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Losers, the useless and the bottom of the barrel
(10-02-2022, 07:19 PM)Olive Wrote: Another disgusting aspect of today's protest is that some were apparently using small children as shields because the police would never endanger a child.  The children were not visible in the live stream because they were too small.
the human shield
made popular by saddam hussein

(11-02-2022, 09:43 AM)Oldfellah Wrote: I wish the police would stop pussyfooting around and just get rid of this scum, use water cannons , tear gas etc. Sure they have a right to protest but they dont have a right to become violent to others because they believe differently, if I left my car blocking a street anywhere in the country do you think it wouldnt be towed away? So police and government stop being soft cocks and just get on with it, Jacinda if you tell the cops to get rid of them they will be gone by lunch time ..... JUST DO IT!!!
that has been the biggest problem around this whole sorry business.
the lack of awareness on the part of law enforcement as to what is going on around them.
they let the citizens of wellington down by their lack of preparedness.
i think the police might even agree.
we could see this coming, ive been banging away about it ad nauseum.
these are anti social people. they are reacting to being called out as such.
they dislike us, our politics, our health system, every aspect of mainstream thought comes under attack.
so being unreasonable arseholes they act out against their perceived enemy, us.

the police have finally started to move them along. a day late and a dollar short.
should have had speakers aimed at the camp pounding polka all night, and landed a chopper on the forecourt at 4 oclock this morning.
tents hate helicopters.
why do i have to think of everything.
im going on break.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
My thoughts exactly, dont let the bastards sleep, keep the music blaring out all night, lets see how long they last with no sleep ... Barry Manilow would be a good choice on a loop repeating all the time   Big Grin
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
(11-02-2022, 10:33 AM)Oldfellah Wrote: My thoughts exactly, dont let the bastards sleep, keep the music blaring out all night, lets see how long they last with no sleep ... Barry Manilow would be a good choice on a loop repeating all the time   Big Grin
ooer, id like that.
hum it if you dont know the words
'at the copa, copa cabana - music and passion were always in  fashion...'

hmmm, maybe i dont know them either
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
A female protester pulled naked by the hair from the protest at Parliament is said to be traumatised by the incident.
She's then pinned to the ground and handcuffed, before being covered in a white blanket and led away by police.

So what the fuck was she doing naked infront of the barriers anyway?
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
i believe she was performing a brief scene from Swan Lake.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(11-02-2022, 10:49 AM)Oldfellah Wrote: A female protester pulled naked by the hair from the protest at Parliament is said to be traumatised by the incident.
She's then pinned to the ground and handcuffed, before being covered in a white blanket and led away by police.

So what the fuck was she doing naked infront of the barriers anyway?

Exactly! I'm sick of reading crap on social media saying that the Police ripped her dress off.
Utter crap.
And as for pulling her by her hair, what else are they supposed to do because you can bet if they had touch her anywhere else on her body she would be screaming sexual assault.
Honestly, the  rubbish I have read these last few days. Unbelievable. And as for that nutter on telly last night that is leaving her husband because he had a booster, he's probably overjoyed at the prospect.
(11-02-2022, 10:33 AM)Oldfellah Wrote: My thoughts exactly, dont let the bastards sleep, keep the music blaring out all night, lets see how long they last with no sleep ... Barry Manilow would be a good choice on a loop repeating all the time   Big Grin
Oh, that's just cruel!  Big Grin Angel
I like it!  And it would certainly work, surely.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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