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Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ
(21-03-2023, 03:29 PM)king1 Wrote:
(21-03-2023, 11:15 AM)C_T_Russell Wrote: Instead of believing everything you read about her, how about listening to what she actually says and make your own mind up.
Regarding nazi claims, it all stems from this.

She is not divisive at all. It's the woke and pro trans community that are the divisive ones here.
We are living in a world now where woman's rights are being eroded away by transgender men who want to pretend they are a woman and be entitled to woman's rights.
Now they are teaching the kids at school all this sort of crap.
You think its OK for men to go into a woman's bathroom just because they are dressed as one?
This world is so messed up and they are calling tbis progress? I think humanity is taking a serious step backwards if you ask me.
This is what we are up against.
It's the same nonsense the bible has been peddling for millenia... Man, Woman, they get it on and have babies.  

Life is more complicated than that nowadays and you or Kellie or Oldfellah have no right to say what or how people should feel, or identify themselves as.  These people are not pretending CT, they feel the way they do about themselves exactly as you and I do, the only difference is that the way they feel doesn't actually align with their physical body...

Yes it may seem uncomfortable or strange to some, but are we to be an inclusive society or one full of hate and anger?   Kellie-jay seems to be deceitfully piggybacking off a woman's rights platform to peddle her own brand of anti/hatred

I also don't buy this eroding woman's rights guise either - yes there will be issues to deal with in terms of perhaps a need for unisex loos perhaps  but nothing that is insurmountable for the majority.

Definitely agree - imo, all 'holy books' should remove all those hateful passages which encourage/ incite violence & discrimination against others from them & put them carefully away in a safe place where they can be viewed by our incredulous & horrified descendants in centuries to come...yep I know, never happen But Oh, it would make a truly excellent start! Rolleyes Big Grin

Being 'proud to be anti gay & anti transgender' is in fact nothing whatever to be proud of; quite the reverse in fact. I've known a few gay people & they appear to, as far as I can tell, totally lack two heads, or a tail & horns. And in fact are ordinary people much like ourselves; the difference being they are attracted to their own gender, & they're not harming anyone.

(22-03-2023, 09:17 AM)zqwerty Wrote: ‘Under His Wings’: Leaked Emails Reveal an Anti-Trans ‘Holy War’

That is plainly evil, yet they claim to be 'Christians' doing the work of their god. They are idiots - fools who want violent means & they're using their primitive belief system from the first century to  attempt to pass judgement on 21st century society & its people. Dodgy Angry

(21-03-2023, 06:29 PM)Olive Wrote: I will copy here a concise remark from an anonymous Twitter user: 

".....women want their safe spaces back ? dear we have never been safe anywhere , especially in our own homes and on the street. It’s not trans folk we need protection from, it’s MEN . Straight men."

Absolutely!  Exactly!  Yes indeed!

Exactly. And while I've no problem with trans people there sadly are those twisted souls who'll claim to be trans women in order only to gain access to those safe spaces for women.

I'd agree with an earlier post that we need loos specifically for trans people - & while we're at it, trans only sports events as well.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - by Lilith7 - 22-03-2023, 11:05 AM

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