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You can never have enough...
(28-05-2023, 08:11 AM)Outsider Wrote: "Last night we watched Gerad Butler's new rip snorter movie 'Plane'. We loved it but we love a good shootout movie anyway lol. He does a terrible Scottish accent and halfway through the movie he flagged the accent all together lol."

I think Gerard Butler might be sorry to hear that he does a terrible Scottish accent! He's a Scottish actor who comes from Paisley, where my father comes from. Maybe he's been in Hollywood too long? Smile

lol I think he has been!  It sounded 'Amercanised' if that makes sense? And towards the end he sounded American (to my ears anyway lol)   The woman who acts as Beth in Yellowstone is British and does a very good American accent.  The first time I heard her in a British series (Black Box) I was so surprised to hear her.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

After a grey evening its as clear as a bell out there again.

Im having another day off.

But I have an inkling of an idea for the blanket. I will get the yarn out for it too.. Changing crates around. I know I have plenty of red and white, cos I use them for Christmas stuff.. or I should say Used lol. Im going to work with just the two colours but will play with the rows. All my others have been 3 rows of each colour, Dark, Medium and light. I have 66 rows or rounds to play with.

Had a call just after 10pm. MrP had another fall. He said his shaking is back. I have always thought a lot of it was to do with his spine. And since he has further damage, maybe Im right. But he did say his hands are shaking more now. So I've asked to be able to meet with his Dr this week.

He wasn't in the wardrobe but was on that side of the bed. He knows he is getting worse and its upsetting for both of us. Cos I know he is. I dont think he ever thought about being old and weak. Its hard for his head to get around.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I did Jan, and can see why the old boy grabbed a print.

I don't worry about timelines in books so any order suits me for the writers I like. I'm just glad to come across likeable characters once again. I have a Kathy Reichs underway at the moment. She too is a great character writer, I just wish she was less interested in the inner workings of rotting corpses - I find myself skipping the gruesome bits to get back to the living players.

I woke up to brillant blue skies. I have hope it will last...
Popeye my old boy was having lots of falls near the end - one of the hospice nurses told him to swing his legs over the side of the bed and count slowly to 10 before moving - same if he was getting something off his bookcase etc - stop and count to ten before he moved off - he grumbled about it but stopped having falls - his skin was so fragile he was doing himself awful damage and I was a terrible nurse if there was any blood involved
(28-05-2023, 11:53 AM)JanW Wrote: Popeye my old boy was having lots of falls near the end - one of the hospice nurses told him to swing his legs over the side of the bed and count slowly to 10 before moving - same if he was getting something off his bookcase etc - stop and count to ten before he moved off - he grumbled about it but stopped having falls - his skin was so fragile he was doing himself awful damage and I was a terrible nurse if there was any blood involved

Just ,spoke to him. 

They should have put the butterfly stitches in last night. But for some reason they didn't. So they will replace his plasters etc. He said his arm and leg are a mess. 

This is fall number 4 in 3-4 ? weeks.. Each one is making his pain worse. 

He knows about counting etc. but I think a bit of the Parkinson's is making him forget or his slide into dementia.

He is very down now.. Trouble is his body is Older but his brain is still young.. And he hates thinking he is old and useless.. Siad he wanted to come home. So I just changed the discussion.

Hès resting in bed today
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(28-05-2023, 12:24 PM)popeye333 Wrote:
(28-05-2023, 11:53 AM)JanW Wrote: Popeye my old boy was having lots of falls near the end - one of the hospice nurses told him to swing his legs over the side of the bed and count slowly to 10 before moving - same if he was getting something off his bookcase etc - stop and count to ten before he moved off - he grumbled about it but stopped having falls - his skin was so fragile he was doing himself awful damage and I was a terrible nurse if there was any blood involved

Just ,spoke to him. 

They should have put the butterfly stitches in last night. But for some reason they didn't. So they will replace his plasters etc. He said his arm and leg are a mess. 

This is fall number 4 in 3-4 ? weeks.. Each one is making his pain worse. 

He knows about counting etc. but I think a bit of the Parkinson's is making him forget or his slide into dementia.

He is very down now.. Trouble is his body is Older but his brain is still young.. And he hates thinking he is old and useless.. Siad he wanted to come home. So I just changed the discussion.

Hès resting in bed today

My old boy was 67 - ran an Ironman 6 months before he was diagnosed - hadn’t even retired but I must say he did everything- used to say often to the kids especially when he bought boats and motorbikes and camper vans and dive gear etc - that there was no point waiting until he retired - when the boys and the grandkids spoke at his funeral talking about all the things they had done with him from jam making with Robie’s kids because they thought everything just came from the supermarket to swimming with dolphins he never wasted a day - but he sure took it hard when he was on oxygen 24/7 and could hardly get from his bed to his chair - but as soon as somebody came through the door he never let it show except to Robie - I know exactly how you feel Popeye
There is no such thing as old and useless. Even the most frail among us teach others about living a long life. And the old cliche about aging being a privilege - is absolutely true. Think for a moment how many we have outlived...
You are both right. Age is a state of mind.

He's just feeling the frustration and not willing to give in yet.

He was born feet first and always on the run. Raced pushbikes, motorbikes, Boats, had caravans, boats, mobile homes etc. He could fix just about anything. He even made me a car from 3 donor cars. Now he cant screw a screw in.. but I still buy him is beloved masking tape. And he uses it everywhere. His wall under the window needs painting, so that in itself annoys him, having been both a car painter and House painter.. but he has agreed that they dont paint it, so he can carry on taping things with his tape. Ill be sending him off with a supply of masking tape.

And yes he was my Cake mixer. And he always spent time with his mother doing preserves and jams, pickles, pickled onions etc on the coal range. And it was he who polished my flash Vinal floors on his hands and knees.

He loves every second Thursday when they make pikelets.. Oh poop Ive just remembered that will be this coming Thursday, but I need him to see his Dr that day, so I can see her too. Cos Im seeing mine tomorrow, while she will be at the home.

Cant think of the Authors name at the mo, but I read a whole 7 book series back to front. Without knowing it was a set until about the third one.. but it worked fine back to front. I really enjoyed it.

Ive started my blanket. Have decided to just to 2 rows of each colour. And that way when I have it over me if I fold down a corner it will be like the other one I made, about 7ish years ago.

I have been thinking I could put the other one on the spare bed. The door is always closed. But Im ok with waiting for now. I want it on my old bed end bed.

(28-05-2023, 05:13 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: There is no such thing as old and useless. Even the most frail among us teach others about living a long life. And the old cliche about aging being a privilege - is absolutely true. Think for a moment how many we have outlived...


MrP has died on the table to be brought back. He was having surgery on his foot. They didn't tell us why it took so long. But the next morning he woke up and couldn't understand why his chest was so sore. 

When I took him back for a check up for his foot they then told us he had died on the table but they Jump started him again. 

Im also sure he came close to dying many times before I put him in the home, he was so close to falling into diabetic comas that I would sit and watch for him to take his next or perhaps his last breath.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
And this is why he is better where he is, so you can be less stressed. He is lucky to have you Mrs P.
(28-05-2023, 06:34 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: And this is why he is better where he is, so you can be less stressed. He is lucky to have you Mrs P.

Thank you Hunni

He knows he is lucky.  Seldom says it or shows it. But then he surprises me in little ways. 

Which is why I couldn't just dump and run like so many do. My vows mean a lot to me. And Im here till the end. I just dont know how much more he can take
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We have a wild, blustery day today. But then, it is winter Smile

Jan, your kids and grandkids were very lucky to have a man like your husband around to show and teach them things. They will have lifelong memories Heart

I agree, OHH. So many have passed before us, even at my age I have lost friends and family. Our friend with breast cancer is younger than me and on a morphine pump now Sad Heart so hasn't long to go.

Today is an 'indoor' day today I think. Yesterday I started sewing fruit/vegie bags for the supermarket. The old bags I sewed around eight or nine years ago have finally given in. I remember when I started using them the funny looks I got from people lol. Now, it's no biggie. It's a great way to use scraps and the tulle that has been sitting there for yonks.

The leaves are finally falling off the maple trees and the trees off the farm. The lawn has this carpet of reds and gold, it looks gorgeous. I'll rake them onto the garden later.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Very bleak out there. But not as cold.

Drs for me this morning and then Ill go see the battered and bruised one. He didn't ring last night so I'm hoping that means he was settled in bed with an early night.
Have to check his phone and see what is happening. I have told him to get another means we may have to get winz to help and pay it back. Or I can try and sell some of his tools etc, which will help. Its a new thing for both of us as I have normally simply found a way. But its not easy these days.

Think I did about 8 rounds on the blanket yesterday, Im making sure my arm is supported and "listening" to my hands. I did enjoy it tho. And its going to be an attack on the eyes when Done. But in a nice way. My fave colours lol.

Im very glad they said on the news last night that the Civil defense alarms were due between 6 and 7 pm. For a start I thought they were happening today lol But it also gave me time to bury my phone between me and the chair. So it didn't freak Madam out when it went off. She heard it but it didn't freak her out enough to make her run. Or it would be my legs wearing the claw marks of her departure lol.

Might take the blanket up to show MrP the progress.

Have a fab day everyone.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Bit bleak here and nippy expecting rain later today.

Your blanket sound nice and cheerful Popeye.

Had lovely time with sewing friends over past 4 days just got to unpack  and file stuff away.

Few appointments this morning so will be out and about hoping to find time to pop in and get button for jersey that I finished last week for DGD1.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Bloody emergency call... I tried to get rid of it on the tiny screen and pulled up the website somehow and then couldn't get rid of that. For a simple phone it is too complicated for this old lady! Fortunately it dropped off by itself.

Stupid woman...

Laundry and vak today. Such an exciting life...
Good morning. 

Wild and windy.  Not the best conditions for the school run this morning especially when an umbrella not a good idea today. Good day for hunkering down inside.

I hope Mr P recovering well today Popeye. Those falls often end up with so much mending needed ... my mum was a regular case, moreso after her broken hip episode, it usually meant torn skin and lacerations. Does he use a walker?

We had 3 out of 4 phones go off together last night in this house.   Not sure what the 4th phone's problem was  Undecided

I have been beckoned to read a book. 

Stay warm and dry all.
There was about five minutes difference between MrK's phone and mine. I wondered if they did it in 'blocks' of numbers. But it certainly made the impression it was supposed to.

What a rubbish day here weatherwise. We've just had torrential rain and sideways wind. Am glad we have nowhere to go today.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Well its been a mixed morning.. Sunny here.

The home rang they were sending MrP off to Middlemore Hospital,.. He's been vomiting blood again. So sending him off, no doubt for an endoscopy. He has had bleeders in his tummy before so maybe there are more that need tying off. So I got to talk to him for a few minutes before I went for my Drs appointment.

He thinks my shoulder is more likely a tear than arthritis cos of the varying levels of pain. So Ill be making an appointment for an ultrasound on Thursday or Friday if possible. I wasn't planning on leaving town but will have to anyway. And now of course its sore again lol.

He said You have lost more weight haven't you and Yes its 53.5 kilos now.. He asked if I felt good with it and I said yes if my aches would go away lol. Its nice when people notice. I feel like he has finished my trial with him and Im happy to keep him as my Dr. Everyone tells me he is a very kind Dr and he really is and he listens.

I told MrP not to take his phone with him, it will just frustrate him. So Ill track him down through the hospital system. Which will be my nightmare lol.

And yes old age is denied to many. Im my side your lucky when you pass 40. Cos 4 went before then. MrPs side is a mix the 3 that are gone were all heavy smokers and all died with cancer, in their 70s. But his little Big Brother is 83. He used to smoke, and so did MrP but they stopped in time.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I hope Mr P does OK Popeye; some aspects of ageing really suck.

Sent sweetie darling no. 2 an interesting article on do it yourself funerals, & pointed out that he has a perfectly good tradies van which could eventually (once I'm extremely dead) be used to transport my mortal remains to the crematorium because it doesn't legally have to be a funeral director. Just chuck what's left of me in a coffin of some kind, load it in the back & Voila! Smile

Awaiting the reply with interest...
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
lol Lilith, oh to be a fly on the wall when he reads your email Tongue My sister-in-law had a do-it-yourself funeral and it worked well. MrK put the coffin together, his niece is an artist and painted the most gorgeous tui and NZ bush on it. It was almost a shame to burn it!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I just need a fridge box...

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