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Nice read here about the reality which is happening today
Hickey's proposed solution is essentially for government to heavily control the internet/control what information the general public has access to...yeah nah, no thanks. China does exactly that and any intelligent, thinking person would have no desire to go down that route.

Remember, whenever you consent to (or encourage, as you all seem to be doing) a government assuming increased levels of power and control over our lives, you're extremely naive if you don't do so on the assumption that a future governments that you don't agree with will also get those same powers. I get it, a lot of you like Ardern and generally agree with what she and her government want to do, and you strongly disagree with her opponents. But, if you sit back and happily let this government exert increased levels of control (and internet censorship is a HUGE increase in control), you need to understand that a new government may come along, and that new government will now be able to control you in a way you don't agree with.

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RE: Nice read here about the reality which is happening today - by dken31 - 11-02-2022, 10:12 AM

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