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Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ
(23-03-2023, 10:52 AM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(23-03-2023, 10:11 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Okay, so where does a male transitioned or transitioning into female go to use a toilet? Or to change into gym gear?

The Mens loo? Knowing how aggressive straight men can be I would be strongly advising them to avoid that at all costs.

The reality is, when it comes to safety for women and children, straight men are the obvious danger. And trust me, we know it all too well.
Well I would like to think so, but sadly there is a great deal of pedophiles that are homosexual too. I dont want to be stereotypical here, but I know first hand of victims that took their own lives in the cult I grew up in.
We are talking about filthy old men attacking young boys, and yes the reverse happens too, but its wrong to think that straight men are the "obvious" danger, thats discrimination. The fact is that both straight and homosexual people can be a danger, not one group is any more or less at risk. Of course the cult I belonged to was totally anti-gay and labelled them as pedos which is not the case at all.
Now you can obviously see how this could be an issue for exploitation as discussed earlier when such an attacker may pretend to be trans and exploit these situations?
This cult is also is a registered charity in NZ and allows their hateful homophobic propaganda videos to be shown to their kids.
That is far more concern than this woman who is standing up for womans rights.

(23-03-2023, 10:31 AM)harm_less Wrote: That 'interview' was discraceful. The Sky woman allowed the woman to interject over both the other interviewee and herself. The interviewed woman's manner and lack of respect for the others involved says far more about her than what she is actually saying. Reactionary and antagonistic for reasons of self-promotion it would appear.

I found that guy quite deluded if you ask me.
Anyway, she said in the interview that she doesnt hate trandgender people, she just disagrees that transgender men are a woman. She is 100% correct.
Im all for inclusiveness and respect, but im not happy with the direction things are going.
Castrating boys as she puts it, is the truth and while that sounds harsh, its the reality.
This is the message she is putting out there and remember there are kids that go on to later regret it in life when they are adults. There are plenty of interviews of such ones that are now campaigning against this.
Schools are not the place for educating children on this topic either, leave it to the parents.

Edit: common sense prevails by immigration NZ:
It comes as Immigration NZ (INZ) finalised their review of the controversial anti-trans speaker's entry into the country, saying: “there is no reason to believe that she is, or is likely to be, a threat or risk to the public order or public interest".

I'm surprised at your intolerance CT given that you grew up in that 'cult' that specialised in it and you now recognize all that is bad about it.

The difference here is choice and free will (closely aligned to free speech) - which can be summarised as...

If some bloke wants to be have his knackers knackered, and live his life as a female, then who are you or I to say they can't, by imposing our own beliefs and values upon themselves...

You say you are all for inclusiveness and respect but i'm not seeing a lot of it here. and that lady saying she is only standing up for women's rights is just laughable - many people find it very easy to lie to themselves about their real motivations are, so not surprising...

People usually have two reasons for saying/doing something - the reason that sounds good, and their real reason...
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - by king1 - 23-03-2023, 01:24 PM

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