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You can never have enough...
Had a good visit with MrP.

He was in a right cheeky mood and so were the workers.. The following is the result of his wash this morning I knew something funny was happening cos I could hear them laughing as I sat out in the foyer.

Aunty Molly one of the older nurses was giggling away. I said Trust me Never dare him to do anything cos he will lol.. We couldnt stop laughing.

It took me back to the day I met him. Just before Christmas at his Nieces 21st birthday. 34 years ago lol.

his tummy is swollen and his hands were too. But nothing could put a damper on today
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Nice photo Popeye Cool 

All he needs is a stud in his nose and he'd look right punk Wink
(06-12-2023, 05:31 PM)popeye333 Wrote: Had a good visit with MrP.

He  was in a right cheeky mood and so were the workers.. The following is the result of his wash this morning I knew something funny was happening cos I could hear them laughing as I sat out in the foyer.

Aunty Molly one of the older nurses was giggling away. I said Trust me Never dare him to do anything cos he will lol.. We couldnt stop laughing.

It took me back to the day I met him. Just before Christmas at his Nieces 21st birthday. 34 years ago lol.

his tummy is swollen and his hands were too. But nothing could put a damper on today

Big Grin

A wee bit of hair dye, a nose ring & he's a punk!
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Fantastic you had a good wander down memory lane Popeye - you will treasure that photo and the memory of hearing all the laughter
Mr K was lucky you spotted his melanoma Kiwimade
Had another surprise from Winz last week they wanted $3 interest I hadn’t declared today I received an email giving me a phone number to call as they think I might need a TAS gift - underlined was that I don’t have to pay it back - I thought it was a scam - none of my pensioner friends received one - maybe having to pay them back money put me on a needy list - still has me scratching my head
My youngest granddaughter turned 16 - she is off to Uni next year so her cousins took charge of her birthday lunch and all the food was off their menu as uni students - I had never had sardine fritters before they were delicious - going to make them - it was a fun lunch .To get some money in the bank for next year they are all at the supermarket making up Xmas hampers - they have put together over 3000 already and have several large company orders still to do - a lot of companies are giving their staff hampers instead of the Xmas booze up - bet the wives and kids are pleased .They donate one to one of the charities for everyone they sell but the charities are telling them they need heaps more
My order arrived from Temu - thought I would take a chance on a $10 sundress - the fabric is lovely and the size is good but the length is not appropriate for my old ugly legs -will definitely be a round the house dress - my $6 bi focals are perfect - the yarn rings are great plenty of spares as I think I will probably loose them - but the best buy was 100 foil reusable pie pans to use in my air fryer for $2 - no freight and took 9 days to get here
Looks as though our weather might clear but the berry farmers and the early stone fruit growers have taken a hit - hopefully they will get a break so plenty of strawberries at a reasonable price are available at Xmas otherwise the supermarkets will be blamed
Word to the wise Jan - leggings under a dress are one of my favourite disguises for legs that do not match and have interesting scars, lol - makes Summer dressing up easier. Every now and then a dress is fun...
Morning everyone

Very gloomy out. but not raining just yet.

I agree with tights under dresses. My Awesome Stepfather named my legs as Kauri Stumps. lol.. so they dont get out often. Although I know they are a lot smaller now. but tights hide a multitude of sins.

Shopping this morning then sewing this afternoon..

I finished knitting the last stocking last night , then started a top down dress, 9 rows in I realised I was doing the wrong size.. grrr so I started again. Been a while since I did one. Im using some pink with flecks and have a mauve one the same so will do two, and hopefully cardigans to match.

I got some Ginger Ale yesterday for the Trifle, except it was L & P lol.. blonde moment. so Ill try again today.. Silly moo lol

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Some nice cloud cover there this morning to make it cooler when mowing.

That's a lovely photo of MrP, popeye Smile

Awesome buying on Temu, Jan.

I haven't worn leggings for years, I remember how comfortable they were though.

After the lawn has been mowed, the plan is to attack the lavatera. It's as tall as the fence now and pretty much taking over. We have never had a lavatera grow this big before. And some of the roses need dead heading again. The hydrangea cuttings I planted along the main road have survived. One of yours, roma, is flowering Big Grin Big Grin Hopefully the lovely rain we had yesterday will have washed the fert in. An hour in the garden is so good for my soul, it's my happy place.

Not sure what else is planned for today, MrK will be pottering about in his workshop no doubt.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Fine and windy so far.  The rain we have had rapidly drying off. 

Yesterday morning spent baby minding while niece went to a school leaving morning tea, last time I will be needed but it's been great watching her and bub thrive and help when needed. 

Our potatoes have been so good and there are still masses to harvest. Rhubarb going well and tomatoes close to picking. 

Nice for Mr P to have some pampering Popeye. He's lucky to have enough hair to carry off the "look", lol.

The Golden Wedding Rose looks lovely Mica and it looks to be a good doer. I've also dealt with the suppliers you mentioned. 

What colour is the hydrangea KM? Curious, mine are pink.

A library visit today plus a few groceries to get. It's already paying to get things done early in the day as silly season upon us.  

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Sunny with a breeze.

Nice photo of MrP

See South Pacific Roses have a nursery in Otaki so plan on calling them this morning and see if the have the rose in stock if so we can go pick it up in person.

Made a t shirt for DGD2 yesterday using sun reactive fabric prettied it up using pink broderie  anglaise  lace frill on armhole and pink neckband it looks cute. Just need to stitch the hem .

Warehouse stint this morning, waiting for my glass jars to be delivered so that I can make brandied apricot jam. I will pair them up with the blackberry jam I made on Monday to use as xmas gifts.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Lawn mowed and the kettle is on. I had a hissy fit with the mower, kicked it, stuffed my bruised knee even more and swore like a drunken sailor. MrK calmly put the bloody catcher on and walked away. I hate this mower with a vengeance, the damed catcher is a hit and miss affair to put on.

Roma, the hydrangea is pink Big Grin I only have blue so it must be yours that is flowering. It will be interesting to see what colour the rest are as they are a mix from your garden and ours.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Ouchies Kiwimade... I Hate machinery that wont work properly.

Its a hard case photo of MrP but despite not having his teeth in he does look well.. he's still in a good mood today, which is a bonus.

Shopping done. Trying to stock up a little so I dont have to go in too much before the crowds. I was so busy thinking I was done that I didnt go to the Warehouse for milk. But I can just get another one here.

Id hate to be a parent now, soo many things for Kids to want. On purposely put at kid level.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I sympathise KM - I once had a particularly obnoxious mower which refused to start for me at all; I used to have to ring one of the sweetie darlings to come & start it for me - & I swear the damned thing started when whoever it was walked round the side of the house towards it!

Mowed back lawn earlier, then granddaughter visited with great grandson, he's 12 weeks today. I was about to take Madame Le Dog for her walk so granddaughter took her on lead while I pushed the pram (no idea how long since I last did that!) & the little toad slept the entire time they were here!
Things are so much more convenient for parents now with prams/pushchairs which fold away or turn into car seats when needed, so that babies needn't be disturbed.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I got the back done too.. Glad I did it was quite thick.

So now I can take my time with the gang tomorrow after seeing MrP on the way.

will see if my neighbours have found someone for their too. who knows I might have the need to work off the hammies from sitting tomorrow.

I decided to add some elastic to the petticoat and keep it separate so Bobbie can wear it under other dresses.

Ohhhh SHHHHH Madame has just decided to try her new meat. A couple of tastes. Its chicken with Beef, She normally only eats chicken. Yay.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile It's going to be a beautiful day today.

Isn't that typical of babies, Lilith Heart Just when you want cuddles, they sleep lol.

MrK's electric drill I ordered online Monday evening arrived yesterday along with a present for our grandson from Amazon. I was nervous ordering the drill as it was the most money we have spent online in one hit and you hear all sorts of things. And I did try to buy it locally but our local guy said it would take 'a while' to get it in stock, if he could even get it in stock and there would be no price difference. And the online company was offering free postage, so it saved us another trip into town to pick up anything he could get in. He just couldn't compete. MrK's vege pod will have to wait for another time, he needs a drill more.

Today is housework day, then I'll have a third attempt to cut back the lavatera. A couple of beers with friends to finish the day and that's pretty much our day today.

Time to get cracking, the Furry One is demanding we do 'the rounds' of the garden. I'm such a wussy dog owner lol and give in. Anyone who owns a JR will know how persistent they are and it's better to get these things done. Heart

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

We have a little grey but Im sure that will go. Got to 25 in the lounge yesterday.

I think Most terriers are demanding Kiwimade.. I think Missy was a dog in a previous life. She knows how to turn up the volume and pretty much scream at me to go with her .. Like NOW Mummy lol

Off to see everyone today. Taking MrP a Trumpet. I told him to have his teeth in or Id have to pick the nuts off it lol. Will take the skirt and Petticoat to Bobbie and Ill have to rush her along so she has time to eat before the music today.

Im seriously considering another trip to Pukekohe, I could stock up big time on pepsi as its my addiction its probably a good idea. Wont happen until tomorrow tho. So Ill let it sit in the brain for a bit.

Sewed up the stockings last night and did a bit more on the dress. Im enjoying knitting something different. Im going to make 2 different colours and will do a couple of cardies for next winter too. Haven't knitted little girl colours for a while, so Im enjoying it and the bonus is, it keeps me awake lol

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Alternating between overcast and sun at present and we had a good shower earlier. Not a day to hang out the washing I'm picking!

No plan for today apart from an eye appointment later this afternoon. There are some pants sitting out ready to take up for DH, a matter of lugging out my heavy old machine. We have a wedding to go to late next month  Smile  A good day to get the Christmas cake made as well. 

JR's the busiest wee dogs ever!

Enjoy the day all.
Here is a picture of a Rose from a friends garden, it had not bloomed ever that they knew of but they were not pruning it so I did, a year later beautiful roses like this one appeared.

They have the appearance of an olde world type rose and the house is about 125 years old so maybe it's an older type rose and not well-known.

Anyone know what the name of it might be, it has a pastel delicate type colour, and gives the impression of fragility. It is not small I would say about the same size as a woman's hand outstretched.

It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
Morning all
Overcast at the moment expect it to burn off by midday

Can't beat a good terrier KM wouldn't be without mine challenging personalities Cool

Off up the line later this morning to pick up rose   will stop to have coffee somewhere before we head  back home

Plan o getting our boosters today too

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
What a beautiful rose zqwerty ... like fine bone china. It would be interesting to see if it's still in existence. If you have a rose expert at your local Garden Centre they may help identify it.

It seems you were successful with your Anniversary rose Mica  Smile
Yes Roma, every year when it blooms I am always surprised by the delicate beauty and fineness of the flower.

I took that picture about 6 days ago so there should be plenty more blooms.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche

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