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You can never have enough...
Your friends Mum, popeye, would that have been Legionnaires disease? Very like a severe pneumonia? I believe that's why we see warnings on bagged garden mix bags about wearing masks...

Warm and muggy at the moment, rained over night which was great.

Popeye sorry that they didn't spell it out better for you re MrPs bleeders That's just not good enough.  I remember that you had mentioned that he was going to the hospital for something to be tied off in his stomach (anything medical seems to stick in my mind Smile ) so did a quick check back to March where you mentioned that he had been again.  I guess those who are dealing with these sort of things tend to forget that we don't all have the same level of information

That Leggionare's disease is a real nasty, since hearing about it i have been a lot more cautious around compost, it also gets into air conditioning systems which is a lot harder to avoid.
I remember that lady whose mum died, she posted warnings on the MB about Legionaires and if I remember correctly, she was even on the news. I'm also careful around compost, making sure there is plenty of ventilation etc.

Congratulations on the 50 kilo loss, popeye Smile

I've been working on the quail this morning after planting some dahlia tubers I found the other day. Heaven knows if they will grow and if they do, what the flowers are like lol. I'm hoping they are the same as the tubers that rotted. So another old fence post has been dug in which is another one off MrK's stash. He's quite happy to see them being used although he says my posts have a slight lean to the left lol. I suspect his sister will nab some too when she starts her new garden after she has moved.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Yes I remembered earlier this morning about things being tied back in his tummy too.

I think it was the throwing up of blood that didn't connect cos that hadn't happened before.

Yeah it was Whiskey13 whose Mum died of Legionnaires. It was fast and left them all in a state of shock. We are like Sisters now which is awesome.

A lady we knew in Mangakino whose Husband died of the same thing, but suffered a lot longer.

They didn't find any nasty's in his stomach so now its sorting out what is to happen with him. He doesn't want to go back to the home here. But unless they refuse to take him Im afraid he won't have a choice if he still wants me in his life. And he knows it.
Dr said he was quite lucid etc today I said yes cos the infection is improving and he has been taking his meds. But they dont see him all the time. I think its going to be a struggle to get the mental side of things done. But I will keep fighting.

Bobbie rang, she said they didnt give her a message last night.. Still going on about him coming home. I fear I might have to be forceful so she understands.. I dont know if I can handle too much more of her begging on top of his.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Yup, popeye, boundaries...
Here's hoping they can find the problem Popeye.

Strange weather again here, cold & a short shower & then hot & sunny.

The lovely greyhound was slightly less shy today & Madame Le Dog was slightly less frosty so perhaps he might be a friend after all, eventually.
I think it may be the weather which is making me feel so tired; spoke to friend further south who's also feeling really tired & they've had similar weather so maybe that's it.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
No Nastys in his stomach.

Only in his head. He says hes not coming back here. I told him I couldnt afford to visit anywhere else and he said too bad.

So now I simply dont give a dam.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Fine day so far

KM hope MrKM surgery all good today

DS and his family visited yesterday, read alot of stories to DGS his sister is petite but growing well. DS wanted to show DGSchis rock collection well we turned the place upside down everything out all storage places. It has instigated a clean out so thats what we will be doing this morning. We found the collection in the last place we looked Rolleyes

Popeye it is what it is and MrP might not have a choice about his landing  spot.

Off to gym

Have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Hope all goes well today KM for MKM. The Gift of sight is the Best present ever.

Yep I agree Mica, he will have to go where he is put. I know if he wants to change he has to give a months' notice. Which is long enough for him to change his mind countless times.

I've decided not to go up today. I simply couldn't handle Bobbie and I dont want to snap. She doesn't deserve it at all.

Now that we have sun I need it to dry the grass so I can get Gertie out... Its two weeks tomorrow since she did any work and you can see it. I dont want to chop the Daisy's heads off but it needs doing.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning.

Sunny, hot and very humid.

Busy over the weekend with family and grandie day today.

Good luck with Mr K's eye surgery today and I hope Mr P on the mend Popeye. He will find he won't have much say on where he goes next ... I doubt deep down, that he would want you to no longer visit!

The tree and decorations are all done and GD and I have just used up some bananas in a cake, now baking in the oven. She enjoyed the bowl after  Tongue I need to find time to finish an excellent library book (the Alice Network), 3 days to go before due and I can't renew as it is on hold for someone else!

Better get the cake out of the oven and time for a cuppa and crackers/cheese with GD.

Have a good day all.
Hi ladies Smile It's been a long day. MrK's surgery took twice as long as the lens wouldn't fit properly and then the iris started to slip. So the surgeon had to ask another surgeon with more experience to finish for him. But at least he asked and hopefully he learned things too. So now we're home and MrK isn't allowed any heavy lifting or gardening and no driving yet. Tomorrow, we go back for a checkup.

It's such a lovely day outside, I should be mowing the lawn but I have no room in the compost or the bins for the clippings. Hopefully tomorrow I can mow after MrK's appointment and the bins have been emptied.

Last night we had the first of our beans and spuds for dinner. There was enough spuds left over for either a potato salad or a fry up. Seeing as I will be cooking, I get to decide lol.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Glad its over.

Oh A mischief man eh lol... some of us like to be complicated, well maybe not like, but simply are lol.

Rang the hospital hes ok today.

Ive done half the lawn. But goodness knows where I put the sun screen so didn't want to be out too long. Had my hat on tho.
Am pooped so the rest can wait.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Great that he has had his surgery KM.  Many years ago an elderly doctor said to me that if he went to a doctor who got a book out (pre computers) to check something he would trust him a lot than someone who didn’t know their limitations or thought they knew everything.
That's good news, KM. Good to have it done & dusted.

It dawned on me yesterday that the illustrations for the next calendar are due about halfway through next month so I'll need to get busy. There may be one or two completed paintings which I could perhaps alter, will have to go through. The one I'm working on just now will do as one I think; it lends itself to some of the guidelines.
Quite hot again here & I'm tired once again so has to be the weather.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Funny coincidence... My recently widowed friend came over and it seems her husband of 50 years never got round to sharing passwords, insurance details, banking information, tax details, or the like, so as you can imagine she has a lot of work ahead. Would be simple enough if they were poor, but the opposite actually applies. Which makes everything enormously complicated.

It is a lesson for the rest of us...
morning ladies Smile Another hot, sticky day today by the looks of it.

We have a follow up appointment for MrK today. Something is not right, he can't see very well out of the eye. We have some questions to ask at the appointment, like, what exactly happened yesterday.

Your friend will have a fight on her hands with the passwords as most institutions are reluctant to give out the passwords without a death certificate. She may be able to change the passwords by answering the questions. But not knowing about the money, taxes etc is tough. I handle our money but MrK is in the loop and he knows the passwords. It's whether he can remember how to do things online lol.

No stitching for me yesterday except for a little bit on the piece I set up for the hospital wait. Was tricky trying to stitch with my glasses fogging up lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Hot and muggy again here too.

That's no good KM, I don't know much about cataract surgery as to the speed of recovery, but do remember my dad ending up with great sight. His vision was corrected at the same time as cataract surgery. I once had pterygium removal and that was so painful afterwards, like glass stuck in the eye! I have glaucoma, so know how important it is to look after our eyes.

A few more jobs to do in town plus groceries today.  Will get the finished library book back after a late night reading session, lol. Nearly finished the knitted toy and looking forward to the cross stitch.

I can imagine the dilemma of not being in the loop re passwords and would say a common one! A lesson indeed!

Time to move. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Ohh not good re MrKs eye... Hope they can sort it for you.

I remember years ago when we changed power companies they said to put it in both our names.. As if one dies you can get into a mess if you dont have a credit rating these days.

Can only imagine how hard it is for your friend OHH... I hope she figures it all out. Thankfully mum only used her birthdate but she only had her bank of which I had signing on .. We nearly added me to her Farmers, but glad we didnt get around to it or I would have been responsible for her debt.

I rang MrP last night, totally back to normal again.. I dont know if he realizes he is like this.. but it sure is hard if Im tired, to deal with it all.

Ok Wise Ones, where would a bottle of Sunscreen hide itself.. I've looked everywhere But the right place obviously...

I have realized not carrying this 50 kilos blanket around has certainly made summer alot easier for me to cope with.. Normally the fan would be on 24/7 by now.. but its only if I need moving air and I soon get cold... Such a big change.

Im going to get a bit more lawn done today... Its really good exercise for me.

Had the helicopters flying around here about 5pm for ages last night.. I assume they were looking for someone.. We are a smallish town but soo many ways to get out of town.. Only the idtiots head to the coast, then are well and truly caught.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Another lovely day here.

Hope MrK eye gets sorted KM you both must be concerned.

Started cutting fabric for DGS quilt yesterday it wi,ll take me a while to do the piecing.

Off to pod this morning and need to pop in and get flea treatments for the k9s had a reminder yesterday. 

Our storage area is all sorted with a bit more room we were ruthless just got to take stuff to local charity shop.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Fortunately my friend has a solicitor who has taken over all that stuff and will sort it for her. Just as well she can afford his services, but it is a lesson for all secret squirrels, if nothing else, write them down, lol.

No idea about the sunscreen popeye, but I know how to find the missing bottle - just buy a new one. It works every time in this house!

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