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Emission reduction plan - yay or nay?
(17-05-2022, 10:26 AM)harm_less Wrote: There's no shortage of comment going on regarding the government's announcement yesterday.

So, does the program go far enough, is it too restrictive (or generous) and how successful will the plan's strategies prove to be?

Personally I see the vehicle scrapping initiative as a move in the right direction but I'm puzzled as to why the government continues to sit on its hands in regard to incentivising domestic PV installation. Distributed generation is a further incentive towards EV uptake while also reinforcing NZ's grid generation capacity and reducing transmission loading losses.
More BS as I see it.

Farming meat is carbon neutral, any "emissions" come from the grass itself. And farmers dont get carbon credits from the grass.

If it costs farmers more, then we pay at the supermarket.
Anyway, our greenhouse emissions are a drop in the bucket compared to the rest of the world.
Why do we ship logs overseas to get processed when that consumes fuel to ship it everywhere only to come back on our shores from china?

The whole thing is hyprocritical, if this govt really cared about greenhouse emissions, they would let us trade in overseas carbon trading efforts such as reforestation in the amazon, etc.

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RE: Emission reduction plan - yay or nay? - by C_T_Russell - 17-05-2022, 11:27 AM

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