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Concern over anti-maori sentiment?
(02-06-2022, 11:42 AM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(02-06-2022, 11:08 AM)C_T_Russell Wrote: Im anti globalist agenda.
Im not anti maori, im anti race based politics.
When I once visited a tourist attraction in rotorua and the tour guide tells us that you can join this "maori" carving course, even if you only have 1% maori, then thats what I describe as racist.
Just like that woman in the news article, I cant believe she has even recieved racial attacks, she doesnt even look maori!
Even David Seymour spoke about this at a meeting and said he can talk about it because he had maori in him too!
I didnt even know he had any maori in him until he said that.

Ive got more african in me (have descendents that were slaves) by a long shot compared to some of these people that like to think they are maori. I dont consider myself to be african and I certainly dont even look like it.

The best thing every person could do is get a DNA test to see what they really are.
Ive got quite a mixture in me, thats for sure, as my ancestors married into alot of different races.

When a health system entitles you to special benefits for having a certain percentage of a type of DNA, than thats seriously messed up sorry.

lol, thats hilarious, but apparently "hori" is a racial slur according to what the media portray. SO the fact they are using it means its 100% OK Giggle

"Ive got more african in me (have descendents that were slaves) by a long shot compared to some of these people that like to think they are maori."

I think perhaps you mean ancestors, rather than descendants...

You know why NZ is such a bad place to be a racist? Because we've intermarried so much, you can't tell from looking at us who might have Maori ancestry.

To attempt to discredit someone because according to your opinion, they're 'not Maori enough' smacks of prejudice & using any flimsy excuse to demean - any minute now, I expect the usual less appealing aspects of Maori life pre colonisation will be trotted out.

"Anti globalist agenda???!"
Not that tired old bollocks again, surely. So very, very secret that its all over the internet!  Big Grin Big Grin
"A vague set of proposals from an influential organisation has been transformed by online conspiracy theorists into a powerful viral rallying cry. What is the truth behind the "Great Reset"?

Believers spin dark tales about an authoritarian socialist world government run by powerful capitalists and politicians - a secret cabal that is broadcasting its plan around the world.
Despite all the contradictions in the last sentence, thousands online have latched on to this latest reimagining of an old conspiracy theory - updated for the age of Covid.

Like many popular conspiracy theories, this one starts with a grain of fact.

In June 2020, the Prince of Wales and the head of the annual Davos summit launched an initiative calling for the pandemic to be seen as a chance for what they called a Great Reset of the global economy.

But the real energy online is not about legitimate political questions - discussions about fossil fuels and income equality - but in the shape of wild and unsubstantiated claims.

In this narrative, lockdown restrictions were introduced not to curb the spread of the virus, but to deliberately bring about economic collapse and a socialist world government, albeit run for the benefit of powerful capitalists.

The nebulousness of this conspiracy theory means it has found followers among anti-vaccine activists, anti-lockdown campaigners, new-age healers, and those on the far right and far left.
In the hands of a diverse group of online activists, the Great Reset has been transformed - from a call to encourage people to think about a sustainable future, to a sinister plot against humanity.

Ms Smith says online activists who deny the existence of climate change often engage with the Great Reset theory to "dismiss sustainability and renewable energy initiatives as an elite agenda for control".

Clearly those prepared to swallow this are very, very gullible - to say the least. Rolleyes
Sorry, your right, I am a descendant of slaves.
Anyway, I think its getting petty if anyone wants to claim they are still a particular race by how much of their genetics is from a particular ancestor.
If you dont look maori, you probably are not maori.
I dont look like a black guy, nor would I ever claim to be one or try and claim any special benefits that I might be entitled to because of my race.
Its OK to say you have maori ancestry, but its stupid to say you are maori in such a case, I mean you have to draw the line somewhere and sadly there are no 100% maori left. But trying to claim to be a particular race is getting petty, we are all humans, with a common ancestor if you go back far enough. We need to just get on as one people and stop being divisive.

Maori this, pakeha that, its all divisive.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Concern over anti-maori sentiment? - by C_T_Russell - 02-06-2022, 12:33 PM
RE: Concern over anti-maori sentiment? - by Zurdo - 26-06-2022, 05:02 PM
RE: Concern over anti-maori sentiment? - by Olive - 26-06-2022, 06:54 PM
RE: Concern over anti-maori sentiment? - by Zurdo - 26-06-2022, 10:37 PM
RE: Concern over anti-maori sentiment? - by king1 - 27-06-2022, 09:03 AM
RE: Concern over anti-maori sentiment? - by Zurdo - 27-06-2022, 05:36 PM

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