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RE: Woke Health system forces doctors to prioritize Maori and Pacifika - C_T_Russell - 25-06-2023

(21-06-2023, 02:26 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(20-06-2023, 09:03 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote: Well they were saying the logical thing on the radio is to prioritize one's health condition.
Seems a no brainier doesnt it?
Not all Maori are limited in their access to health services, and if so, then why are there not enough GP's in the aeras  with a high population of Maori to begin with?
Race shouldnt matter in these instances because if someone of this demographic needs urgent care, they should be seen to ASAP anyway, no matter what their race.

How very very simple it is when you ignore reality.

An example being the $5 fee for prescriptions (which National will reinstate if they become govt) which is often a step too far for those in low incomes. While it doesn't apply solely to Maori, they are most affected by it.

"The latest NZ Health Survey for 2021-22 found that 3.3% of people reported not getting their medicines because of the $5 fee, with Māori and Pasifika adults being 3.3 times and 1.1 times respectively more likely not to collect a prescription due to the cost.
The researchers recommended in their paper that Aotearoa follow the precedent of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which abolished prescription charges in 2011, 2007 and 2010 respectively.
The researchers recommended in their paper that Aotearoa follow the precedent of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which abolished prescription charges in 2011, 2007 and 2010 respectively.

As the researchers write in their conclusion to the paper, “eliminating a small co-payment appears to have had a substantial effect on patients’ risk of being hospitalised. Given the small amount of revenue gathered from the charges, and the comparative large costs of hospitalisations, the results suggest that these charges are likely to increase the overall cost of healthcare, as well as exacerbate ethnic inequalities.”

Nationals policy would give free prescriptions to those with community services cards, in other words, those that need it, irrespective of race.
Sure, I'm not complaining about getting them free either, but I don't need that assistance, besides we have chemist warehouse.

ACT have a good petition running on the matter right now too.

RE: Woke Health system forces doctors to prioritize Maori and Pacifika - Lilith7 - 25-06-2023

(25-06-2023, 03:16 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(21-06-2023, 02:26 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: How very very simple it is when you ignore reality.

An example being the $5 fee for prescriptions (which National will reinstate if they become govt) which is often a step too far for those in low incomes. While it doesn't apply solely to Maori, they are most affected by it.

"The latest NZ Health Survey for 2021-22 found that 3.3% of people reported not getting their medicines because of the $5 fee, with Māori and Pasifika adults being 3.3 times and 1.1 times respectively more likely not to collect a prescription due to the cost.
The researchers recommended in their paper that Aotearoa follow the precedent of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which abolished prescription charges in 2011, 2007 and 2010 respectively.
The researchers recommended in their paper that Aotearoa follow the precedent of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which abolished prescription charges in 2011, 2007 and 2010 respectively.

As the researchers write in their conclusion to the paper, “eliminating a small co-payment appears to have had a substantial effect on patients’ risk of being hospitalised. Given the small amount of revenue gathered from the charges, and the comparative large costs of hospitalisations, the results suggest that these charges are likely to increase the overall cost of healthcare, as well as exacerbate ethnic inequalities.”

Nationals policy would give free prescriptions to those with community services cards, in other words, those that need it, irrespective of race.
Sure, I'm not complaining about getting them free either, but I don't need that assistance, besides we have chemist warehouse.

ACT have a good petition running on the matter right now too.

Once again not everyone lives where they can access a Chemist warehouse - surely something the Nats & ACT can manage to work out.  Or could, if they wanted to - but perhaps its easier to ignore the inconvenient reality.

But it seems ACT cannot bear the idea that working people might make any tiny gain.

"The ACT Party’s announcement yesterday that it aims to stop workers in the gig economy from being allowed to test in court whether they deserve to be treated as employees – and thus entitled to sick leave, holiday pay etc – has been the most blatant example yet of ACT’s hostility to working people. Any wage and salary earner who votes for the ACT Party has to be a masochist.
As E Tu assistant national secretary Annie Newman pointed out yesterday:
ACT have also promised to end Fair Pay Agreements and bring back 90-day trials. They have opposed every increase to the minimum wage, opposed doubling sick leave, and even oppose moves to make wage theft a criminal offence.ACT’s attack on gig workers comes in the wake of Uber drivers winning their court case last year to be recognised as employees, with the rights and benefits this entails. ACT has seen how the legal ground has been shifting in favour of workers in the gig economy, and is therefore promising to change the rules, and turn back the clock in favour of the party’s corporate sponsors. As the dutiful servant of capital, ACT wants to formally strip gig economy workers of their hard -won means of legal protection.

Talk about true colours. When it suits, ACT likes to pose as a libertarian party, but that’s a sham. It has little interest in individual rights, or human rights. Repeatedly, it goes into attack mode whenever individuals choose to act collectively. 

The party’s chief mission is to perpetuate privilege, as embedded in the existing power imbalances within the workplace, and across society in general.

 As a staunch defender of white privilege, ACT was at the forefront of the attacks on co-governance. It is opposed to any and all affirmative actions taken to address the racial disadvantages long evident in our health, welfare and imprisonment statistics. (If anything, ACT’s law and order policies will make the rates of Māori incarceration far worse.)
Act has carted the National Party and its ineffectual leader further and further to the right, and Christopher Luxon plainly lacks the leadership skills required to bring his party back from the brink. The failings of the current government are just as evident, but at least Labour is making an attempt to govern for all New Zealanders. Act is quite happy to govern for the top 5% and to throw everyone else to the wolves."

RE: Woke Health system forces doctors to prioritize Maori and Pacifika - zqwerty - 25-06-2023

Here here Lylith7, couldn't agree more, love that phrase: "The party’s chief mission is to perpetuate privilege", so well put.

RE: Woke Health system forces doctors to prioritize Maori and Pacifika - Lilith7 - 25-06-2023

(25-06-2023, 03:47 PM)zqwerty Wrote: Here here Lylith7, couldn't agree more, love that phrase: "The party’s chief mission is to perpetuate privilege", so well put.

The more I see of the ACT party, the more it seems that they're motivated by one thing & one thing only - greed. Dodgy