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You can never have enough...
The Casserole is another I would like. Now that I know it can all go in the oven. Yes handles get hot but you can always buy oven gloves if you dont have them.
Pukekohe New World has temporarily run out of the casserole one.. Which is the very reason I hurried to get the roasting dish. Cos Thats very popular too.

Im home and cold. Someone turned Winter on again. Very wet. And no close parks so Ill pop a pill soon.

MrP was in pain this morning so I put some Deep heat on his hips but he was waiting for his pain meds. Told me to go, I couldn't relax him so I left. Yeah No sense moving him to a busy hospital when the place he is in is actually a small hospital. but long term. They will keep him comfortable until it shuts his organs down.

Time to relax my bones
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Another nice spring day

Early start here had to drive DH to early medi al appointment then my morning in warehouse busy so ti9me passed  ery quickly  
Now just stilling in sun thinking about what I should do for the rest Popeye f the day  finding a book to read is looking attractive.

Lamb cuteness

Enjoy day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile A lovely day is forecasted for today Big Grin

Housework again today while MrK has his hair cut and picks up his 'script. Then I'll move some of the spring bulbs back to the garden as they have finished flowering. Love having them in pots.

MrK has to make a ramp for the Furry One so the Furry One can sleep on the bed. He's really struggling with jumping up now and it's time to make life a bit easier for him. The Fluffy One will also no doubt use it when she visits as well.

I bought our granddaughter's birthday present yesterday, now to find something about space for our grandson as his birthday is next month. Might as well take his present with us when we visit and save the postage.

Washing machine has finished and I see the bottom of my coffee mug, time to get moving.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

We have sun..!! Saw alot of water laying on the land yesterday in the garden fields on the way to Pukekohe.

Tis chilly again lol. Got home very tired and sore yesterday.

Did a dozen rows on the pattern of my cardy and you couldn't see it. So I pulled it off the needles (brave for me). Picked the stiches up again and Im just doing stocking stitch. The colours are the hero of the cardy. Also crochet another coat hanger cover last night. Fingers are niggly but Im working through it. Im enjoying it too much to put it down.

MrP was ok last night. he had been sick and was having a shower when I rang. But spoke with him after that and he was good.

Right need to get sorted. bloods this morning and then Ill visit MrP for a while.

Have a fab day everyon
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Sunn6 here too

Busy day today have friends coming for dinner tonightnwe meet once a month and it is our turn. So will start prepping for that once I finish my cuppa. Also out for lunch with another group friends we also meet once a month an very occasionally  the day coincide  will just be having a snack though looking at the menu at the place they chosen there is not much that I can eat anyway 

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
(07-09-2023, 07:00 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  Another damp day I suspect.

awww I love the idea of the boy, lamb and dog Heart

Jan, I thought you might like to read this Big Grin  A victory for the police and community Big Grin

Today I'm taking our friend to Waikato Hospital for his regular appointment.  And I'll help him with his shopping on the way home.

Yesterday we spent five hours at Waikato Hospital sorting out MrK's head, neck and shoulder pain.  The CT was clear, now we have to have a MRI.  The five hours was nothing compared to the lady in the wheelchair opposite us who had been there 14 hours and counting.  She had been in and out seeing the doctor and was waiting for a bed.  The nurses were too busy to bring her a cuppa but they did give her a sandwich.  I couldn't get the hot water to work at the ED so ended up going to one of the cafes and buying us all one.

Better get moving, it's an early appointment - we made it early so we could be seen quickly and get home quicker.

Happy crafting Smile
Yes kiwimade that certainly pleases me - especially seeing that car - it’s the one that usually takes the kids up into town stealing - no wonder the kids were keen to jump in - cool looking car in a young boys eyes
Morning all 
Another lovely day Big Grin

Successful day yesterday my prediction that there wouldn't me much that was safe for me to eat at gastro pup friend chose for lunch was spot on, coffee was OK. On the other hand our dinner was good Cool. I have been revisiting some old dinner party recipe so we had coc au vin , potato  and carrot casserole with green beans circa 1980s lol
Made thai coconut sticky black rice with mango for dessert  had to do one new dish. It was a late night they didn't want to go home.

Sorting out supplies for quilting class that I am attending tomorrow otherwise quiet day as clean up done pre visitors last night.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Watching the Games I suspect lol.

Its beautiful here today.

Yesterday was a mess. I nearly didn't go out. Felt I had a warfarin coldie coming on and I got to MrP and yep. They were cleaning him up after he was sick I had to leave. Came home and slept for nearly 4 hours. Woke up and rang him to find out they thought he had brought up some blood. Was talking to him to discover Missy outside.

The garage door was open. I dont know how, but nothing was missing. Missy came in when I spoke to her, thank goodness no dogs had chased her.

Went up and spent some time with MrP. stopped and got the breadcrumbs I had forgotten and brought tea.

He's more at peace now, doesn't want anything more done and wants to stay in town.

Woke up to see the end of the Crickey one-dayer against England.. our Boys did us proud. And I have the Rugby on. The French will win I'm sure.

Having a very quiet weekend, I think I over did it this week and the bones are telling me so.. So I should get some sewing and knitting done.

Got my first free TV Guide yesterday, doesn't start till next week so Ill dash up the road later, need to get a rubbish bag too.

Ohh French just got another try. its been a good game tho

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

afternoon ladies Big Grin It's a gorgeous day out there today.

I was up bright and early to watch the opening of the RWC Big Grin Awesome game but I picked the Les Bleus would win. Lack of discipline on our part, 11 penalties conceded. That's just giving away points.

Nice pic, OHH Smile It feels like spring.

Lawn is mowed, looks like I'm back to weekly mowing. And I've been into town to fill the petrol can up for the chainsaw. I just happened to drive (a long way out of my way lol) by the garden center and bought some polyanthus and cyclamen for under the new fuchsias.

Now to catch up with the breakfast and lunch dishes Big Grin

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Gorgeous day.  Your picture reflects today well OHH. We reached 18deg yesterday, maybe the same today. 

Lol KM, I think I know the Garden Centre you may have accidentally headed in the wrong direction to  Big Grin

Glad that Mr P comfortable Popeye.

A catch up outside day.  Will scatter some fert and flower seeds shortly. Am so enjoying the mix of daffodil bulbs I got online ... have never seen half of them before and realise I've missed having them since being in town. 

The cot blanket squares (different sizes) are all crocheted together and have completed the outside edge, now to stitch in the million ends  Big Grin

Cuppa finished, time to move. 

Enjoy the day.
Hunni - your photo brings back wonderful memories - the smell of plum tree blossom the first spring we had in the orchard is never to be forgotten - we bought the orchard absolutely green - my husband was CEO of a pulp and paper timber mill - came home from overseas one day and announced he was quitting -and going to buy an orchard so he bought 50 acres plums,pears,apples that used to belong to James Wattie - with hindsight so pleased he did it as he never got to retirement age
I have got formal written approval to start my fruiting hedge along the boundary, even getting planting done for me, so will be seriously collecting cheap shrubs and trees from now on! So much fun! My birds will no doubt approve!
Lovely photo Hunni & such good news about that fruiting hedge too. Must be the slightly wearmer weather, lifting everyone's spirits.

Made a small effort in the garden & got a few weeds gone, did a tiny bit on boots & a bit on current painting. Took Madame Le Dog for our usual early saturday walk & going around the corner & down the street, we'd got about half way down when there was a dog taking itself for a walk & very keen to meet us. Madame Le Dog had an unfortunate start to life & is as a result,somewhat unpredictable when it comes to Other Dogs so we crossed the road fairly swiftly.

But this was not a stupid dog & he/she promptl;y crossed over too & came up to us very happy to meet - luckily this met with Madame Le Dog's approval & she unbent slightly, just enough to make the Other Dog welcome for the minute or two before it beetled off again.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Another gorgeous start to the day here.

That's great news about the hedge, OHH Smile I can just imagine what could be planted along there, mandarins, lemons, blueberries, plum, feijoa. Do you have anything to espalier bigger trees? We find it's much easier to manage our two plums and apple espaliered. The fruit is easy to spot and pick and pruning is a breeze.

Yesterday MrK mended my favourite terracotta pot by wrapping some copper wire around it. The tet-a-tet daffs had grown so much, they cracked the side of the pot in four places. The wire will hold it all in place and I won't let the pot become so full from now on. I had no choice but to replant the daffs, luckily, they have finished flowering, so I took some of the tops off and replanted the majority of them along the roadside fenceline and repotted the pot. I have to do something similar with the Star of Bethlehem as their roots are growing out the bottom of their pot. My sister-in-law wants some so it will be easy to just split them in half. That can be part of today's pottering about.

My friend in the States texted and asked me if we could put Razzor as the All Blacks coach now lol. Nope, not yet lol. The RWC isn't being played in the States this time, so my friend is living it through me vicariously. Tongue

I'm hoping to work more on the thrush today, I'll see how the day goes Smile

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
My gloriosa lilies did that to my beautiful blue and white chinese pot last year, so it got the serious glue up treatment. I am thinking I might put a lotus in it for the summer. I have only ever grown lotuses in aquariums and am seriously tempted by the thought of a sacred lotus in the courtyard. It bakes in the summer so would be the perfect place. The pot had a small crack in the base which was why I could afford it in the first place but the gloriosas multiplied so fiercely that they broke it open and took a big chunk out of it. Fortunately it was a clean cut and glued up so well it has filled up with rainwater over the winter, so has potential as a pond planter.

Thing is, deep pink, pale pink or white? Only one plant would be best, but which colour?

As for the fence line, espaliers will definitely work where the main supporting post are. It is a five wire with battens so as long as I place trees within cooee of the support posts which are solid beasts that would work fine. Maybe a couple of dwarf apples. They do get cheap later in the season...
Morning everyone

Beautiful here. Well the weather is

The Hubby is back to telling me he will be home before Christmas. I couldn't believe it. And it shouldn't have annoyed me but it has. So he got shitty and put the phone down. So I hung up. And yes I've called him everything under the sun ( to myself ) but it hasn't helped.

Decided to throw a triple mix Christmas cake in the oven. Its definitely a slow oven. 3.5 hours. Smells good inn here tho. And its still just warm this morning.. I learnt to cover and wrap cakes in their tins so they cool down slowly and they are less dry.
I managed to be in the right place at the right time yesterday and I got 3 1 kilo bags of Tasti fruit mix for $4 a bag. Full price at Pak n save is $11-19 a bag. So I went broke and got them lol.. Have money I could use but I shouldn't need to. I wasn't leaving it in the shop tho lol.

I might bake without cooking today but I have to check the recipes cos I dont have eggs now. I know one is off the menu. I dont think Lollie cake has them in. And hopefully the Lemon one doesn't.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile A tad overcast this morning, we may have rain.

It's Dad's fifth anniversary today. I'm just grateful he wasn't around to see covid. With emphysema life would have been a nightmare for him. And it's also the Twin Towers anniversary.

This morning I have some marigolds to pot and they can be scattered around the brassicas. I read the white butterfly prefer marigolds to cabbages so will give it a go. If it doesn't work, at least they can look pretty in the pots. We haven't tried companion planting before and it will be interesting to see how it comes together.

If it rains I'll be back working on the thrush. I also need to bake another batch of biscuits, might do shortbread seeing as it's one of MrK's favourites and it's quick. We haven't had ginger crunch in a while either.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

No sign of rain here.. Ill take me brolly tho. lol

Off to see MrP this morning, which judging how the weekend went, it may be a short one. then Im off to see the gang at CHT. They will lift my spirits.
I made an uncooked lemon slice which I admit to Loving, It has zest in the base and the icing is made with icing sugar and straight lemon juice. Nice and Tangy. And a Lolly cake roll. My stepfathers fave uncooked slice.

Im still irked the Eskimos are now called Explorers... Why change something that isn't broken. lol

Got a few more rows of knitting done last night Until Madam decided she needed my forearm more than I did lol... And then not once but twice I nodded off and woke up with such a fright that I felt something pop in my neck. Its a bit tight this morning. But not so much that I cant drive.

Gosh what a mess Morocco is. So many Ancient buildings destroyed..

I think Luxon has made a big mistake. Kiwis I find like things straight up. And I dont care what party it is, we like to have the truth and know how things will work. They may lose voters for being so secretive. I know I wont vote for anyone that is hiding such big things.

Have a fab day everyone.. Today is my Fave day of the week lol

(11-09-2023, 07:33 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  A tad overcast this morning, we may have rain.

It's Dad's fifth anniversary today.  I'm just grateful he wasn't around to see covid.  With emphysema life would have been a nightmare for him.  And it's also the Twin Towers anniversary.

This morning I have some marigolds to pot and they can be scattered around the brassicas.  I read the white butterfly prefer marigolds to cabbages so will give it a go.  If it doesn't work, at least they can look pretty in the pots.  We haven't tried companion planting before and it will be interesting to see how it comes together.

If it rains I'll be back working on the thrush.  I also need to bake another batch of biscuits, might do shortbread seeing as it's one of MrK's favourites and it's quick.  We haven't had ginger crunch in a while either.

Happy crafting Smile

Ohhhh I havent had ginger crunch is ages... Might have to make some, once the unbaked slices are gone.

Lost 55 kilos now. thats 121 pounds.. I have collar bones on show now lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning.

Sun so far even though the ground is wet after some rain earlier.

Nothing like those old fave recipes to keep on keeping on. We have nearly finished some peanut brownies. Ginger crunch sounds tempting next.

Here's me thinking marigolds repelled pests KM ... but I'll keep having them in the vege garden ... they look good amongst the greens.

Wow Popeye, that is a huge weight loss ... you can stop now, lol.

Time to get GC to school/kindy.

Enjoy the day all.

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