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Ignorant moron anti-vaxxers making life harder for others
Is it a she? Wow, I kind of assumed it was just another attention seeking member of that Men Only Club where the criteria for joining is irredeemable virginity...

I have heard that condition does lead to cognitive blockages, poor dears.
Oddly enough, years ago there was a hoon living in the same town as me who had "insain" as his car number plate.
I do have other cameras!
I suppose 'can'tspell' was too long.
(16-12-2021, 09:31 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Is it a she? Wow, I kind of assumed it was just another attention seeking member of that Men Only Club where the criteria for joining is irredeemable virginity...

I have heard that condition does lead to cognitive blockages, poor dears.
i thought 'she' was better than 'it' for nomenclature. 'it' seems so impersonal, especially when referring to another valued member. 
perhaps i should have stuck to the asexual 'it', would hate to think id made it uncomfortable for it.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
I'm sure if it is offended it will give you a negative, and you will feel the appropriate sting of rejection.

Which reminds me, I owe oldfellah one of those, lol...
i thinking more along the lines of Saddam Insain, remember that arab dictator chap the americans wasted?
yeah, him.

(16-12-2021, 09:44 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I'm sure if it is offended it will give you a negative, and you will feel the appropriate sting of rejection.

Which reminds me, I owe oldfellah one of those, lol...

oh dear, it worsens. already cost me 40% of my brownie points
 i probly should be saying
'well trolled maam'

and not a swear word uttered. waste of a warning really. i'll be saving up the others for a rainy day now.
watching my p's and q's, that sort of thing.

hmmm brownies...

so back on topic after that rude interruption
where was i? i remember
at the end of the day if you are not a delusional moronic scumbag disease carrying aspd nutjob dropkick antivaxx catamite, then youre alright with me.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye

"The risk of Covid-19 far outweighs the risk of the vaccine"

I 100% agree.  What's with these AntiVaxers - are they stupid ? (Rhetorical question).
Gotta love a well turned insult. And it is a long time since I came across the catamite word. Good to know it is still out there...
I suppose its a bit of a novelty really; not too many bridge-dwellers venture to comment here so perhaps you could take it as a compliment that one took the time to; even if the comments were rather limited.
Some of the stuff they believe is astonishing. Bizarrely, according to this, 1 in 7 believe that the covid death toll is being hidden by UK authorities, & 1 in 7 believe that the death toll is being exaggerated, 1 in 20 think its connected to 5G & 1 in 20 think there's no hard evidence that covid exists.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
i think of it as a ratio.
1 in a hundred might have autism
1 in a thousand might have and extra digit.
1 in 10 people are so stupid you wonder how they survived thus far.
its kind of sad that stupidity has become a fatal condition.
i mean up until recently the mouth breathers and the window lickers were reasonably safe if they stayed away from sharp objects etc. sure the odd one stepped in front of traffic but by and large they were pretty safe.
now their intellectual shortcomings may impact seriously their continued existence. poor sods.

it is at times like this i find much comfort
in haiku

wonderous indeed
is natures gift of natural
selection by stealth
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
Magoo, you have a lot to answer for with this haiku thing. I am lying there at 2am staring at the ceiling and counting syllables on my fingers...
I sometimes wonder how I've survived this far, especially when I do something really stupid like put the sugar in the fridge. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
ive half a mind to look for the other half
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
My Mum once got a bit tiddly before a dinner party she was hosting. A lot of preparation had gone into this event and I suspect she was a little frazzled. But she had shined my Dad's shoes, and cooked the rice and made the side salads up well in advance. Dad came home, changed, and couldn't find his shoes, so wore a different pair, guests arrived, everyone was enjoying themselves and it came to dinner time, and Mum couldn't find the rice she had cooked, ready to reheat in the oven.

But she found the shoes. In the fridge. She never did admit where the rice ended up, but it was a great party...

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