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RE: Neil Young - good bloke. - Magoo - 28-01-2022

was at western springs,
saw him with eddie vedder and mazzy star and others at the Shoreline Amphitheatre in 1993?
that was a benefit for the school his kids go to. acoustic i think.
then again with Crazy Horse at the Catalyst club in Santa Cruz. might have been pre harvest moon tour?

i worked at a bar called the Skyline. its across the road from the much vaunted Alices. this is in the hills above redwood city where we lived.
was walking back to my car one afternoon and down the road come these giant machine things, like Autobots.
its neil with his two boys that suffer from um spina bifida or such, each in his own robot.
i looked at him as we passed, nodded and said 'neil' tres cool aye? rico suave me.

i learned a valuable lesson when working at the skyline. bunch of scruffy bastards used to come in. feet on the furniture, shit tippers, left a big mess. i was snivelling about them to a local one night who was quick to point out that crazy horse did whatever they wanted to in La Honda. i never prejudged my customers after that. erk..
so i was my charming self when i sat and served a skinny little asian chap wearing torn jeans and a t shirt and his mate one afternoon at the upscale Piatti in Stanford shopping center.
he owned yahoo. jerry wang i think? outstanding tipper.

RE: Neil Young - good bloke. - Zurdo - 28-01-2022

I went to Western Springs with my wife and her brother, they were seasoned concert goers, she went to everything in the '70's. They are heading to the front, elbowing patches aside...I come from a different part of Auckland, and I'm having none of it, so head up to the seating on the banking. I sit at the end of a row, and the first set is acoustic...the Harvest group...typical Neil Young whingy winey folk stuff. A bottle gets passed down the row...a joint gets passed down the row. All good stuff, thanks mate.

Just on dusk and a set change - Crazy Horse. Neil Young comes out with Old Black, his Les Paul...and he doesn't have the guitar and amp turned up to 11...he goes to 15. He's heavily into distortion and feedback - he puts his guitar into the amp and walks just howls away all by itself. So out comes Crazy Horse and they are straight into it....and then it hits me ! I am totally fucking out of it, like flicking a switch. I turn to the guy next to me and say - ''What the fuck was in that shit man ?'' But he's passed out ! Oh well, I guess this is what's happening tonight....

RE: Neil Young - good bloke. - Lilith7 - 29-01-2022

(28-01-2022, 07:23 PM)Zurdo Wrote: I went to Western Springs with my wife and her brother, they were seasoned concert goers, she went to everything in the '70's. They are heading to the front, elbowing patches aside...I come from a different part of Auckland, and I'm having none of it, so head up to  the seating on the banking. I sit at the end of a row, and the first set is acoustic...the Harvest group...typical Neil Young whingy winey folk stuff. A bottle gets passed down the row...a joint gets passed down the row. All good stuff, thanks mate.

Just on dusk and a set change - Crazy Horse. Neil Young comes out with Old Black, his Les Paul...and he doesn't have the guitar and amp turned up to 11...he goes to 15. He's heavily into distortion and feedback - he puts his guitar into the amp and walks just howls away all by itself. So out comes Crazy Horse and they are straight into it....and then it hits me ! I am totally fucking out of it, like flicking a switch. I turn to the guy next to me and say - ''What the fuck was in that shit man ?'' But he's passed out ! Oh well, I guess this is what's happening tonight....
Interesting pasts, our generation eh... Angel Angel Big Grin

RE: Neil Young - good bloke. - harm_less - 29-01-2022

(29-01-2022, 10:09 AM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(28-01-2022, 07:23 PM)Zurdo Wrote: I went to Western Springs with my wife and her brother, they were seasoned concert goers, she went to everything in the '70's. They are heading to the front, elbowing patches aside...I come from a different part of Auckland, and I'm having none of it, so head up to  the seating on the banking. I sit at the end of a row, and the first set is acoustic...the Harvest group...typical Neil Young whingy winey folk stuff. A bottle gets passed down the row...a joint gets passed down the row. All good stuff, thanks mate.

Just on dusk and a set change - Crazy Horse. Neil Young comes out with Old Black, his Les Paul...and he doesn't have the guitar and amp turned up to 11...he goes to 15. He's heavily into distortion and feedback - he puts his guitar into the amp and walks just howls away all by itself. So out comes Crazy Horse and they are straight into it....and then it hits me ! I am totally fucking out of it, like flicking a switch. I turn to the guy next to me and say - ''What the fuck was in that shit man ?'' But he's passed out ! Oh well, I guess this is what's happening tonight....
Interesting pasts, our generation eh... Angel Angel Big Grin
And most of us seemed to have survived it despite the lack of H&S considered necessary these days.

RE: Neil Young - good bloke. - Magoo - 29-01-2022

back then seems almost lawless by comparison.
our freedoms were many, from camping at the beach to driving from the day you got your license on your fifteenth birthday. wasnt all beer and skittles for some demographics, and we needed to move on in terms of our tolerance and conservative attitudes.
we didnt need to do it with as much gusto and lack of forethought.

RE: Neil Young - good bloke. - Lilith7 - 29-01-2022

Gusto isn't so bad in itself, it depends on what it's for. Lack of forethought though seems to be a part of being young & stupid, most grow out of it.
But some of the stuff then does indeed seem lawless by comparison.

What's that old saying - 'The past is another country; they do things differently there.' Smile

RE: Neil Young - good bloke. - Zurdo - 29-01-2022

I wasn't a young fella at the Neil Young concert...I was a father, although still not 30. It was a bit of a flash back for me, I was pretty far gone, and by myself, I knew no one around me. But early '80's, there was still a bit of '70's vibe around, it's cool, everyone is your friend.

But 10 years previously and that state of mind is home turf, there is no forethought whatsoever, we are just winging it, seeing where different paths lead. I certainly wouldn't want to be that person again...but I'd like to do it again with the knowledge I have now. Not just choosing the correct financial paths that would see me in a better place now...I could've still led that life and secured my future. But the people...they were nothing to me at the time, I would like to correct that.

RE: Neil Young - good bloke. - Lilith7 - 29-01-2022

The world was so different then. Sometime during the 60's a friend & I went out of town ( slightly) to see the final show of the La de da's before they went to try their luck in Oz.
It was a good show but we came out to find we'd missed the last bus back to town so we were standing at the bus stop debating what to do when a car with a couple of blokes stopped & asked if we were OK & needed a lift. We didn't really know them except by sight but knew they'd been at the show, & often turned up at the same place we went to - plus they had long hair, & back then, anyone with long hair was your friend, you could trust them.

And so we decided to chance it & they gave us both a lift back to town without any problems. Just a few years later & we couldn't have risked it, things changed so much & so quickly.

RE: Neil Young - good bloke. - Zurdo - 29-01-2022

When I lost my license I used to walk everywhere (unless I drove or rode a motorcycle) and would accept a lift, but never home - ''here will do mate.'' If they were willing to give someone like me a lift, they probably weren't trustworthy.

RE: Neil Young - good bloke. - Magoo - 29-01-2022

i was a very good lad and never raised any hell

RE: Neil Young - good bloke. - Lilith7 - 29-01-2022

(29-01-2022, 04:06 PM)Magoo Wrote: i was a very good lad and never raised any hell
And I'm Marie of Romania... Angel Angel Big Grin

I see Joni Mitchell has also told Spotify to remove her music; good for her. Smile

RE: Neil Young - good bloke. - Olive - 29-01-2022

I've installed TIDAL to replace Spotify. At first blush it looks and sounds good, and I'll cancel Spotify shortly.

There is an app which migrates one's Spotify playlist to other music portals, called I think Songshift. Haven't tried it yet but I'm not too bothered about it as my Spotify lists could do with a clean out anyway.

RE: Neil Young - good bloke. - Zurdo - 29-01-2022

I used to like Pandora, but we can't get it in NZ now. I just use Youtube these days, it knows my likes, chucks in some unlikes.

RE: Neil Young - good bloke. - Lilith7 - 29-01-2022

(29-01-2022, 06:14 PM)Zurdo Wrote: I used to like Pandora, but we can't get it in NZ now. I just use Youtube these days, it knows my likes, chucks in some unlikes.
I've found that Youtube makes up compilations of stuff I like, or by the same artist - My mix I think its called - which are usually really good. I've come across some good music that way.

RE: Neil Young - good bloke. - Oh_hunnihunni - 29-01-2022

(28-01-2022, 06:55 PM)Magoo Wrote: was at western springs,
saw him with eddie vedder and mazzy star and others at the Shoreline Amphitheatre in 1993?
that was a benefit for the school his kids go to. acoustic i think.
then again with Crazy Horse at the Catalyst club in Santa Cruz. might have been pre harvest moon tour?

i worked at a bar called the Skyline. its across the road from the much vaunted Alices. this is in the hills above redwood city where we lived.
was walking back to my car one afternoon and down the road come these giant machine things, like Autobots.
its neil with his two boys that suffer from um spina bifida or such, each in his own robot.
i looked at him as we passed, nodded and said 'neil' tres cool aye? rico suave me.

i learned a valuable lesson when working at the skyline. bunch of scruffy bastards used to come in. feet on the furniture, shit tippers, left a big mess. i was snivelling about them to a local one night who was quick to point out that crazy horse did whatever they wanted to in La Honda. i never prejudged my customers after that.  erk..
so i was my charming self when i sat and served a skinny little asian chap wearing torn jeans and a t shirt and his mate one afternoon at the upscale Piatti in Stanford shopping center.
he owned yahoo. jerry wang i think? outstanding tipper.
Cerebral palsy I believe...

RE: Neil Young - good bloke. - C_T_Russell - 31-01-2022

(26-01-2022, 06:22 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Its always heartening to see a fellow Scorpio take a stand against wrong, the more so since he didn't have to do so. He could have simply ignored it, but had the guts to speak against idiocy.
Bloody good for him. Smile

"Neil Young has demanded that his music be removed from Spotify due to vaccine misinformation spread by podcaster Joe Rogan on the streaming service, saying: “They can have Rogan or Young. Not both.”

In an open letter to his manager and record label that was posted to his website and later taken down, Young wrote: “I am doing this because Spotify is spreading fake information about vaccines – potentially causing death to those who believe the disinformation being spread by them. Please act on this immediately today and keep me informed of the time schedule.”
Whats good about someone that supports censorship?
Its information control at its finest.
Kudos to Spotify for not backing down.

Robert Malone was one of the scientists who helped develop M-RNA technology, so we should be listening to such "experts" like we are told to.
Only issue is if these "experts" dont agree with the narrative, they get censored.
Why cant people be allowed to listen to both sides of the argument and make up their own minds for themselves? Information control reaks of a cult to me.

The joe rogan podcast is an excellent show and covers many topics of interest. He has done good stories about child sex abuse coverups in various institutions and other stories where the MSM gives little coverage.

RE: Neil Young - good bloke. - Lilith7 - 31-01-2022

(31-01-2022, 10:19 AM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(26-01-2022, 06:22 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Its always heartening to see a fellow Scorpio take a stand against wrong, the more so since he didn't have to do so. He could have simply ignored it, but had the guts to speak against idiocy.
Bloody good for him. Smile

"Neil Young has demanded that his music be removed from Spotify due to vaccine misinformation spread by podcaster Joe Rogan on the streaming service, saying: “They can have Rogan or Young. Not both.”

In an open letter to his manager and record label that was posted to his website and later taken down, Young wrote: “I am doing this because Spotify is spreading fake information about vaccines – potentially causing death to those who believe the disinformation being spread by them. Please act on this immediately today and keep me informed of the time schedule.”
Whats good about someone that supports censorship?
Its information control at its finest.
Kudos to Spotify for not backing down.

Robert Malone was one of the scientists who helped develop M-RNA technology, so we should be listening to such "experts" like we are told to.
Only issue is if these "experts" dont agree with the narrative, they get censored.
Why cant people be allowed to listen to both sides of the argument and make up their own minds for themselves? Information control reaks of a cult to me.

The joe rogan podcast is an excellent show and covers many topics of interest. He has done good stories about child sex abuse coverups in various institutions and other stories where the MSM gives little coverage.
That is blatant nonsense. Dodgy
Anyone wishing to do so can easily find the misinformation all over the internet. Unfortunately.

Any musician is able to refuse to be associated with some of the utter bullshit emanating from suspect sources, & since there's a good chance that it could seriously damage their reputation, it makes sense not just because they have principles but because eventually it could affect their livelihood.
Joni Mitchell & Nils Lofgren have joined Neil Young in his stand.

RE: Neil Young - good bloke. - Olive - 31-01-2022

(31-01-2022, 10:31 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: ....
Any musician is able to refuse to be associated with some of the utter bullshit emanating from suspect sources, & since there's a good chance that it could seriously damage their reputation, it makes sense not just because they have principles but because eventually it could affect their livelihood.

I was just about to say something similar but you have expressed my thoughts perfectly. I would just add that ANYBODY is able to refuse to be associated with ANYONE but for most of us we do not have a public platform and nobody much cares. I am just pleased that someone like Neil Young has taken the first step and is being followed by others.

RE: Neil Young - good bloke. - king1 - 31-01-2022

(31-01-2022, 10:19 AM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(26-01-2022, 06:22 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Its always heartening to see a fellow Scorpio take a stand against wrong, the more so since he didn't have to do so. He could have simply ignored it, but had the guts to speak against idiocy.
Bloody good for him. Smile

"Neil Young has demanded that his music be removed from Spotify due to vaccine misinformation spread by podcaster Joe Rogan on the streaming service, saying: “They can have Rogan or Young. Not both.”

In an open letter to his manager and record label that was posted to his website and later taken down, Young wrote: “I am doing this because Spotify is spreading fake information about vaccines – potentially causing death to those who believe the disinformation being spread by them. Please act on this immediately today and keep me informed of the time schedule.”
Whats good about someone that supports censorship?
Its information control at its finest.
Kudos to Spotify for not backing down.

Robert Malone was one of the scientists who helped develop M-RNA technology, so we should be listening to such "experts" like we are told to.
Only issue is if these "experts" dont agree with the narrative, they get censored.
Why cant people be allowed to listen to both sides of the argument and make up their own minds for themselves? Information control reaks of a cult to me.

The joe rogan podcast is an excellent show and covers many topics of interest. He has done good stories about child sex abuse coverups in various institutions and other stories where the MSM gives little coverage.
Censorship is about protecting people from 'stuff' that may do harm to others, in all forms of media...
Anyone who doesn't support some form of censorship needs there head read TBH as there is a LOT of harmful stuff out there...

yes Joe Rogan may do some good work and provide useful information but that does not negate the severity of what he is doing by promoting misinformation

RE: Neil Young - good bloke. - Magoo - 31-01-2022

this is not about supporting censorship its about health and safety
censorship is that way >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>