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Stay home anti vax losers...
The Austrians have had a gutsful of the naysayers, scaredy cats and morons continuing to jeapardise the health of their vulnerable by no getting vaccinated.
They are about to enter into a lockdown where only the unclean, disease carrying unvaccinated citizens will be under house arrest.
Awesome for the vaccinated.
 Better traffic flow, plenty of room at the movie theaters, on planes, in restaurants. No line at the bank.

Not so awesome for the unvaccinated but we are doing it to help them stay safe.
They dont want to hang with us 'sheeple' anyway, so I dont think they will complain.
Bummer if they do, get vaxxed.

It cant start soon enough here.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
Russia clamping down on the unvaccinated from February. Many public places will be out of bounds as well as trains and planes.

Making public places out of bounds will make it awfully hard to protest, or will they just hop in their cars and moronically drive around in circles...?
they could drive in ever decreasing circles , eventually they will drive up their own arses.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
totally agree with the plan. But let's call them misguided individuals - loser is a bit harsh - as we know, some are hard core antivaxxer's but some are just misguided, and others have genuine reasons for their fears
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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Sometimes being an adult means overcoming small fears in order to let more important things take priority. I can understand very young people being hesitant - but adults? Believing the crap? I can't get my head round that.
(13-11-2021, 07:55 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Sometimes being an adult means overcoming small fears in order to let more important things take priority. I can understand very young people being hesitant - but adults?  Believing the crap? I can't get my head round that.
me neither
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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(13-11-2021, 07:50 PM)king1 Wrote: totally agree with the plan.  But let's call them misguided individuals - loser is a bit harsh - as we know, some are hard core antivaxxer's but some are just misguided, and others have genuine reasons for their fears

Anyone who arrogantly places their own misinformed conclusions ahead of the finest medical minds and technology on the planet is misguided.
Those who would go out there and advise others to do the same for whatever reason (usually looking for validation of their boneheaded stance) are losers. 
Being wrong is not in some peoples make up. They will learn this lesson, hitherto unchallenged, in the worst way possible. A humbling event when circumspection allows, death precludes it but we can write 'told you so, fool' on their headstones.
This mentality will have a limited shelf life, and the rest of us will move on to the next doomsday armageddon, or dingbat driven conspiracy fantasy without them.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
Austria's stance does seem really harsh but some anti vaxxers appear to have headed into fruitloop territory here so perhaps its a similar situation there. I came across this earlier; a pizza place in the US no longer allows unvaccinated people & as a result, anti vaxxers have begun harassing their staff. This is their response.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(13-11-2021, 07:55 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Sometimes being an adult means overcoming small fears in order to let more important things take priority. I can understand very young people being hesitant - but adults?  Believing the crap? I can't get my head round that.

You need to seperate the "crap" from genuine concerns some people have. I certainly have read heaps of crap out there, like microchips that bill gates uses to track you with 5G cellular networks, etc. There is a significant number of nutjobs out there for sure.

I think there is a measure of genuine concern out there, albeit low. Its wrong to say any medicine/vaccine/treatment is 100% safe.
Nothing is ever 100% safe, each and every person needs to evaluate their decision of the risks of the virus or vaccine themselves without any peer pressure or coercion to receive it, if some people feel that they dont want to accept that risk, no matter how small, its their right to choose or accept it and we shouldnt judge them for that.

My nurse actually informed me about the risk of myocarditis with the pfizer vaccine, this was something I was unaware of at the time, and I respected her for being honest, most people I know who received the jab were not advised of any side effects.

Honesty always wins, and if nurses are being instructed not to inform patients of the risks and benefits of their treatment, thats wrong.
Are they scared some will pull out of getting the jab after being informed of this? If so, thats no excuse for not being upfront.

I think its wrong to downplay this, even if the number of those died is minimal from the jab, (we have had at least 1 confirmed death and others are under investigation) its still a human life lost, and there is no way to prove that person may have died from covid19 had they not had the shot.
It really upsets me when I hear people say that "covid would have killed her anyway" no one can prove such a claim.

(13-11-2021, 07:50 PM)king1 Wrote: totally agree with the plan.  But let's call them misguided individuals - loser is a bit harsh - as we know, some are hard core antivaxxer's but some are just misguided, and others have genuine reasons for their fears
Who cares if they get vaccinated or not. As Hipkins said Covid will track them down and if there's a less than favourable outcome it will raise the IQ of every other New Zealander.
(14-11-2021, 04:58 PM)namtak Wrote: Who cares if they get vaccinated or not. As Hipkins said Covid will track them down and if there's a less than favourable outcome it will raise the IQ of every other New Zealander.

on the one hand I agree with you, but...
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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Interesting little roleplay on the tv tonight though. Two people, both fully vaccinated are 200x less likely to infect each other with covid. If one is not vaccinated that protection becomes 10x less likely.

I prefer the bigger odds. Which is why there is now a very definite no nonsense sign on my door and a couple of others that match mine on the front doors of a few friends. Best to be clear on these things I reckon.

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