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Protesters being moved
(03-03-2022, 01:19 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(03-03-2022, 11:40 AM)Oldfellah Wrote: C_T_Russell

A peaceful protest you say, you need to stop looking through rose coloured glasses, the footage I saw was a whole load of hooligans just busting for a fight and the police defending themselves. you say will police be made to pay for the playground which they destroyed of which I dont believe for a minute, BUT will the protesters be paying for all the damage they have caused over the last 3 weeks? You harp on about freedoms but that feral rabble didnt give a shit about causing havoc and disrupting everybody elses freedoms did they? Wankers like you make me want to puke, today I lost my respect for you , goodbye and dont come back in here again!!
Those ones you saw fighting were not the main groups of protesters.
The biggest group was voices for freedom and many of them left once warned by the police, there are always going to be troublemakers at any protest.
In fact, the organizers had their own security rounding up troublemakers and handing them to the police, but they did nothing and just let them go.

Dont you worry, there is plenty of evidence of the playground catching fire and how it started, it was a generator that police kicked over and caught fire. Its all on video. I believe that the police have already been handed the footage. Lots of eye witnesses there too.

The protest groups such as voices for freedom were saying on their livestreams that they were going to help clean up afterwards and replant the grass and wash off the writing with chalk etc after it had finished.
I highly doubt you were watching any of their livestreams, but they were very civilised and were trying to set a good example.
Even the police were getting on OK in the beginning and handing out candy to children to begin with.

The fact is the police now got their freedoms and mandates are now removed. Same cant be said for the rest of us.
Thats a double standard and hypocritical.

Watch this.
From TVNZ themselves. Interview with Marama Fox.

ANTIFA to blame

(03-03-2022, 12:48 PM)ObeWan Wrote: Sadly this is just the misinformation, conspiracy theories and bullshit being promoted by a bunch of loonie tin foil hatter morons who believe any wild theory posted by equally unhinged idiots.
I have little doubt that the Mongrel Mob were involved but Antifa?
Just another graduate of the Shit for Brains University.
I would say we will be battling this sort of garbage for years sadly.

This article on The Spinoff narrates how the misinformation about the fire started and spread despite the facts being shown in detail.
People arrived in balaclavas and caused havoc, setting things to fire.
Then they up and left, some of the protesters ripped off their masks and got their faces filmed on camera.
The police will have it by now.

(03-03-2022, 01:13 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: So you prefer to ignore the footage of the 'poor old man' hitting a cop or two from behind, prior to being on the ground? Rolleyes
As to the 'other side' of this, sadly the facts are being deliberately distorted by some among the protesters for reasons best known to themselves.
He didnt hit the cop, dont spread BS, you were not there.

(03-03-2022, 12:15 PM)Praktica Wrote: Bullshit - the facebook page is a fake, and here you are spreading lies again. Take yourself off to where gullible idiots might believe you.
BS, prove to me its fake?
They have since taken down all their posts from 2019 onwards, but its all screenshotted.
"He didnt hit the cop, dont spread BS, you were not there."

That's right, I wasn't. It was in the link which YOU posted. Rolleyes
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
anti everything mainstream, not because its wrong, because its mainstream.
they want to be 'different', special, like they know a secret.
the only real difference is intelligence, these gullible fools drink up the algorithm
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(03-03-2022, 01:37 PM)ObeWan Wrote: You do realise that it is highly unlikely, in fact almost impossible, for a generator to catch fire even if it was to tip over?
Video shows the fire had started whilst the Police were well back from the area, likewise the playground slide was alight and damaged before the Police got to that area.
There are equally just as many eye witnesses who refute your twisted version.
Interesting that the Picton protesters are leaving voluntarily because they were disgusted by the behaviour of the Wellington occupiers, they can see it even if you cannot.
A generator can easily catch fire if tipped over, fuel spills out of the tank and gets on the exhaust.
Lets wait and see, Chantell Baker claims she has evidence.
Yes many left the protest because of the bad behaviour, your right, a few rotten apples doesnt represent the whole protest.
Much the same way that not all the russians invading Ukraine are bad people, some of them were sent there being told they were doing a training exercise only to find out they were lied to.

I saw alot of unity and peace there, well organized, food tents and people coming together and looking after each other. I saw love, i didnt see hate, these poor people just wanted their jobs back.

(03-03-2022, 01:41 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: "He didnt hit the cop, dont spread BS, you were not there."

That's right, I wasn't. It was in the link which YOU posted. Rolleyes
Sorry, but I dont see him hitting the cop in that video at all.
'a partial win'??!!
bahahahaha, it was an abject failure.
all it did was expose the anti everything set as the dumb parasites they are.
it made you all look like complete morons im afraid.
any support the public had was eroded away by the fuckwits on the lawn.
we all dislike them CT, and we represent the mainstream. the protesters were/are a joke.
a pathetic, rookie attempt at protest by a bunch of crybaby needle shy children.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(03-03-2022, 01:51 PM)Magoo Wrote: 'a partial win'??!!
bahahahaha, it was an abject failure.
all it did was expose the anti everything set as the dumb parasites they are.
it made you all look like complete morons im afraid.
any support the public had was eroded away by the fuckwits on the lawn.
we all dislike them CT, and we represent the mainstream. the protesters were/are a joke.
a pathetic, rookie attempt at protest by a bunch of crybaby needle shy children.
So you think its OK for police to get their victory and have their mandates dropped at the expense of the protesters?
Highly likely that generator was diesel so not really a potential fire risk.
Chantell Baker is a conspiracy theory moron and her Facebook posts about “evidence” has already proved to be as full of holes as her airhead.
You saw unity and peace? You really do need an eye test.
I have no sympathy for those people who lost their jobs - should have got vaccinated.
End of story.
(03-03-2022, 01:47 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(03-03-2022, 01:37 PM)ObeWan Wrote: You do realise that it is highly unlikely, in fact almost impossible, for a generator to catch fire even if it was to tip over?
Video shows the fire had started whilst the Police were well back from the area, likewise the playground slide was alight and damaged before the Police got to that area.
There are equally just as many eye witnesses who refute your twisted version.
Interesting that the Picton protesters are leaving voluntarily because they were disgusted by the behaviour of the Wellington occupiers, they can see it even if you cannot.
A generator can easily catch fire if tipped over, fuel spills out of the tank and gets on the exhaust.
Lets wait and see, Chantell Baker claims she has evidence.
Yes many left the protest because of the bad behaviour, your right, a few rotten apples doesnt represent the whole protest.
Much the same way that not all the russians invading Ukraine are bad people, some of them were sent there being told they were doing a training exercise only to find out they were lied to.

I saw alot of unity and peace there, well organized, food tents and people coming together and looking after each other. I saw love, i didnt see hate, these poor people just wanted their jobs back.

(03-03-2022, 01:41 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: "He didnt hit the cop, dont spread BS, you were not there."

That's right, I wasn't. It was in the link which YOU posted. Rolleyes
Sorry, but I dont see him hitting the cop in that video at all.
Have another look - prior to his being on the ground, about 5 seconds in. He can clearly be seen hitting a cop from behind.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(03-03-2022, 01:53 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(03-03-2022, 01:51 PM)Magoo Wrote: 'a partial win'??!!
bahahahaha, it was an abject failure.
all it did was expose the anti everything set as the dumb parasites they are.
it made you all look like complete morons im afraid.
any support the public had was eroded away by the fuckwits on the lawn.
we all dislike them CT, and we represent the mainstream. the protesters were/are a joke.
a pathetic, rookie attempt at protest by a bunch of crybaby needle shy children.
So you think its OK for police to get their victory and have their mandates dropped at the expense of the protesters?
they went through the system. i dont agree with it either, but im not going to go downtown and throw poos at the police station, and getting all butt hurt about it.
its a fine diversion tho CT, and others would have been happy to debate it, but it is just that, a diversion, from the indefensible position you hold.
all the minutia and 'what abouts', and 'did you see' and all the other 'but, but, but' adds up to shit.

Quote:ct russel
these poor people just wanted their jobs back.
bahahahaha, wanted their jobs back. thats hilarious.

i didnt see anyone employable amongst all that riffraff.
in 23 days i dont think many work days were lost, if any.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(03-03-2022, 01:58 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(03-03-2022, 01:47 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote: A generator can easily catch fire if tipped over, fuel spills out of the tank and gets on the exhaust.
Lets wait and see, Chantell Baker claims she has evidence.
Yes many left the protest because of the bad behaviour, your right, a few rotten apples doesnt represent the whole protest.
Much the same way that not all the russians invading Ukraine are bad people, some of them were sent there being told they were doing a training exercise only to find out they were lied to.

I saw alot of unity and peace there, well organized, food tents and people coming together and looking after each other. I saw love, i didnt see hate, these poor people just wanted their jobs back.

Sorry, but I dont see him hitting the cop in that video at all.
Have another look - prior to his being on the ground, about 5 seconds in. He can clearly be seen hitting a cop from behind.
I see him grabbing a cop, not hitting him, he was unarmed and fairly frail I would expect.
It appears he was trying to protect the woman on the ground that was being beaten.
They could have just pushed him back with his shield, no need to give him blows to the head, it lookes like he was knocked out cold. Very upsetting to watch.

(03-03-2022, 02:00 PM)Magoo Wrote:
Quote:ct russel
these poor people just wanted their jobs back.
bahahahaha, wanted their jobs back. thats hilarious.

i didnt see anyone employable amongst all that riffraff.
in 23 days i dont think many work days were lost, if any.
There were cops interviewed on TV that lost their job due to mandates, now they got them back after the police had their mandates dropped.

Where was the one law for all?
I dont believe many police were involved in the protest, they were counting on their mandates being dropped and didnt want to risk anything by attending the protest.
(03-03-2022, 02:10 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(03-03-2022, 01:58 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Have another look - prior to his being on the ground, about 5 seconds in. He can clearly be seen hitting a cop from behind.
I see him grabbing a cop, not hitting him, he was unarmed and fairly frail I would expect.
It appears he was trying to protect the woman on the ground that was being beaten.
They could have just pushed him back with his shield, no need to give him blows to the head, it lookes like he was knocked out cold. Very upsetting to watch.
thats right CT, focus on the little bits.
we know why
the big picture is too ugly

(03-03-2022, 02:10 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(03-03-2022, 01:58 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Have another look - prior to his being on the ground, about 5 seconds in. He can clearly be seen hitting a cop from behind.
I see him grabbing a cop, not hitting him, he was unarmed and fairly frail I would expect.
It appears he was trying to protect the woman on the ground that was being beaten.
They could have just pushed him back with his shield, no need to give him blows to the head, it lookes like he was knocked out cold. Very upsetting to watch.

(03-03-2022, 02:00 PM)Magoo Wrote:
bahahahaha, wanted their jobs back. thats hilarious.

i didnt see anyone employable amongst all that riffraff.
in 23 days i dont think many work days were lost, if any.
There were cops interviewed on TV that lost their job due to mandates, now they got them back after the police had their mandates dropped.

Where was the one law for all?
I dont believe many police were involved in the protest, they were counting on their mandates being dropped and didnt want to risk anything by attending the protest.
but but but the cops... but but but the mandates...
no CT, the riot, the criminals, the result.
is your scope so limited that you have to throw up all these pissant excuses?
its sad to watch.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(03-03-2022, 01:47 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(03-03-2022, 01:37 PM)ObeWan Wrote: You do realise that it is highly unlikely, in fact almost impossible, for a generator to catch fire even if it was to tip over?
Video shows the fire had started whilst the Police were well back from the area, likewise the playground slide was alight and damaged before the Police got to that area.
There are equally just as many eye witnesses who refute your twisted version.
Interesting that the Picton protesters are leaving voluntarily because they were disgusted by the behaviour of the Wellington occupiers, they can see it even if you cannot.
A generator can easily catch fire if tipped over, fuel spills out of the tank and gets on the exhaust.
Lets wait and see, Chantell Baker claims she has evidence.
Yes many left the protest because of the bad behaviour, your right, a few rotten apples doesnt represent the whole protest.
Much the same way that not all the russians invading Ukraine are bad people, some of them were sent there being told they were doing a training exercise only to find out they were lied to.

I saw alot of unity and peace there, well organized, food tents and people coming together and looking after each other. I saw love, i didnt see hate, these poor people just wanted their jobs back.

(03-03-2022, 01:41 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: "He didnt hit the cop, dont spread BS, you were not there."

That's right, I wasn't. It was in the link which YOU posted. Rolleyes
Sorry, but I dont see him hitting the cop in that video at all.
Chantell Baker, if you believe anything that crackpot has to say I think we should club together to get you some psychiatric help
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
(03-03-2022, 02:12 PM)Magoo Wrote: but but but the cops... but but but the mandates...
no CT, the riot, the criminals, the result.
is your scope so limited that you have to throw up all these pissant excuses?
its sad to watch.
You still dont answer why cops get to loose their mandates, but the rest of us dont?
They lobbied to the court to have them removed and they won.

(03-03-2022, 02:19 PM)Oldfellah Wrote: Chantell Baker, if you believe anything that crackpot has to say I think we should club together to get you some psychiatric help
I dont know who she is other than she seems to be one of the organizers with voices for freedom.

There were many other people who were livestreaming there.

Anyway, I feel the govt needs to learn a lesson about listening.
They could have avoided all of this if they just sat down and talked like civilized people instead of treating them like terrorists.

And no, I dont affiliate myself with voices for freedom, but I know many that are part of it.
There are too many in that group with views I dont believe or agree with, but the one thing I have in common with them is fighting for freedom.
I dont believe their group was responsible for the rioting, there were many other extreme groups there with various agendas.
Video from inside Parliament camp shows protesters started first Parliament fire

Especially for you CT
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
(03-03-2022, 02:19 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(03-03-2022, 02:12 PM)Magoo Wrote: but but but the cops... but but but the mandates...
no CT, the riot, the criminals, the result.
is your scope so limited that you have to throw up all these pissant excuses?
its sad to watch.
You still dont answer why cops get to loose their mandates, but the rest of us dont?
They lobbied to the court to have them removed and they won.

(03-03-2022, 02:19 PM)Oldfellah Wrote: Chantell Baker, if you believe anything that crackpot has to say I think we should club together to get you some psychiatric help
I dont know who she is other than she seems to be one of the organizers with voices for freedom.

There were many other people who were livestreaming there.

Anyway, I feel the govt needs to learn a lesson about listening.
They could have avoided all of this if they just sat down and talked like civilized people instead of treating them like terrorists.

And no, I dont affiliate myself with voices for freedom, but I know many that are part of it.
There are too many in that group with views I dont believe or agree with, but the one thing I have in common with them is fighting for freedom.
I dont believe their group was responsible for the rioting, there were many other extreme groups there with various agendas.
Freedom's. Cute. A noble cause. We're the citizens of wellington, the business owners and the traffic free to move as they wished?
What a crock of shit. Those dumbarses spoke for no one.
Freedom my arse. These warts have been anti everything all the ways thru this.
Dont feed me that bullshit.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(03-03-2022, 02:19 PM)Oldfellah Wrote: Chantell Baker, if you believe anything that crackpot has to say I think we should club together to get you some psychiatric help
ANTIFA just looks like one more group of idiots to add to the already 6 or 7 groups at the protest - not sure why or how that changes anything.

Maybe the implication is that the original "peaceful" protesters feel robbed of their chance to achieve meaningful gains for their own cause because the protest itself was hijacked...
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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They were terrorists. They acted like terrorists, held people up, abused them, stopped normal business, destroyed property, shat on sacred ground, broke the laws, made ridiculous demands, physically injured those employed to maintain peace and civil liberties - if it looks like a zebra, it aint necessarily a horse in striped jammies.

Lock the lot of them up.
good post
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(03-03-2022, 02:10 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(03-03-2022, 01:58 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Have another look - prior to his being on the ground, about 5 seconds in. He can clearly be seen hitting a cop from behind.
I see him grabbing a cop, not hitting him, he was unarmed and fairly frail I would expect.
It appears he was trying to protect the woman on the ground that was being beaten.
They could have just pushed him back with his shield, no need to give him blows to the head, it lookes like he was knocked out cold. Very upsetting to watch.
From the perspective that he shouldn't have been at the protests in the first place after being give significant amount of time to leave...
and then from the perspective that he was obviously old and frail...
and then from the perspective that he was on the front line of the protest where police were operating...
and then from the perspective that he grabbed (or hit, depending on point of view) a policeman in the middle of what was basically a riot...
No-one, including the old man, should be surprised by what happened.

Saying he should have been given special treatment and consideration just doesn't cut it in the middle of a riot...
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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