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RE: S. Wiles & S. Hendy, claim against Auckland uni - Magoo - 06-01-2022

Tis nice being able to present ones case, and argue it without descending into fisticuffs.

Mind you I'm being very patient with you Lefty witches *jokes*

RE: S. Wiles & S. Hendy, claim against Auckland uni - Lilith7 - 06-01-2022

(06-01-2022, 06:18 PM)Magoo Wrote: Tis nice being able to present ones case, and argue it without descending into fisticuffs.

Mind you I'm being very patient with you Lefty witches  *jokes*
Cheeky fucker! Big Grin

Yep it makes a welcome change to be able to disagree  -  & no nastiness. Smile

RE: S. Wiles & S. Hendy, claim against Auckland uni - Lilith7 - 07-01-2022

Oh fgs! At this stage there's no other option if we want to avoid a serious situation with massive infection rates we may not be able to cope with.
'Taken for a ride' my derriere.

RE: S. Wiles & S. Hendy, claim against Auckland uni - Olive - 07-01-2022

(07-01-2022, 10:59 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: Oh fgs! At this stage there's no other option if we want to avoid a serious situation with massive infection rates we may not be able to cope with.
'Taken for a ride' my derriere.
I agree.   This is misinformation.

RE: S. Wiles & S. Hendy, claim against Auckland uni - Praktica - 07-01-2022

Looks like we have an nzissuer on the loose. I wonder if they've noticed someone has escaped?

RE: S. Wiles & S. Hendy, claim against Auckland uni - Lilith7 - 07-01-2022

(07-01-2022, 11:50 AM)Praktica Wrote: Looks like we have an nzissuer on the loose. I wonder if they've noticed someone has escaped?
Set free to spread their BS perhaps... Rolleyes Big Grin

RE: S. Wiles & S. Hendy, claim against Auckland uni - king1 - 07-01-2022

(07-01-2022, 06:12 PM)Magoo Wrote:
(07-01-2022, 10:42 AM)C_T_Russell Wrote: Good on their staff for making a stand.  No one should be forced into taking a medical treatment that they dont agree with. You dont need to make any excuses or reasons to even justify accepting or rejecting a treatment either.

If you think the staff should be charged for damages, then thats seriously messed up, this is supposed to be a free country, it should be Jacinda that the owner goes after.

The issue is these BS vaccine mandates that are doing nothing to save lives or stop spread of covid. We have 90% vaxxed anyway, so whats the issue?
(BTW, if this vaccine "works" then why are so many cinemas, hairdressers, bars and clubs listed as locations of interest, and why even worry if all were vaxxed?)

The owner should not have to even worry about complying with this totalitarian legislation, its not the staff's problem, its the governments.

[Removed: Rule 2H]
Earth to CT Russell..come in CT Russell.
That's quite a descent into the rabbit hole you've made.
It would be fun to try using facts not internet pseudo science and leaps of supposition. 
I don't really feel like I should have to explain it all to you but someone does. You are woefully Ill informed, it's kind of awkward. none of us want to address the elephant in the room that is your dismal grasp of what is happening around us, for fear of being rude.
We care about your feelings. I am particularly empathetic to your plight, as I cannot imagine how the thought processes and decision making skills that lead you to think you are smarter than the entire medical profession.
Furthermore to place the blame for your woes (and they are your woes, we're ok here in sanity land)  on politicians and Lawmakers is patently absurd, politicising a pandemic is just insanity.
All goods CT, you're smashing it.
Ok whoever you are, what have you done to Magoo...

RE: S. Wiles & S. Hendy, claim against Auckland uni - Magoo - 07-01-2022

Magoo spreads the love
Thicker than peanut butter
Sweeter than honey

RE: S. Wiles & S. Hendy, claim against Auckland uni - Lilith7 - 08-01-2022

(07-01-2022, 07:55 PM)Magoo Wrote: Magoo spreads the love
Thicker than peanut butter
Sweeter than honey
But - does it trap any flies? Smile

RE: S. Wiles & S. Hendy, claim against Auckland uni - Magoo - 08-01-2022

(08-01-2022, 12:49 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(07-01-2022, 07:55 PM)Magoo Wrote: Magoo spreads the love
Thicker than peanut butter
Sweeter than honey
But - does it trap any flies? Smile
that saying holds true to a point.
i think we're at that point now. honey and sugar works on some. some just need a little push, or reassurance about the vax. that won hearts and minds for a while, and many people were educated, encouraged and got vaccinated. then there were those who didnt believe in it, were set against it, but got vaccinated anyway for their friends and family.

all there is left now are the delusional, the anti establishment, citizen smiff placard wavers, the ignorant, the arrogant
self appointed internet doctors and the shit throwing hard on sporting howler monkeys at auckland zoo.

RE: S. Wiles & S. Hendy, claim against Auckland uni - Oh_hunnihunni - 08-01-2022

CT, where does personal choice stop and social cost begin?

Should the individual be expected - mandated even, to observe certain hygiene standards in order to prevent the spread of disease, or should everyone be able to shit wherever they choose?

The trouble with this vax thing is a single choice to remain medical procedurally inviolate could prove disastrous for other human beings. Fatal in fact. This reality is proven now repeatedly across the world, where the unvaccinated are providing a vector for the virus into vulnerable populations, so that not only does it do its job and threaten the health of innocents, but it has the opportunity to mutate and get better at killing people. Currently at around 5 million I believe - not counting the unverified and unreported fatalities.

Seeing the vax poses a threat grossly outweighed by the virus itself, do you not see that choosing to be unvaccinated is actually an attack on the society that we all choose to be part of, and choose to benefit from? Do you not see why the huge majority 90% plus of the population who are now vaccinated regard those who choose to be outliers as not just threats, but ignorant, uneducated, selfish, and rather pathetic individuals the rest of us can actually do without...

RE: S. Wiles & S. Hendy, claim against Auckland uni - Magoo - 08-01-2022

if one person knowingly gives aids to another i think its a criminal matter.
should be the same for the unvaccinated

"Seeing the vax poses a threat grossly outweighed by the virus itself, do you not see that choosing to be unvaccinated is actually an attack on the society that we all choose to be part of, and choose to benefit from? Do you not see why the huge majority 90% plus of the population who are now vaccinated regard those who choose to be outliers as not just threats, but ignorant, uneducated, selfish, and rather pathetic individuals the rest of us can actually do without..."

i could not be more succinct.
thats why i say when Covids over, i dont really care if we keep them separated.
this has gone past Covid for me, I dont like them. and life without them has been awesome, long may they stay the hell away from us, whom they clearly despise anyway, it shouldnt be a big ask.

RE: S. Wiles & S. Hendy, claim against Auckland uni - Lilith7 - 08-01-2022

It might come down to whether or not an unvaccinated person who got covid & gave it to someone who was vaccinated, genuinely believed that covid is a gigantic hoax or whatever daft variation of the very latest CT is popular.
Its difficult to see how that could be legally proven one way or the other - but lawyer's would perhaps know.

RE: S. Wiles & S. Hendy, claim against Auckland uni - Olive - 08-01-2022

Stupidity has been offered as a defence for criminal acts in the past.

The hard part of prosecuting unvaccinated infectors of others would be establishing that there was no other way in which the infected victim could have been infected. That was an issue with the prosecution of HIV infectors and led to dreadful, prurient and intrusive analysis of the infected peoples's social lives.

It's not simple.

RE: S. Wiles & S. Hendy, claim against Auckland uni - Me+Me - 09-01-2022

(03-01-2022, 06:28 PM)harm_less Wrote:
(03-01-2022, 05:36 PM)Magoo Wrote: i quite agree.
if they get Covid they shouldnt be allowed a hospital bed. lets save them for the involuntary sick. they dont trust the medical fraternity anyway right? bunch of shills they tell us.
a hairdressers at Fraser Cove closed because staff wouldnt vax.

its breathtaking to me that some believe themselves smarter than the medical fraternity.
that they believe the politicians, doctors and the pharma are in some sort of evil cabal to trick us all.
wtf? they wank on and on about dodgy pseudo science and hearsay bullshit from other antivax idiots.
hard to imagine more obtuse reasoning and limited mental capacity required to arrive at their bizarre conclusions.
That's a slippery slope that most probably wouldn't agree with if adopted generally.

Do you drink soft drinks or eat sweets? Right there goes your government funded diabetes medication and hospital care.
What, you were driving or a passenger not wearing a seat belt? Sorry, the ambulance is needed elsewhere.
So, you were a smoker and enjoyed the odd tipple? This cancer treatment is going to cost big time.
Didn't use sunblock? Line up behind that ex-smoker with your melanoma.
Tooth decay? Best we sue your local council for failing to fluoridate the water supply.

Do you really want our healthcare system to go down this route?!!
since when is Diabetes an infectious disease which can and does kill people ?  Since when is cancer infectious ? Since when is getting melanoma infections to others   Since when is tooth decay going to impact and infect others ? 

All VERY different to the infection ramifications of Covid

(03-01-2022, 08:14 PM)king1 Wrote:
(03-01-2022, 07:55 PM)Magoo Wrote: i think a hospital is the last place a self inflicted covid patient should be.
hospitals are full of vulnerable people that dont need covid to add to their misery.
think of the babieeeessssssss.
they should be made to stay home and recuperate, or die, whatever.
Do you extend the same special treatment to smokers? Alcoholics?  Drug addicts, those that work in high risk occupations.  Would you deny them hospital treatment because of their self inflicted choices.  As has been mentioned, it is a slippery slope that I don't believe New Zealanders want a bar of...
But those things while they're a drain on the health system etc are NOT likely to infect others and potentially kill or otherwise injure them ?

People who refuse to be innoculated against a worldwide pandemic disease which is VERY infectious to others once you have it are WILLFULLY being very dangerous to others in society.

RE: S. Wiles & S. Hendy, claim against Auckland uni - Oh_hunnihunni - 09-01-2022

Hmmm, but how far do we let mandated medical procedures go before folks are being lobotomised, shock treated, or sterilised again on the basis of spurious evidence?

Not as if we haven't been there before.

RE: S. Wiles & S. Hendy, claim against Auckland uni - Lilith7 - 09-01-2022

I think its at least a possibility that some countries may eventually require any unvaccinated (without good reason) people to be confined in a specific area, if the pandemic gets worse.
It has the potential to get very nasty quite quickly in some places & I'm extremely glad to be living here.

RE: S. Wiles & S. Hendy, claim against Auckland uni - harm_less - 09-01-2022

(09-01-2022, 01:56 PM)Me+Me Wrote:
(03-01-2022, 06:28 PM)harm_less Wrote: That's a slippery slope that most probably wouldn't agree with if adopted generally.

Do you drink soft drinks or eat sweets? Right there goes your government funded diabetes medication and hospital care.
What, you were driving or a passenger not wearing a seat belt? Sorry, the ambulance is needed elsewhere.
So, you were a smoker and enjoyed the odd tipple? This cancer treatment is going to cost big time.
Didn't use sunblock? Line up behind that ex-smoker with your melanoma.
Tooth decay? Best we sue your local council for failing to fluoridate the water supply.

Do you really want our healthcare system to go down this route?!!
since when is Diabetes an infectious disease which can and does kill people ?  Since when is cancer infectious ? Since when is getting melanoma infections to others   Since when is tooth decay going to impact and infect others ? 

All VERY different to the infection ramifications of Covid

(03-01-2022, 08:14 PM)king1 Wrote: Do you extend the same special treatment to smokers? Alcoholics?  Drug addicts, those that work in high risk occupations.  Would you deny them hospital treatment because of their self inflicted choices.  As has been mentioned, it is a slippery slope that I don't believe New Zealanders want a bar of...
But those things while they're a drain on the health system etc are NOT likely to infect others and potentially kill or otherwise injure them ?

People who refuse to be innoculated against a worldwide pandemic disease which is VERY infectious to others once you have it are WILLFULLY being very dangerous to others in society.
As most, but not you obviously, can see I'm referring to mandatory health measures and costs being a dangerous road to go down. The case in question is of an infectious disease but to implement such measures on this occasion lays the foundations for the same thing being done on whatever 'public health education' grounds in the future. The instances I mentioned are just examples of where such an approach could head once tried in the current climate of general fear and knee jerk actions.

RE: S. Wiles & S. Hendy, claim against Auckland uni - Me+Me - 09-01-2022

(09-01-2022, 02:36 PM)harm_less Wrote:
(09-01-2022, 01:56 PM)Me+Me Wrote: since when is Diabetes an infectious disease which can and does kill people ?  Since when is cancer infectious ? Since when is getting melanoma infections to others   Since when is tooth decay going to impact and infect others ? 

All VERY different to the infection ramifications of Covid

But those things while they're a drain on the health system etc are NOT likely to infect others and potentially kill or otherwise injure them ?

People who refuse to be innoculated against a worldwide pandemic disease which is VERY infectious to others once you have it are WILLFULLY being very dangerous to others in society.
As most, but not you obviously, can see I'm referring to mandatory health measures and costs being a dangerous road to go down. The case in question is of an infectious disease but to implement such measures on this occasion lays the foundations for the same thing being done on whatever 'public health education' grounds in the future. The instances I mentioned are just examples of where such an approach could head once tried in the current climate of general fear and knee jerk actions.
I can see exactly what you're trying to say but I'm saying there's a BIG difference between what this is and the other situations mentioned.  Mandatory health measures are ALREADY in place in many of our industries due to this pandemic.  Governments in other countries have gone further.  "laying the foundations for similar to be done in other situations - bullshit.  These are very different situations.  
While we're on the subject of speculatiion, how will you feel about all that if the situation worsens ?  Ie: a much worse variant appears.  One which kills in far greater numbers, more readily and  more easily, (and yes this could happen).  Would you then be in favor of greater restrictions, further mandatory health measures and etc for those who chose to be unvaccinated ?  In order to perhaps 'encourage' them to get vaccinated and assist in protecting the rest of us ?  or what ?

RE: S. Wiles & S. Hendy, claim against Auckland uni - Magoo - 09-01-2022

do we not already have mandated health measures?
seatbelts and hard hats aside, we are subject to a multitude of substances administered to us.. no one ever told me what it was or whether i wanted it when i were a nipper.
it was just 'roll up your sleeve boy'
to this day i dont know what it was for. rubella, whooping cough? measles, malaria, tet anus,?
whatever it was for it did the job, as i have suffered none of the above malaise.

i just had to trust mum and dad. it was the sixties, thalidomide was still a thing.
they had to trust the science. the things we inoculated against werent pandemic.
they did it for the greater good. it was part of being a responsible, progressive society.

it was neither political nor media driven, it was health and well being driven.
no one was making a 'power grab' , no one was trying to manipulate us, or poison or debilitate us.
not a lot of transparency in govt, orwell, communism, shit to be afraid of. reasons to theorise conspiracy were never stronger yet it didnt happen?
we werent naïve or gullible imo, just sensible, stoic and fearless.

what happened?