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Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ
there are issues starting to arise from men seeming to identify as female out of nowhere, especially in terms of crimes. this case i found quite interesting.

to me, there should be 3 types of bathrooms, changing rooms at pools/gyms etc. mens and womens should always remain as such, and then a third for anyone to use. granted, its not often i go to the pool or anywhere that requires public changing, but there is no way i would be happy doing such in front of an unknown male, no matter how they identify. i dont even like getting changed in front of other women.
as to domestic toilets that everyone can use, thats different as generally, you are in there by yourself. i have never, as an adult, shared a toilet with another adult in the same room. the issue is not whos backside is on the seat, its who is in the same room.
schools especially would be a minefield. girls have enough to worry about with changing hygiene products without a smart alec boy in the next cubicle making comments. anyone who thinks that wouldnt happen has their head in the sand. teenagers of both sexes can be nasty.

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RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - by girlgeorgina - 21-03-2023, 05:21 PM

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