... Heart
Lilith thank you for the heads up about my neighbours art genre - her name is Christina so I couldn’t wait to look up the name you gave me thinking I might have somebody famous living across the street but it’s not her - she is a real night owl like me - I am used to being the only lights on after about 11pm but her lit up two story house stands out like a beacon - I guess it will be a while before her body clock becomes a kiwi .Congratulations on the budding author
The weather can’t make up its mind - was going to turn the water but rain is threatening
Robie said the other day he would love a lemonade tree like we had at the house he grew up in - thought I would surprise him - we stopped giving presents years ago as we were just buying things for them that they didn’t need - they still give me something from the kids - I give the kids birthday presents rather than Xmas - the other grandad does the opposite .Now they are older I buy them a sheep or a goat from World Vision - anyway back to the tree there seems to be two varieties so it’s not as easy as I thought
I am going to be able to supply the pickle factory my cucumbers are loaded - they are the Lebanese ones - I don’t think I will plant so many lettuce am really enjoying Pak Choy in my salads - there is a little one that looks like silver beet it’s peppery and crunchy
The fancy security cameras worked today - a very well dressed couple tried to enter the shop - the camera recognised them as a pair of trolley thieves from the Manawatu - the trolley full they stole down there was worth over $1800 including two huge Xmas hams - the camera is only interested in people who have been trespassed so it isn’t gathering data unnecessarily- it’s not what’s in the trolley it’s the danger to staff and customers when they make a run for the door with a laden trolley they don’t care about anybody - several people have been hit -
Going to have lemon honey on sour dough toast tonight - lovely ladybwho has been coming for lemons just dropped a lovely gift off to me
The little old Jack Russell who has now been missing for 12 days was picked up on a roadside camera at a roundabout - she is still a long way from home but she is heading in the right direction - unfortunately some people tried to pick her up but she bolted - resilient old girl
morning ladies Smile The sun's out but I don't think it will be for long. I'm going to take the spade to the grass growing over the concrete paths before the rain gets here.

The little Jack Russell is very plucky, Jan. But then, they are determined little dogs. As a JR owner, we can certainly testify to that!

OHH, it has crossed my mind to buy both roses lol. I'll need to juggle things around to make space and ask MrK to put some more fence wire up. I suspect he knows I'll be asking lol.

This morning I've lost my voice much to MrK's delight (he's only teasing). I'll do a RATs test, but I think it's all part of the horrible hayfever I have at the moment. The winds that we have been having have blown so much pollen and dust about.

I need to work on the quail so must find time to do that.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Very heavy rain here for few hours now temps down too.

 I made myself a top yesterday. DD popped over with 2 quilt tops she pieced last year and asked if I would quilt them. They are quite big will have to be in the mood to start those as several hours of work.

Xmas do to attend this afternoon not sure what I will get up to this morning. Been reading in bed so time to move

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I sleep with windows open most nights and I suspect that pollen has been giving me the sniffles, it will be good when the winds die down a bit.

But we may be waiting a while.

And I am glad those cameras did something useful, I am still a bit wary of the idea, but can see the benefit with useless oxygen thieves like those around.
Morning everyone

The sun is out at the mo, but its quite cool.

I had a very lazy day yesterday and my bones approved.

It was funny when I was watching the news last night, the story about the shortage of GPs, with the pacific Island dr was done in the med center that I had my MRI in on Thursday. I never knew it was there and then twice in a few days I saw it .. its a large place with a lot of different services.

Today I will put anything that wasn't sold on FB yesterday onto trade me. I haven't looked if there was anything wanted overnight. But I did sell a necklace and a couple of tops. So a good start.

MrP was in a foul mood, wants a divorce, then crying then asking me to make bread. Its like 3 seasons in one call lol. Just not sure the yeast will be any good, but Ill give it a shot. So Ill be up early tomorrow popping it on, so its cooked by the time I go up.

Hope you feel better soon Kiwimade

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
The pollen has driven me inside. At least the grass growing over the paths has gone. It looks a lot tidier there now. MrK is planting basil, the regular and the Thai types. Both yummy. The little micro basil he planted is so strong in flavour. Amazing that such a teeny leaf can give off such a strong taste. Was so good on cucumber for last night's dinner.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
The weather still can’t seem to make up it’s mind. I think my veg would appreciate a bit of rain.

Lemonades are so delicious my tree was very prolific this year. Quite a lot of people don’t seem to know about them and give me a funny look as they think I’m eating a lemon  Big Grin

Great that they are developing cameras to identify repeat culprits before they can reoffend. Looks like they are travelling around to try and help themselves if they have enough petrol to come from the Manawatu they aren’t destitute.
Hope that little Jack Russell makes it home OK.

Raining & cold here, hope the tomatoes, beans etc. etc. will survive as they're now too big to be able to cover, & the forecast said snow on the Alps so may get even colder here.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile More rain today by the looks of it. At least the weeding has been done in the 'main' gardens, I have only the gardens along the roadside to do. I'll mow the lawn tomorrow if possible, when the bins have been emptied.

I had to smile at you eating lemonade lemons, venetian. Our daughter when she was young, would eat our meyer lemons off our tree, skin and all. Made us shudder every time lol.

Blimmen hayfever! I'll need a visit to the chemist today. But I'm thinking I might wear a mask outside to cut the pollen down. A few years ago our council planted that low growing jasmine in town and for us allergy sufferers, it was a nightmare. They only did it once and I suspect there were complaints. I know I mentioned it to the ladies at the council and told them I wouldn't be back in town until the jasmine went. I also heard a customer tell a shop assistant the same thing.

Our son phoned yesterday to say he has his 20% deposit for a house and will be asking the bank about his next steps. The higher interest doesn't bother him as that will be all he has known. We pointed out to him there is no 'right' time to buy. You buy when you are ready and by chance, property values are going down. So exciting times for him.

There might be time to work on the quail today if I have to stay indoors. We have another visit to my sister-in-law this week to help in her garden before she moves. She wants to leave the garden tidy for the new owner.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Cold here but the rain has stopped. It poured yesterday, slips and tree down locally.

Made tshirt for DD yesterday will make one for DIL tomorrow. Had nice time at Xmas afternoon tea yesterday.

Off to gym soon and this morning will prep for meeting this afternoon.

Hear you regarding hay-fever KM I take antihistamines everyday all year round. Allergies are the pits.

Need to scroll through library online as I don't have a book to read at the moment.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Blue skies again after a nice steady rain overnight - would be nice if this pattern could last with sunny days and garden watering rain at night  Rolleyes

Great that your son is getting onto the house ownership ladder KM - there never seems to be a “right” time for house buying as they never can really predict which way the market will go. It rather annoys me when you hear people on the radio (usually politicians) saying that something which has just been proposed should have been done months ago - if so why hadn’t they said so at the “right” time not later when someone else had thought about it? Hindsight is a wonderful thing  Big Grin

Hope all of you with it can get on top of your hay fever. One of my visitors at the weekend was starting to snuffle with it too.
Well, it's not hayfever Sad Overnight I had the chills and sweats so I took another RATS test a few minutes ago. I didn't need to wait the full 15 minutes to see I have the bug. MrK is doing his test now. And we've let our friend who I take to hospital appointments know as he has a procedure booked in tomorrow.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

We have had rain but not at the mo.

A third with the hayfever. And I take two pills in the morning. Thank goodness you can get them on prescription. Wearing a mask outside is a dam good idea.. I have boxes of tissues everywhere lol.

Have to go see MrP today. And if his mood is anything to go by it might be short. And I have a pick up this afternoon.

Im going to get the stuffing out later and start putting the teddy together.. I hope.

I had my two days off and relaxed over the weekend and it really has helped the knee..

MrP eats Lemons whole, and Onions like apples.. Argghhh!!!!!

Have a fab day everyone

(28-11-2022, 06:59 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: Well, it's not hayfever Sad  Overnight I had the chills and sweats so I took another RATS test a few minutes ago.  I didn't need to wait the full 15 minutes to see I have the bug.  MrK is doing his test now.  And we've let our friend who I take to hospital appointments know as he has a procedure booked in tomorrow.

Ohhh Noooo....

I guess the bonus is, you will be able to sit and stitch when your energy is depleted.. Get well soon.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning.

Sunny with some wind.

Eeek KM, "C" on top of hayfever! All you can do is rest up and go with it.  It is apparently everywhere at present with these different strains about,  so I think you're lucky if you can avoid catching it.

Great family wedding over the weekend and SO lucky with a gorgeous day. It's been a while since we were on the dance floor,  lol ... such fun!

Hope to do some baking,  get outside and maybe find time to start the cross stitch. 

Enjoy the day all.
Oh KM how frustrating for you. I hope your immune system makes sure you just get a mild dose.
(28-11-2022, 06:59 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: Well, it's not hayfever Sad  Overnight I had the chills and sweats so I took another RATS test a few minutes ago.  I didn't need to wait the full 15 minutes to see I have the bug.  MrK is doing his test now.  And we've let our friend who I take to hospital appointments know as he has a procedure booked in tomorrow.

Oh no I hope that you recover quickly.

Learnt something today my battery in car key fob was dead Sad  couldn't start car to drive to gym and it is not safe for me to walk too far at moment (can't feel my R foot so foot drop excentuated) So Google is my friend found out how to change battery and that if I press end of key fob instead of my finger to start stop button the car will start so who knew I suppose you clever lot knew and I am the last to find out  Big Grin so have been to shops batteries bought and fobs all ready to go again - yes spare fob battery dead too.

Take care all
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I never knew that, mica! Wonder if it will work for our car. When we changed the batteries in both fobs, we 'discovered' a regular key which would at least let us into the car if the battery died while we were out and about and the car was locked.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
That's unfortunate, KM, hope you don't have it too badly & recover quickly.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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