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What are you thankful for today??
Be careful what you wish for...
(30-12-2021, 06:42 PM)an amniote Wrote: I love runner beans, too. Delicious raw or steamed or stir fried. Someone once warned me against eating them raw because they contain a toxin that's broken down by cooking, but they've never made me sick in any way.

In the US they're grown mainly for their flowers! I used to know an American I couldn't convince to try eating them.
I use them cooked in a salad, haven't eaten them raw. They're nice with just a little finely chopped onion, drenched in oil & vinegar or I've also added them to a Greek salad too.

How bizarre that Americans grow them for flowers! Confused

I'm thankful I got the hedge done - despite the dog attempting to help.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Today I am thankful for

New beginnings. The year for changes within.

Still being able to move big furniture around, for a new look.

My girl kitty. The sweetest little poppet

Peace and quiet in my neighbourhood last night.

A 'happy new year mummy' phone call from one of my daughters early this morning.
Be the kind of woman, that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil goes "oh crap, she's up".
Thankful that I didn't go outside & hunt down (preferably armed with a water cannon) the idiots celebrating New Year last night with noisy fireworks & that the dog & I managed a mostly peaceful walk earlier before it gets too hot.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Today I am thankful for

Not being the reason that the ambulance and Police are in a hurry, driving past my place.

For a lovely calm and peaceful neighbourhood...apart from the odd ambo and Police, that is.

For my girl kitty. She is feeling the heat, and sleeping all day. Oh wait, she does that in the winter too.

For my awesome air conditioner, that freshens and cools the air perfectly, on a day like today.

Not being involved in a child on child argument that is persisting right now. Give me strength, to bang their heads together.
Be the kind of woman, that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil goes "oh crap, she's up".
That it's not any hotter & that there were enough runner beans to pick.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Arrrrrrrgh!!!! I lost a nearly finished post! Why oh why did my "undo" button not work?

Anyway, I'm thankful for the lovely fun afternoon and evening I had with a bunch of friends yesterday.

And this morning, thankful for the Pinot Gris in my fridge to test the old "hair of the dog" alleged hangover cure. I'd never tried it as I didn't believe it and because there's something about drinking alcohol in the morning that I always felt uncomfortable with. But I think it helped as I soon felt much better, and have enjoyed the day instead of lolling about being mad at myself for wasting a perfectly good day off by drinking too much last night.
Autumn comes
Today I am thankful for...

Sunshine pouring into my home.

My girl kitty. Cute as a button.

Not enough storage, so I can biff a few things.

Family and friends.

Not having to drive on the crazy roads.
Be the kind of woman, that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil goes "oh crap, she's up".
I'm thankful that its not even hotter, & that there weren't too many people at the local mall when I had to do a swift visit earlier.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I am thankful that we don't yet have any water restrictions. The veges would keel over if I couldn't use the sprinklers, and I would keel over if I had to go outside and water by hand.
The beautiful weather. This is how I remember it used to be in the good old days.
It has been a lovely holiday season, but I am looking forward to it being over and normal service resumed.
Today I am thankful for

Good old summer days, just like they used to be. Love it.

Being on holidays, with no place to go, and that suits me just fine.

My girl kitty. Precious

A peaceful neighbourhood. Bliss.

Summer dresses. So lovely and cool to wear.
Be the kind of woman, that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil goes "oh crap, she's up".
Today tmmb I am grateful to Briscoes for getting my purchases to me so quickly. In the bag was a set of new bathroom scales, which of course I had to test out immediately, only to be delighted to discover according to these I am five kgs lighter than my last weigh before Christmas.

I wonder what it would read if I hadn't been such a piglet over recent weeks...
(06-01-2022, 10:22 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Today tmmb I am grateful to Briscoes for getting my purchases to me so quickly. In the bag was a set of new bathroom scales, which of course I had to test out immediately, only to be delighted to discover according to these I am five kgs lighter than my last weigh before Christmas.

I wonder what it would read if I hadn't been such a piglet over recent weeks...
 Excellent news  Smile

Well...I'm thankful I got the bloody dreaded back lawn done before it rained.
NOT so thankful though, that while i was having a well earned coffee it started sneakily, quietly drizzling on the damned washing which I then had to rescue & hang on back porch in hot water cupboard etc. etc.

And especially not thankful that once I'd done all that, it stopped raining. Some days, I could swear that there's some bugger up there, laughing like a drain.
Bastards. Confused Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Grateful for emergency service workers
Grateful for people with courage and generosity
Grateful for those who do their duty as cheerfully as they can

That its not 11 years ago.Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Good health, loving family and partner.

Grateful for all the time and effort King puts in around here, keep up the good work Champ.
Might not be one of the biggest or busiest message boards but one of the best IMHO. That
Reddit is living proof that the bigger and busier boards get they can lose the most important
aspect of a message board, interaction and human connection. Creating something special
that's bigger than yourself is something money cannot buy.
That we're not anywhere near Ukraine.

That no one close to me has become ill with covid.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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