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Nice read here about the reality which is happening today
DKen41 wrote
"Remember, whenever you consent to (or encourage, as you all seem to be doing) a government assuming increased levels of power and control over our lives, you're extremely naive if you don't do so on the assumption that a future governments that you don't agree with will also get those same powers."

i disagree, we do what we do to best survive at that time
during the war freedoms were lost and it never even came here
soldiers in WW2 had to take mandatory vaccines. lights had to be turned off. pubs closed early.
food rationing, the list goes on.
we adapt or die.
once the war was over we reverted back, although it took a bloody long time to kill the 6 oclock swill.

theres a pandemic, a modern first. we react accordingly. yes freedoms have been curtailed. we are a democracy, incoming governments will have to restore rights or face the political outcome.

the needs of the 96% outweighs the wants of the 4%.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye

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RE: Nice read here about the reality which is happening today - by Magoo - 11-02-2022, 10:37 AM

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