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S. Wiles & S. Hendy, claim against Auckland uni
Siouxsie Wiles & Shaun Hendy are saying that Auckland university could have done more to ensure their safety. There've been some incidents involving people turning up & making threats as well as harassment via social media.

Those opposed to vaccinations do seem to be quite excitable, & get carried away easily.

"High profile academics and Covid-19 commentators Shaun Hendy and Siouxsie Wiles say harassment towards them is escalating, and their employer the University of Auckland has not done enough to ensure their safety.

A recently released Employment Relations Authority determination says Hendy and Wiles brought separate but similar claims against the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Auckland."
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
whats up with the antivaxxers.
i mean I know theyre thick as pigshit, arrogant antisocial maggots,
but why prove it day after day?
for 10% of the population they are rude and belligerent beyond their mass.
they are doing nothing to endear us to their 'cause'. just makes them that much easier to dislike.
when Covid is over they should stay excluded i reckon. who wants to cohabitate with such venomous threat making arseholes?
and yes im talking about not just the antivaxxers, but the voluntarily unvaxxed as well. they can fuck off from society too.
send them to re-education camps.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
i see a cafe down south has been forced to close after 50% of the staff refused to get vaxxed. honestly, the owner should be able to go after them for loss of earnings or something. its not fair that she and the other staff lose everything, especially as it is likely those who have done this will have benefited from the govt tops ups etc during the lockdowns. i am sick of the few holding the rest of us to ransom.
(03-01-2022, 05:17 PM)girlgeorgina Wrote: i see a cafe down south has been forced to close after 50% of the staff refused to get vaxxed. honestly, the owner should be able to go after them for loss of earnings or something. its not fair that she and the other staff lose everything, especially as it is likely those who have done this will have benefited from the govt tops ups etc during the lockdowns. i am sick of the few holding the rest of us to ransom.
i quite agree.
if they get Covid they shouldnt be allowed a hospital bed. lets save them for the involuntary sick. they dont trust the medical fraternity anyway right? bunch of shills they tell us.
a hairdressers at Fraser Cove closed because staff wouldnt vax.

its breathtaking to me that some believe themselves smarter than the medical fraternity.
that they believe the politicians, doctors and the pharma are in some sort of evil cabal to trick us all.
wtf? they wank on and on about dodgy pseudo science and hearsay bullshit from other antivax idiots.
hard to imagine more obtuse reasoning and limited mental capacity required to arrive at their bizarre conclusions.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
Good luck taking on the university guys. I have never met one that is prepared to admit mistakes. Quite the reverse...
As far as Im concerned they are a bunch of idiots just waiting to die. And on their deathbed they will plead for the vaccine , sorry its too late, seeya
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
There's a cafe in Collingwood (Nelson province) which won't employ vaccinated staff. There just seem to be anti vax nutters everywhere; its likely grown since I last saw Collingwood but its still a small town.
This is really irresponsible imo.

"A café owner refusing to hire vaccinated workers to staff his Golden Bay business could be a danger to the small community, an expert says.

The owner of the Mad Theartre cafe and art centre is an Australian who goes by the name of Nganga​.

Nganga​ said he based his decision on “health reasons” and that he did not want to hire staff that may turn into “zombies”.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Its funny how they get all their scientific information from facebook
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
(03-01-2022, 06:01 PM)Oldfellah Wrote: Its funny how they get all their scientific information from facebook
And how its all a gigantic world wide secret conspiracy - yet somehow, they found out about it.

As did thousands of other nutters... Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
But just wait Bill Gates is placing a micro chip in the Booster shots so you can be tracked everywhere and at the flick of a switch you will go on a murderous spree killing all the non believers.
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
No no no - you have it all wrong!
Its population control, & John Key is involved. Which is why he resigned when he did...

Jeez I dunno - you have to keep your conspiracy theories straight! Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
It depends who you listen to , Trump or Tamaki
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
I was aware that Siouxsie Wiles gets a heap of nasty and frightening pushback from the anti-vaxxers, but I didn't know that Shaun Hendy gets the same. Obviously Siouxsie is a target for the misogynist incels as well as the the standard anti-vax morons, and I suppose Shaun is regarded as a Government shill. The U of A is presumably happy enough to take credit for these illustrious academics, so it should be doing whatever is necessary to protect them from these real physical threats.

I wonder if Michael Baker or Rod Jackson are targeted ?
(03-01-2022, 05:36 PM)Magoo Wrote: i quite agree.
if they get Covid they shouldnt be allowed a hospital bed. lets save them for the involuntary sick. they dont trust the medical fraternity anyway right? bunch of shills they tell us.
a hairdressers at Fraser Cove closed because staff wouldnt vax.

its breathtaking to me that some believe themselves smarter than the medical fraternity.
that they believe the politicians, doctors and the pharma are in some sort of evil cabal to trick us all.
wtf? they wank on and on about dodgy pseudo science and hearsay bullshit from other antivax idiots.
hard to imagine more obtuse reasoning and limited mental capacity required to arrive at their bizarre conclusions.
That's a slippery slope that most probably wouldn't agree with if adopted generally.

Do you drink soft drinks or eat sweets? Right there goes your government funded diabetes medication and hospital care.
What, you were driving or a passenger not wearing a seat belt? Sorry, the ambulance is needed elsewhere.
So, you were a smoker and enjoyed the odd tipple? This cancer treatment is going to cost big time.
Didn't use sunblock? Line up behind that ex-smoker with your melanoma.
Tooth decay? Best we sue your local council for failing to fluoridate the water supply.

Do you really want our healthcare system to go down this route?!!
I certainly don't. As soon as health care moves into definitions of "life style" diseases the doors open to commercial lobbying e.g. the promoters of smoking, alcohol, sugar and ultra-processed foods. Diabetes is a particularly fraught issue but so are many cancers and respiratory diseases. Also most illegal substances, which have many deleterious health effects along with the basic addiction.
i think a hospital is the last place a self inflicted covid patient should be.
hospitals are full of vulnerable people that dont need covid to add to their misery.
think of the babieeeessssssss.
they should be made to stay home and recuperate, or die, whatever.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(03-01-2022, 07:55 PM)Magoo Wrote: i think a hospital is the last place a self inflicted covid patient should be.
hospitals are full of vulnerable people that dont need covid to add to their misery.
think of the babieeeessssssss.
they should be made to stay home and recuperate, or die, whatever.
Do you extend the same special treatment to smokers? Alcoholics? Drug addicts, those that work in high risk occupations.  Would you deny them hospital treatment because of their self inflicted choices.  As has been mentioned, it is a slippery slope that I don't believe New Zealanders want a bar of...
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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(03-01-2022, 07:55 PM)Magoo Wrote: i think a hospital is the last place a self inflicted covid patient should be.
hospitals are full of vulnerable people that dont need covid to add to their misery.
think of the babieeeessssssss.
they should be made to stay home and recuperate, or die, whatever.
So the medical practitioners become de facto executioners. Good luck with getting that idea up and running.
(03-01-2022, 08:16 PM)harm_less Wrote:
(03-01-2022, 07:55 PM)Magoo Wrote: i think a hospital is the last place a self inflicted covid patient should be.
hospitals are full of vulnerable people that dont need covid to add to their misery.
think of the babieeeessssssss.
they should be made to stay home and recuperate, or die, whatever.
So the medical practitioners become de facto executioners. Good luck with getting that idea up and running.
'de facto executioners' might be a bit dramatic, no one likes a visit from the plague doctor
theres no reason covid affected cannot be treated off site.
i believe its already happening in school gyms and parking buildings in the usa. (i shit you not)
the Canadians are being asked to stay home and have supervised medical care by way of nurses.
the greek army is using its medics and tents to cope with the ballooning admissions.
i cannot see a problem.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
Medical staff are already making these terrible decisions on a daily basis with patients, there is no need for us to increase that level of stress by creating pariahs on our covid wards.

Karma means those who have chosen not to comply with the vaccination programme will suffer the consequences sooner or later, and those who had no choice already live with those consequences.

Life was never meant to be fair.

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