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Ignorant moron anti-vaxxers making life harder for others
(12-12-2021, 10:19 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: I think it comes down to the reasons for not being vaccinated; most of us can understand if there are genuine health reasons for it. But those who've bought into the bollocks surrounding the vax are another kettle of fish entirely.

And I find it intensely annoying that some of them are attempting to hijack the term 'pro choice' - apparently they know nothing of the history around it.

Even worse, some in the USA have actually compared anti vaxxers to victims of the Holocaust! Clearly, history is no longer being taught there.

Its a bit like being basically pacifist but comprehending the need in some circumstances - such as WW2 for example, to work together &  to fight if needed in order to overcome great evil. This is similar in that we have no option but to attempt to defeat covid; & so far our best weapon is vaccination.
I can't stand that entitled whingeing, and Stuff should be embarrassed to publish such tripe without rebuttal.   

 "There's a degree of suspicion of unvaccinated people".

 Of course there is and rightly so given that 
unvaxed people are about ten times as likely to be infected.

(12-12-2021, 09:28 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Interesting read on Stuff this morning from a selection of highly photogenic young people about how alienated the vaccinated are making them feel under the traffic light system.

It might be just me, but I found myself getting a growing desire to smack a few of them round the ears...
Me too.   And it makes me so embarrassed to be a yoga student that I will probably not go back to classes next year.

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RE: Ignorant moron anti-vaxxers making life harder for others - by Olive - 12-12-2021, 10:44 AM

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