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Pc Bullshit
(16-11-2021, 07:31 AM)Praktica Wrote: How come no one ever complains about Apple bullshit?

i dont own any Apple bullshit
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
Our individual genetics decide our biological state. Including rare combinations that introduce variety to the binary male and female. It is therefore not true to say we only exist as two forms, or that two forms are 'normal' in that sense. It is the rare variations that lead to new forms of the physical as any plant or animal breeder knows.

In todays world the physical can be reconstructed, in ways much more sophisticated than Dr Money ever dreamed possible. In such cases only the genetics betray the original. And while it may suit some to think there can only ever be an either or, that limited worldview ignores the reality, that if human beings can imagine something it is only too possible they will make it so.

Mental illness? Perhaps. But then, defining mental health is as dodgy as defining the physical. Variety rules...
Comparing evolution to plant breeding is apples and oranges.
Plant breeding is selective, with chosen plants being married and concentrated until a variant establishes itself as stable.
That is 'making it so'. breeding, not evolution. Evolution has no internal catalyst, it isnt driven, it comes along for the ride.
yes we have come a long way in understanding genetics and biology.
We have also jumped ahead of ourselves it would seem.
In one generation we ave gone from two genders (ok, and four outliers) to 58.
fabulous progress, can we tax it?

this is how we end up with men competeing against women at the olympics and such.
its pretty much pc bullshit, no matter how you smear it.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
Well, we are social animals. Social = pc, that is how we change our social rules. And looking back over just my lifetime, it has been for the better. And we have further to go, so strap in Magoo, it may get bumpy!
i might not be au fait with the latest social trends.
perhaps when its cool to be an opinionated misanthropic curmudgeon i shall shine bright.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
Lol, that has always been cool, in the right circles!
You all sound as though you think this gender argument is something new, in calling it PC. The Bugis, an Indonesian ethnic group of about 3 million, have recognised 5 genders since pre- Islamic times. They are female women, male men, female men, male women, and transgender priests. I'm not sure how many of them can be pregnant tho'.

What I call bullshit on is the notion that you can change the sex on your birth certificate. To me that document is just a record of your birth and the sex is just what someone else thought you looked like at the time. I can understand that what it shows can cause problems, but surely the remedy for that is just to remove the reference to sex. Trying to pretend that someone else thought different at the time is just telling porkies.

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