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Losers, the useless and the bottom of the barrel
(10-02-2022, 08:22 AM)harm_less Wrote:
(10-02-2022, 08:16 AM)Me+Me Wrote: It's all being very ***nice*** and UNconfronting to the Protestors.  I"d advocate high powered water cannons with the Army behind them wrapping up all these people in handcuffs and foot restraints.  Then later on picking them up at leisure and transporting them all to say Antarctica or giving them a choice of living and working INSIDE a Covid ward in a hospital somewhere - without PPE.  And NO treatment if/when they fall ill.
With your attitude maybe you'd be more comfortable living in a country that ignores the rights of its citizens such as China.
It's the stupid protestors who are ignoring the rights of their fellow citizens to be SAFE. Its their right to protest but rights come with responsibilities which many or most of them seem to either have abandoned or not ever taken note of.
(10-02-2022, 08:22 AM)harm_less Wrote:
(10-02-2022, 08:16 AM)Me+Me Wrote: It's all being very ***nice*** and UNconfronting to the Protestors.  I"d advocate high powered water cannons with the Army behind them wrapping up all these people in handcuffs and foot restraints.  Then later on picking them up at leisure and transporting them all to say Antarctica or giving them a choice of living and working INSIDE a Covid ward in a hospital somewhere - without PPE.  And NO treatment if/when they fall ill.
With your attitude maybe you'd be more comfortable living in a country that ignores the rights of its citizens such as China.
what an absurd premise. 
because someone thinks the law should be equally and evenly applied to all citizens, that they should emigrate to communist china? how bizarre, and insulting. from a mod no less.
They have left their derelict cars in the middle of the streets and abandoned them. they are abusing retail and restaurant staff. they are abusing pedestrians going about their business. They are urinating in the bushes, and piling trash bags on the street. They are breaking laws in full and cognizant view of our esteemed police force. no, 'force' is wrong. that only applies to some citizens.
More like impotent police onlookers. in a world where two balls are a set they seem to have collectively lost one. they still have the audacity to draw a paycheck.
where were they on Tuesdayy whe retailers had to shut their doors??, it wasnt a secret this was gong to happen, its been on the news all last week.
i think an enquiry is in order and heads need to roll. theyve turned our police into a running joke.
what amazes me is those who would jump to the defence of these criminals by belittling others.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(10-02-2022, 09:32 AM)Magoo Wrote:
(10-02-2022, 08:22 AM)harm_less Wrote: With your attitude maybe you'd be more comfortable living in a country that ignores the rights of its citizens such as China.
what an absurd premise. 
because someone thinks the law should be equally and evenly applied to all citizens, that they should emigrate to communist china? how bizarre, and insulting. from a mod no less.
They have left their derelict cars in the middle of the streets and abandoned them. they are abusing retail and restaurant staff. they are abusing pedestrians going about their business. They are urinating in the bushes, and piling trash bags on the street. They are breaking laws in full and cognizant view of our esteemed police force. no, 'force' is wrong. that only applies to some citizens.
More like impotent police onlookers. in a world where two balls are a set they seem to have collectively lost one. they still have the audacity to draw a paycheck.
where were they on Tuesdayy whe retailers had to shut their doors??, it wasnt a secret this was gong to happen, its been on the news all last week.
i think an enquiry is in order and heads need to roll. theyve turned our police into a running joke.
what amazes me is those who would jump to the defence of these criminals by belittling others.
It's all seriously wrong.  Yeah protest is a legal avenue but - they're breaking HEAPS of laws.  And not only that they're actively damaging innocent retailers sales by blocking streets and also causing all sorts of mayhem to ordinary working citizens not to mention emergency services should they need to be in attendance at or near the area.  

And then theres the whole stupidity of the protests.  It's all likely to change should Covid take hold here like it did in Oz and other places.  Y'know 50,000 cases a day.  Maybe, just maybe then some of these fools might wake up.  However I understand that some of them believe the Vax is the 'virus' and is designed to Kill those who are vaxed.  Wow.  I wonder how people can be that dumb.
(10-02-2022, 09:32 AM)Magoo Wrote:
(10-02-2022, 08:22 AM)harm_less Wrote: With your attitude maybe you'd be more comfortable living in a country that ignores the rights of its citizens such as China.
what an absurd premise. 
My reply was in regard to comments promoting anti-protest actions that would be more in line with a totalitarian regime such as those found in China, Myanmar or North Korea. Loud mouth ranting and promotion of brutality isn't how New Zealanders or our Police force operate. If that is your preferred MO then you're out of line with your fellow New Zealanders for the most part.
(10-02-2022, 09:40 AM)harm_less Wrote:
(10-02-2022, 09:32 AM)Magoo Wrote: what an absurd premise. 
Loud mouth ranting and promotion of brutality isn't how New Zealanders or our Police force operate. 
Ah actually it's how a lot of the protestors have been acting.  Writing signs that Politicians should Hang for instance is cerrtainly the promotion of brutality - in the extreme.  Water cannons hardly come near that level of violence.  Many of them seem to be up there with the 'loud mouth ranting' also when I read about them banging on school bus windows and yelling at kids and even forcing them to remove masks, (yes this happened on the wlg waterfront).  People who do that kind of stuff need a very sharp shock.  NOT the 'be nice' approach.  Arrest ALL of them.  Give those who've broken any laws fines/tickets etc.  Give those who wrote/spoke or otherwise promoted Hanging Politicians SERIOUS jail time.  How could that be promotion of brutality ?

I say give them a time - an ultimatum. Leave or get taken down.  Bring in some water cannons - make them very visible.  After that time is up - USE them.  Then hogtie the people who didn't leave.  Arrest/charge them and hit them with serious consequences.   I was kinda kidding about Antarticia - don't want to sully that pristine environment.
(10-02-2022, 09:40 AM)harm_less Wrote:
(10-02-2022, 09:32 AM)Magoo Wrote: what an absurd premise. 
My reply was in regard to comments promoting anti-protest actions that would be more in line with a totalitarian regime such as those found in China, Myanmar or North Korea. Loud mouth ranting and promotion of brutality isn't how New Zealanders or our Police force operate. If that is your preferred MO then you're out of line with your fellow New Zealanders for the most part.
and my post was in regard to police disregard to our laws.
brutality? if necessary, but just a few simple arrests will do, theyre breaking laws in full view of the police, with impunity. if they resist then thats their choice.
the police could even pretend to give a shit that would be enough.
perhaps if i came over to yours, park in the driveway, set up a tent and some loudspeakers on your lawn, piss on your azaleas, throw a black sack full of rubbish on your porch and abuse your family as they come and go?
we will see how compassionate and cuddly you are then.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(10-02-2022, 10:01 AM)Magoo Wrote:
(10-02-2022, 09:40 AM)harm_less Wrote: My reply was in regard to comments promoting anti-protest actions that would be more in line with a totalitarian regime such as those found in China, Myanmar or North Korea. Loud mouth ranting and promotion of brutality isn't how New Zealanders or our Police force operate. If that is your preferred MO then you're out of line with your fellow New Zealanders for the most part.
and my post was in regard to police disregard to our laws.
brutality? if necessary, but just a few simple arrests will do, theyre breaking laws in full view of the police, with impunity. if they resist then thats their choice.
the police could even pretend to give a shit that would be enough.
perhaps if i came over to yours, park in the driveway, set up a tent and some loudspeakers on your lawn, piss on your azaleas, throw a black sack full of rubbish on your porch and abuse your family as they come and go?
we will see how compassionate and cuddly you are then.
(10-02-2022, 10:02 AM)Me+Me Wrote:
(10-02-2022, 10:01 AM)Magoo Wrote: and my post was in regard to police disregard to our laws.
brutality? if necessary, but just a few simple arrests will do, theyre breaking laws in full view of the police, with impunity. if they resist then thats their choice.
the police could even pretend to give a shit that would be enough.
perhaps if i came over to yours, park in the driveway, set up a tent and some loudspeakers on your lawn, piss on your azaleas, throw a black sack full of rubbish on your porch and abuse your family as they come and go?
we will see how compassionate and cuddly you are then.
not you, the poster who thinks all this is ok in a democratic society.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
I keep checking back every so often. Have to say that blond girl beating the drum has some stamina.
(10-02-2022, 10:01 AM)Magoo Wrote:
(10-02-2022, 09:40 AM)harm_less Wrote: My reply was in regard to comments promoting anti-protest actions that would be more in line with a totalitarian regime such as those found in China, Myanmar or North Korea. Loud mouth ranting and promotion of brutality isn't how New Zealanders or our Police force operate. If that is your preferred MO then you're out of line with your fellow New Zealanders for the most part.
and my post was in regard to police disregard to our laws.
brutality? if necessary, but just a few simple arrests will do, theyre breaking laws in full view of the police, with impunity. if they resist then thats their choice.
the police could even pretend to give a shit that would be enough.
perhaps if i came over to yours, park in the driveway, set up a tent and some loudspeakers on your lawn, piss on your azaleas, throw a black sack full of rubbish on your porch and abuse your family as they come and go?
we will see how compassionate and cuddly you are then.
The Police are taking an intelligent approach. Slowly and forcefully advancing on the rabble picking out the most rebellious for arrest with the best part of 100 in the can so far. Seems to be working well and not risking a full scale riot that would put the children and less able in the crowd in danger. Or would you prefer a Red Squad 1981 style approach which turn the situation into a total shit storm which the authorities would then be held responsible for?
(10-02-2022, 08:09 AM)harm_less Wrote: Police are in the process of shutting down the protest with individuals being arrested. Live video feed here:

from the link:

"A speaker at the protest tells the crowd to hold the line against police. “Think of your children, think of your grandchildren, remember why you're doing this,” he said."

They simply don't seem to comprehend that our children & grandchildren  are the very reason most sensible people have been vaccinated. Rolleyes
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
And these arseholes are singing the National Anthem ... WANKERS!!! THEY ARE NOT US!!
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
(10-02-2022, 01:17 PM)harm_less Wrote:
(10-02-2022, 10:01 AM)Magoo Wrote: and my post was in regard to police disregard to our laws.
brutality? if necessary, but just a few simple arrests will do, theyre breaking laws in full view of the police, with impunity. if they resist then thats their choice.
the police could even pretend to give a shit that would be enough.
perhaps if i came over to yours, park in the driveway, set up a tent and some loudspeakers on your lawn, piss on your azaleas, throw a black sack full of rubbish on your porch and abuse your family as they come and go?
we will see how compassionate and cuddly you are then.
The Police are taking an intelligent approach. Slowly and forcefully advancing on the rabble picking out the most rebellious for arrest with the best part of 100 in the can so far. Seems to be working well and not risking a full scale riot that would put the children and less able in the crowd in danger. Or would you prefer a Red Squad 1981 style approach which turn the situation into a total shit storm which the authorities would then be held responsible for?
none of the above.
i would prefer a police force that stopped it before it started.
where were they on tuesday. you dont have to remove a tent if you dont let them put it up.
why do the police have to escort students and others to bustops. why, because its dangerous, there are criminals acting with impunity on our streets.
we have to provide escorts because we allow them to continue to break laws.

"About 15 police went into the crowd at the other end of the lawn and got attacked with some officers having to get pulled out by their colleagues.

One officer has been taken away injured. As it was happening, the main crowd surged forward resulting in several more arrests."

stiil dont think its time for water cannon and tear gas?
i thought a police office was obliged to step in when witnessing the commission of any crime? or is it only if its committed directly against them? to be arrested you have to attack a cop? abusing kids is ok tho, theyve got an escort.
what a crock of shit.


So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(10-02-2022, 01:52 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(10-02-2022, 08:09 AM)harm_less Wrote: Police are in the process of shutting down the protest with individuals being arrested. Live video feed here:

They simply don't seem to comprehend that our children & grandchildren  are the very reason most sensible people have been vaccinated. Rolleyes
Well stated and absolutely true.

Perfect, thank you.
(10-02-2022, 03:09 PM)Magoo Wrote:

Meeting peaceful protest with force. Went really well at Kent State!!!
(10-02-2022, 03:55 PM)harm_less Wrote:
(10-02-2022, 03:09 PM)Magoo Wrote:

Meeting peaceful protest with force. Went really well at Kent State!!!
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
contrary to popular belief i can see both sides of this coin.
so, no i dont want a Kent State scenario. which is why i posted it.
it does nothing to bolster my own argument that we use more force.
but thats not our decision, and its not the polices decision is it?
thats the consequence of decisions made by the protagonist..
they decided to pitch tents, abandon cars, break laws. their decision.
their consequence.
so in the act of being arrested they or their followers turn violent then that also is their decision.
we can only react. if that means pepper spray and nightsticks then again, their decision
but the police are obliged to react, and to use whatever means necessary to reinstall the code of law.

(10-02-2022, 04:12 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(10-02-2022, 03:55 PM)harm_less Wrote: Meeting peaceful protest with force. Went really well at Kent State!!!
'exactly' doesnt do it justice.
the kent state story goes way beyond 4 youths cut down at a protest by soldiers from their own army on american soil.
it spoke to that generation in ways that resonate today.
its the reason we see looting and destruction in todays protests in america.
it gave license to uncontrolled rage on both sides.

its best stopped before its started.
history is too harsh a judge for what ifs and maybes.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
Another disgusting aspect of today's protest is that some were apparently using small children as shields because the police would never endanger a child. The children were not visible in the live stream because they were too small.

Very well written and I agree with this 100 %
I wish the police would stop pussyfooting around and just get rid of this scum, use water cannons , tear gas etc. Sure they have a right to protest but they dont have a right to become violent to others because they believe differently, if I left my car blocking a street anywhere in the country do you think it wouldnt be towed away? So police and government stop being soft cocks and just get on with it, Jacinda if you tell the cops to get rid of them they will be gone by lunch time ..... JUST DO IT!!!
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular

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